• 瑞士电力自动化巨头ABB 公司产品,ABB 公司本月汉诺威贸易推出了款产品。

    It's a creation of ABB, the Swiss power and automation giant, which introduced it early this month at the Hannover trade show.


  • 汉诺威于1886年并入普鲁士

    Hanover was incorporated into Prussia in 1886.


  • 罗伯特科效力于德国汉诺威俱乐部

    Robert Enke played for the German club Hannover.


  • 汉诺威家族最后一个不列颠君主

    She was the last British monarch of the House of Hanover.


  • 汉诺威正确的关于过去40

    Hannover is right about the past 40 years.


  • 周三汉诺威新闻发布会将会披露更多细节

    A press conference in Hanover on Wednesday will reveal more details.


  • 汉诺威大学网站既有英文版又有德语版。

    This is the website of University of Hannover , which is both in English and in German.


  • 科学家们正在德国汉诺威医学院做着美西麻醉和解剖实验

    Axolotl salamanders are now going under the knife - while anaesthetised - in experiments at the Hanover Medical School in Germany.


  • 大批球迷汉诺威球场门口献花纪念这位2004年加盟队长

    Fans flocked to Hannover's stadium and were laying flowers and lighting candles at the gates in memory of their captain, who had been with the club since 2004.


  • 确定能够很快适应汉诺威并且希望能够那里取得成功

    I'm sure he will quickly fit in in Hanover and we wish him lots of sporting success.


  • 汉诺威再保险公司2010年蒙受的灾难损失所获得的保险金总额了21%。

    Hannover re experienced catastrophe losses in 2010 that were 21% higher than the amount it took in on premiums.


  • 松树汉诺威达特茅斯酒店提供客房服务早上6:30下午10每天

    PINE and Hanover Inn Dartmouth offer room service from 6:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. daily.


  • 对阵汉诺威马竞比赛中,范佩西进攻主火力点,处于支援位置的特纳担任副攻。

    Against Hannover and Atlético, Robin van Persie was the focal point of the attack – he was preferred to Nicklas Bendtner, who played in one of the support roles.


  • 穿过的火车距离恩科在汉诺威不远在事发现场不远处发现没有上锁钱包座位上

    The train crossing was not far from Enke's Hannover home. His car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat.


  • 如今注视的双眸,依然第一次进入我的视线,汉诺威广场咖啡馆里

    But as I gaze into your eyes now, it seems like only yesterday that I first saw you, in that small cafe in Hanover Square.


  • 比如美国化学银行制造商汉诺威银行合并时,这家银行的员工他们未来表示合理的担忧。

    For example, when the Chemical and manufacturers Hanover Banks agreed to merge several years ago, employees at both Banks were justifiably concerned about their futures.


  • 几年之后发现自己又开始东家工作——原来汉诺威选帝侯摇身一变成了英王乔治一世。

    A few years later he found himself working for his old boss again when the elector of Hanover became king George I.


  • 但是,自今年9月份汉诺威出现行业最大的一笔交易,卡车司机靴子又踩在了油门上。

    But at the industry's biggest trade show in Hanover in September the truckers put their boots back on the throttle.


  • 恩克这个沉着、安静、实际的男人-可能汉诺威96俱乐部历史上最好守门员-不在我们身边了。

    Enke, a calm, quiet, down to earth guy who was probably the best keeper Hannover 96 had guarding their goal in the club's history was no longer amongst us.


  • 6月21日捷克布拉格汉诺威动物园里一只雌性河马Maruska正凝视着婴儿宝宝

    Female hippo Maruska looks at her baby in their enclosure at the zoo in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 21.


  • 在这里汉诺威承担一个催化剂角色将会使各国容易两个国家建立自己各自国家市场

    Here, HANNOVER MESSE assumes the role of a catalyst which will make it easier for countries from both countries to establish themselves in the respective national market.


  • 这个故事结局很悲惨医生冠以叛国罪处死,卡罗琳马蒂尔德被流放到英国君主制度祖先家乡汉诺威

    The story ended badly, with the good doctor put to death as a traitor and Caroline Mathilde exiled to Hanover, the British monarchy's ancestral home.


  • 开始20分钟汉诺威路上的进攻看上去更好而且西斯17分钟发动了提醒式的射门

    In the first 20 minutes Hannover looked the better side and Mathis fire a first warning shot after 17 minutes.


  • 只有汉诺威王朝时期王权急剧衰落、议会主权地位确立后,早期内阁制才完成了责任内阁制的转变

    It only in Hanover Dynasty when the royal power declined rapidly and the sovereignty of the Parliament was consolidated that the earlier cabinet had transformed to responsible cabinet.


  • 第一阶段计划2013年完工地铁线路哈莱姆第125号大街延伸曼哈顿下城的汉诺威广场共计16个新站

    The first phase should be completed by 2013, and the line will eventually extend from Harlem's 125th Street to Lower Manhattan's Hanover Square, with 16 new stations.


  • 欧洲股市全面下跌,保险股跌幅居前,其中,瑞士再保险、汉诺威再保险慕尼黑再保险全线下挫,德国和法国股市下滑1%。

    On the Continent large reinsurers such as Swiss Re, Hannover Re and Munich Re were all down, with bourses in Germany and France sliding by around 1pc.


  • 周前诊断出患有细菌性肠胃炎,因此缺阵个月不过上周日汉诺威2 - 2战平汉堡的比赛中,重新登场。

    Enke had been diagnosed with a bacterial stomach virus several weeks ago and did not play for Hannover for two months, although he reappeared for Sunday's 2-2 draw with Hamburg.


  • 有189个国家57个国际组织参展,轻而易举打破2000年德国汉诺威世博会保持的177个国家和国际组织参展的纪录

    189 countries and 57 international organizations participated in the Expo, breaking the record held by 2000's Hanover Expo in Germany, which attracted 177 countries and international organizations.


  • 此外球队拥有堪称是德国最好守门员之一的门将罗伯特-克。 由此可以看出,一个更加美好新赛季正在向汉诺威队招手。

    In Robert Enke, Hanover also have arguably the best of a crop of very good goalkeepers in Germany and this looks set to be an even better year for the club.


  • 此外球队拥有堪称是德国最好守门员之一的门将罗伯特-克。 由此可以看出,一个更加美好新赛季正在向汉诺威队招手。

    In Robert Enke, Hanover also have arguably the best of a crop of very good goalkeepers in Germany and this looks set to be an even better year for the club.


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