• 极端干燥沙漠气候壁画最好保存者。

    The extremely arid desert climate is the best preserver of murals.


  • 说:“穿英国靴子适应沙漠气候,这里温度太高,鞋底全。” 收藏。

    The English boots I had on were not desert boots, and the sole on them was coming off because of the heat.


  • 骆驼却恰恰相反沙漠气候下,保暖脂肪越少越好所以,骆驼的脂肪全都集中驼峰上。

    Camels have the opposite problem: Living in hot climates, they want as little heat-trapping insulation as possible, so they concentrate their fat in their humps.


  • 白天酷热夜晚又寒冷沙漠气候,毁了支气管患了严重的哮喘病,腰腿也日益不中用了。

    The hot days and cold nights of the desert hurt his windpipe and lungs and gave him bad asthma. His back and legs were failing too.


  • 发达阿拉伯沙漠气候游牧珍贵的贝都因常常里面住房盗窃保护家庭tent带来的。

    The Arabian developed in a desert climate and was prized by the nomadic Bedouin people, often being brought inside the family tent for shelter and protection from theft.


  • 尼日尔境内550公里世界上最热国家之一北部热带沙漠气候南部热带草原气候

    Niger river in domestic long approximately 550 kilometers, it is one of the world hottest nations, North are subordinate tropics desert climate, south are subordinate savanna climate.


  • 当地农场家族中白日认为是适应图因严酷沙漠气候连续代人都炎热的空气中榨取水分

    Of the local farming families, the Whitesuns were recognized as the most well adapted to the harsh desert climes of Tatooine, having pulled moisture from the parched skies for three generations.


  • 虽然炙热沙漠气候太阳能系统好的工作,但它们效率还是过于低下,且只能满足能量需求很小的一部分。

    And while solar energy systems work moderately well in hot desert climates, they are still inefficient and contribute only a small percentage of the general energy demand.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠虽然干燥,但却是一个高度多样化地区公元前10000年以来经历了重大气候变化

    The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.


  • 一些地区沙漠区域扩张主要当地气候条件趋于干燥结果

    In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions.


  • 外表颇蟹状,拟夜间出没,喜欢温暖干燥气候,常沙漠中发现,当远足野营时应加以预防,尤其是鞋子和毛毯中。

    With a crab-like appearance, scorpions are predatory and often come out at night. Scorpions like warm, dry climates and are often found in deserts.


  • 到了早晨,车窗外的景色换成雨季潮湿绿色低地沙漠的干热气候好像已经被我们远远抛在身后了

    In the morning, the landscape changed into a green, wet lowland watered by the monsoon, and the dry heat of the desert seemed far behind us.


  • 除了班加罗尔这些喷气式飞机沙漠之邦拉贾斯坦邦喜马拉雅山区等不同气候区域内接受测试

    Besides Bangalore, the jets will be tested in different climate zones - in the desert state of Rajasthan and in the Himalayan mountains.


  • 华达沙漠温度趋于极端房东们得自己能耗买单因此管理建筑内气候最终盈亏至关重要

    Temperatures in the Nevada desert tend to extremes and landlords are responsible for energy bills, so managing a building's climate makes a difference to the bottom line.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲人口增长最快地方,人均排放只是美国人均排放的百分之——因此控制人口气候没有多大影响

    Where population is growing fastest, in sub-SaharanAfrica, emissions per person are only a few percent of what they are in theU.S.so population control would have little effect on climate.


  • 他们普遍要求生产出来燃料汽车能够北方冬天沙漠夏天气候环境下不加燃料行驶500公里

    The generally accepted goal is to produce a vehicle that can go 500 kilometres without refuelling while surviving northern winters and desert summers.


  • 国家北部热带气候拥有雨林草原沙漠组成植被

    The northern part of the country, with a tropical climate, has a vegetation consisting of rainforest, woodland, grassland and desert.


  • 阿曼大部分沙漠阿拉伯沿岸佐法尔气候却明显不同

    Much of Oman is desert, but the coast of the Arabian Sea in the Dhofar region represents a startling difference in climate.


  • 亚利桑那大学在研究沙漠植物变化水文效应雨林动态可变气候环境中的植物。

    The University of Arizona is also studying the hydrological effects of desert vegetation changes, and the rainforest dynamics of carbon, oxygen and vegetation in a variable-climate setting.


  • 浓密皮毛机警眼神这种狐狸智利阿塔卡马沙漠寒冷恶劣气候中得以生存

    Lush fur and watchful eyes help this gray fox survive in the harsh, often cold climate of Chile's Atacama Desert, the driest place on Earth.


  • 这个1.1亿人口国家北部沙漠一直延伸南部丛林拥有丰富海岸珊瑚礁特别容易受到气候变化影响

    The country of 110 million people, which stretches from northern deserts to southern jungles and has extensive coral reefs off its shores, is especially vulnerable to climate change.


  • 随着气候变化以及土壤沙漠人类根本上改变地球表面

    With climate change, concrete deserts and agriculture, human beings have fundamentally altered the face of the Earth.


  • 例如气候变化土地开发使用预计加剧世界范围的沙漠增加沙尘暴风险

    For example, it says climate change and land use are expected to increase desertification worldwide, increasing the risk of sand and dust storms.


  • 阿拉伯联盟气候变化顾问,*法蒂玛•爱马拉,说道除非援助国家受到影响没有沙漠问题作文优先考虑

    Fatima el-Malah, a climate change adviser for the Arab League, said despite its impact donor countries have not dealt with desertification as a priority.


  • 欧洲非洲大量寒冷地区沙漠荒原对于气候更加敏感我们发现这些地区战争对于气候变冷较高相关系数。

    Europe and Africa have either large cold areas or desert areas relatively vulnerable to cooling, and we find that warfare there is highly correlated with the temperature anomalies.


  • 大规模太阳能装置通常安装阳光充足气候干燥沙漠地区,太阳能电池板上会被风吹上层层灰尘

    Large scale solar installations are usually in sunny, dry desert areas where winds can deposit layers of dust over the solar panels.


  • 专家警告说迅速增长人口气候变化加速地区沙漠

    Experts warn burgeoning populations, climate change are accelerating desertification in region.


  • 专家警告说迅速增长人口气候变化加速地区沙漠

    Experts warn burgeoning populations, climate change are accelerating desertification in region.


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