• 持续有一阵子赛跑sportscars,然后退休了加利福尼亚汽车恢复爱好成为赚钱事务小山愉快地被安定安静家务生活

    He continued racing sportscars for a while, then retired to California, where his car restoration hobby became a lucrative business and Hill happily settled into a life of quiet domesticity.


  • 国际商业时报》报道,随着大众汽车公司排放丑闻恢复元气电动汽车销量有望增加

    According to the International Business Times, electric car sales are expected to increase as Volkswagen is still recovering from its emissions scandal.


  • 美国希望韩国对于进口汽车放松排放标准,同时恢复更为广泛地进口美国牛肉

    The U.S. wants South Korea to relax auto emission standards for imported vehicles and to resume wider imports of American beef.


  • 因此丰田公司最早于周一早上恢复广州汽车工厂的生产。

    The resumption should allow Toyota to resume work at its Guangzhou vehicle plants 'as early as Monday morning,' he said.


  • 新泽西运输公司全副恢复公交服务,不过表示顾客做好火车汽车滞后的准备。

    New Jersey Transit was set to restore its bus service and said customers should brace for rail and road delays.


  • 另一方面,丰田日产美国经销商通告:最快7月或是9月),汽车的运送才能恢复正常

    Toyota and Nissan have told their American dealers that deliveries of cars will not be back to normal until July at best, maybe September.


  • 劳斯莱斯汽车生产完全是基于订单幻影(Phantom帆布敞篷车双门跑车生产5周的停产之后刚刚恢复每周制造25

    Rolls-Royces are built entirely to order and production of the Phantom and its drophead and coupé derivatives has just resumed at a rate of 25 a week after a five-week halt.


  • Kearney汽车轻型卡车销量去年的一千一百六十万回升今年的一千三百二十万辆,2013年则恢复衰退前的水平大约一千六百万辆。

    Kearney said sales will rise to 13.2 million cars and light trucks this year, from 11.6 million last year, and will approach pre-recession levels of about 16 million by 2013.


  • CTSCorp .组装油门踏板正在运往丰田生产厂,它们这些工厂恢复生产安装在丰田的汽车卡车上

    Newly produced gas pedals assembled by CTS Corp., the supplier of the faulty pedals, are being shipped to Toyota's plants and will be installed in cars and trucks when production restarts.


  • 去年MGRover倒闭今年4月Peugeot关闭英国工厂以后评估师认为努力恢复汽车行业已经开始没落。

    The review has unnerved an industry that is trying to regain its composure after the collapse last year of MG Rover and the announcement in April that Peugeot would close its English plant.


  • 汽车销售量萧条时期下跌了40%,现在由于汽车生产量提高,销售量也恢复下跌量的一半以上

    Sales, down 40% during the recession, have recovered more than half that drop, in line with the recovery in car production.


  • 通用汽车公司底特律经济衰退中恢复过来,每个人都应该为此感到高兴。

    Everybody should be glad that General Motors and the rest of Detroit have recovered from the recession.


  • 遭殃汽车制造商没有把那些困境中的银行列为系统性的威胁然而他们恢复健康仍然所有发达经济体看作是至关重要的。

    Stricken carmakers do not rank with stricken Banks as systemic threats; but restoring them to health is still regarded as vital by almost every big, advanced economy.


  • 为了解决星期五地震海啸后期问题,日本最大汽车厂商们声明将继续停止生产至少要到本周三恢复生产。

    Japan's biggest carmakers said they were suspending production at their domestic plants until at least Wednesday to cope with the after-effects of Friday's earthquake and tsunami.


  • 结果就是这个不等方程式阻碍美国汽车销售恢复以前顶峰,”这份报告

    The result is an unsustainable equation that may prevent the U.S. sales top line from returning to prior peaks," the report said.


  • 汽车制造商年初被迫降价清空代价高昂存货现在随着库存水平稳定,他们又可以恢复打折前的价格了。

    Carmakers that had to slash prices to get rid of costly inventory at the turn of the year may now be in a position to revert to pre-discount prices as inventory levels stabilize.


  • 威尔请求里士满破产法院对待通用汽车公司一样清理债务之后允许博物馆重组恢复运作

    Mr Wilder is asking the bankruptcy court in Richmond to allow his museum to reorganise and resume operations after sorting out its debts, much as General Motors was allowed to do.


  • 停止折扣计划运营不良通用汽车恢复元气所作出部分努力。

    Scrapping the discounts was part of ailing GM's efforts to cure itself.


  • 一对萨博希望作为一个秩序一丝使能够支付工资供应商恢复制造汽车

    There is a glimmer of hope for Saab as a big new order will enable it to pay wages and suppliers and resume making cars.


  • 不过日本汽车制造商以前接受灾难的洗礼,而且有成功从灾难中恢复的经验。

    But Japanese automakers have been tested by catastrophe before and successfully recovered.


  • 印度汽车销量回升,捷豹陆虎订单数量有的适度恢复,也有助于近期信心提升。

    This new-found confidence was helped by the buoyancy of Tata's car sales in India, and a modest recovery of orders at JLR.


  • 为了重新启动汽车销售丰田计划2月8日前汽车经销商发运油门踏板的维修配件一天上述八种被召回汽车恢复生产

    To get sales restarted, Toyota plans to ship the repair parts to dealers by Feb. 8, when production of the eight recalled models also will resume.


  • 为了重新启动汽车销售丰田计划2月8日前汽车经销商发运油门踏板的维修配件一天上述八种被召回汽车恢复生产

    To get sales restarted, Toyota plans to ship the repair parts to dealers by Feb. 8, when production of the eight recalled models also will resume.


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