• 博士巴塞尔社会经济协会合作网络会长,他同时是未来贫困组织的理事

    Dr. Wallimann is president of the Social Economy Association and Network Cooperative Basel and serves on the board of Future Without Poverty, Inc.


  • 他们手头证据无法证明迷走神经动物之间的关系至关重要,比如布拉博士同事至今还知道起作用的明确机制

    Beyond their evidence that the vagus nerve is crucial to the relationship, for example, Dr Bravo and his colleagues do not yet know the precise mechanisms at work.


  • 针对父母的一对一访谈中,埃尔·格尼博士队员询问父亲每天花费多少小时陪伴自己的孩子

    During interviews conducted individually with mothers and fathers, Dr Alvergne and her team asked questions about how many hours a day fathers spent with their children.


  • 通过恒星脉冲调制观察,西尔·博士推断此恒星周围有一围绕运转的行星。

    By looking for changes in this pulsing of the star, Dr Silvotti deduced that a planet was orbiting it.


  • 巴特博士讲述一名从出生便数学障碍年轻人查尔斯故事

    Dr Butterworth tells the story of Charles, a young man with lifelong mathematical difficulties.


  • 2000年时,公爵大学肿瘤放射科一位教授Randy Jirtle博士学生罗伯特·特兰设计了一项具有突破性遗传实验

    Back in 2000, Randy Jirtle, a professor of radiation oncology at Duke University, and his postdoctoral student Robert Waterland designed a groundbreaking genetic experiment that was simplicity itself.


  • 洛·斯曼,博士人类学家,供职于乔治亚州亚特兰大市默里大学

    Carol Worthman, PhD, an anthropologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.


  • 莱斯利.博士英国癌症研究员,认为诊断患者而言极为重要的,越诊断疾病治疗成功几率高。

    Dr Lesley Walker, of Cancer Research UK, said it was incredibly important to spot the disease as soon as possible when it was easier to treat successfully.


  • 然而蜂群并不上去那么快乐也是代尔先生——这位昆虫博士货真价实的蜜蜂大夫——来到此地原因

    But the bees are not as happy as they sound, which is why Mr Wardell, who has a PhD in entomology and is a DE facto bee doctor, is here.


  • 博士及其同事发现海洋物种数越多,对于人类过度捕捞活动恢复能力更强。

    Dr Wormand his colleagues discovered that the more species an ocean regionhas, the more robustly it seems to cope with overexploitation.


  • 儿科专家托尼·特斯顿博士提醒我们如果不采取措施减少我们足迹”,除了极地冰层,我们的健康付出沉重代价

    But while the iconic images might be of the polar ice caps melting, paediatrician Dr Tony Waterston warns there will also be a devastating human health cost unless we reduce our carbon footprint.


  • 马歇尔博士博士研究肯定人们的日常生活有所影响

    The work of Dr Marshall and Dr Warren has certainly had an effect on everyday life.


  • 事实上1950年当博士合作发现DNA双螺旋结构时候,他的断言的确有一定的道理。

    In truth, Dr Watson, co-discoverer of the double-helical structure of DNA back in the 1950s, had a point.


  • 考特博士讲道,发达地区民众无力承担许多昂贵医疗检测的费用。

    She said many medical diagnostic tests are too expensive for people in poorer areas of the world to afford.


  • 瑞奇博士博士100只生于西非野生曾今野生黑猩猩身上收集疟原虫,并测定其DNA序列得到这个结论

    To reach their conclusion, Dr Rich and Dr Wolfe studied the DNA sequences of malarial parasites collected from nearly 100 wild or formerly wild chimpanzees born in central and west Africa.


  • 世卫组织特仁博士,怀特赛兹教授的“芯片”湿热气候下可能会产生变形,对于人们来说由于要医生分析检测结果从而对症治疗所以看大夫仍然很重要

    Vercauteren, of the WHO, said the paper may mold in humid, hot climates. And it's still important for people to get access to doctors so they know what to do about their diagnoses, she said.


  • 总是盼望星期天唱诗班活动,那里,我可以盯着博士那光秃秃后脑勺,从头尾地随着学习旧约《新约》。

    I looked forward to my Sundays in the choir loft of the church, looking at the back of Dr. Vaught's bald head and following along in my Bible, as he taught us through the Old and New Testaments.


  • 若森博士通过对于超声波治疗手腕骨伤研究作为骨伤的治疗可以加速愈合

    As for what might speed healing, Dr. Rosenwasser mentioned a study that indicates a slight acceleration of healing with ultrasonic stimulation in the treatment of wrist fractures.


  • 博士认为这种事情经常发生并称为病毒颤振

    Dr Wolfe believes this sort of thing happens all the time. He calls it viral chatter.


  • 泰迪·肯尼迪、埃德·穆斯基、或者特·蒙代尔这个级别政界名流缺少资金时候,波斯特博士就是他们要去拜访的地方之一

    They had one of the houses that people such as Teddy Kennedy and Ed Muskie and Walter Mondale made visits to when they were short of funds.


  • 博士特别提到,对于那些对药物本上瘾灵长类动物来说大脑内部D2受体减少使它们产生可卡因强迫性使用。

    Primates that aren't predisposed to addiction will become compulsive users of cocaine as the number of D2 receptors declines in their brains, Dr. Volkow noted.


  • 精神研究中心养育专家玛丽·哈特威尔·博士可以帮助父母们顺利渡过这个转变时期,从而使孩子们的失望受伤害的可能性降低最小程度

    Psych Central's parenting expert Dr. Marie Hartwell-Walker will help you get through this transition to help keep your child's disappointment and hurt to a minimum.


  • 若森博士通过对于超声波治疗手腕骨伤研究作为骨伤的治疗可以加速愈合

    As for what might speed healing, Dr.Rosenwasser mentioned a study that indicates a slight acceleration of healing with ultrasonic stimulation in the treatment of wrist fractures.


  • 若森博士通过对于超声波治疗手腕骨伤研究作为骨伤的治疗可以加速愈合

    As for what might speed healing, Dr.Rosenwasser mentioned a study that indicates a slight acceleration of healing with ultrasonic stimulation in the treatment of wrist fractures.


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