• 随着大量通过蒸发抽离,形式沉淀形成冰川海洋同位素比率就发生了变化

    The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice.


  • 根据记忆往复地变化湖泊海洋里变成蒸气然后——也就是的形式落下变成

    From what I remember, water changes back and forth from water in lakes and oceans to vapor, and then back to water again when it falls as rain or snow, as precipitation.


  • 记住沙子都会反射太阳光,这使得抹防晒霜更为重要

    Remember that sand, water and snow reflect sunlight and make it even more important to use sunscreen.


  • 每天清扫复印报纸修剪草坪,还卖柠檬

    I swept out a printing office daily, sold newspapers, shoveled snow, cut grass, and sold lemonade.


  • 来自于储藏地下

    Water is collected from rain or snowfall and stored in large underground cisterns.


  • 海冰融化时刚刚暴露出来的光线的吸收作用大于反射作用,不那样,对光线更多的是反射作用。

    When sea ice melts, the newly exposed dark water absorbs radiation rather than reflecting it, as snow or ice would.


  • 反射了大概超过90%左太阳能量然而,附着冰层上方烟尘加热下方冰层,将他们融化成

    Snow and ice normally reflects much of the sun's energy — up to 90 percent — back the way it came. But a layer of soot on top of the ice will absorb the sunlight, warm the ice beneath, and melt it.


  • 太阳出来,必然融化不变留下的是如雨精魂人们心中是存在

    The sun, snow must melt, but she is unchanged, leaving the water, the essence of soul on the rain, it still exists in people's minds.


  • 一般的降地表渗透至地下,包括()和来自湖泊溪流

    Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams.


  • 可是孩子不见了,已经化成了。

    But snow-boy has disappeared, he has melted into water.


  • 高温意思就是说海洋会有更多蒸发,也就是说量也会增多包括

    Higher temperatures mean that more water will evaporate from the oceans, which means more precipitation, including snow.


  • 世界某些地区春天日子暖和,消融渗透地里江河

    In some parts of the world, days become warmer in spring and the snow melts. The water seeps into the ground and flows into streams and rivers.


  • 环保组织忧虑使用大量能源

    Environmental groups are concerned about the use of large amounts of energy and water to make snow at ski areas.


  • 阳光经过沙漠反射之后可以增加紫外线辐射增加眼部损伤(白内障)的危险性

    Sunlight reflecting off snow, sand, or water further increases exposure to UV radiation, increasing your risk of developing eye problems such as cataracts.


  • 内部被挤出,以冰火形式向外喷撒,“熔岩立即被冻结微小冰晶一样落到这个月亮表面

    Water gushes from Charon 's deep interior, spewing forth in icy volcanoes, the "lava" freezing instantly into tiny ice crystals and snowing down to the moon's surface.


  • 形成需要低温一些灰尘

    Making snow requires water, cold temperatures and some dust particles.


  • 叫做机器混合压缩空气管子池塘输送枪。

    A machine called a snow gun mixes cooled water and compressed air. A pipe carries water into the gun from a lake or pond.


  • 埃迪。克姨妈着克兰家几个孩子常常还有到处——有时电影,有时公园游泳池子里的来自天然泉眼,冰冷彻骨

    Edie Crane's Aunt Dan took the Crane kids, and often me, everywhereto the movies, to Snow Springs Park to swim in a pool fed by very cold spring-water, and to Whittington Park to play miniature golf.


  • 回头时他们排着队穿过墙迷宫间小沟一下就变凉一点

    Back through the maze of ice-walled trenches went the procession. With every sloshing step the water cooled.


  • 蒸气形态存在

    Water exists in the form of ice, snow, steam, etc.


  • 其他物质未加包括天然人造矿泉

    Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured; ice and snow.


  • 形成包含大量细小冰粒被称作这些晶体寒冷云层中的滴形成。

    Snow is a form of frozen water. It contains many groups of tiny ice particles called snow crystals. These crystals grow from water particles in cold clouds.


  • 研究人员们提出稀薄可能已经年夜或者进入地面而且可能已经轮回天色转变时代发生过渗流

    Researchers propose that the thin films of water may have entered the ground from frost or snow, and the seepage could have happened during cyclical climate changes.


  • 血余、鸡毛、鸡毛提取12种无机离子含量进行定量分析

    The content of 12 Inorganic ions including Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, As, Se were quantitatively analysed in extract fluid of Xueyutan, fowl feather and Tibetan Snow Cock′s feather.


  • 血余、鸡毛、鸡毛提取12种无机离子含量进行定量分析

    The content of 12 Inorganic ions including Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, As, Se were quantitatively analysed in extract fluid of Xueyutan, fowl feather and Tibetan Snow Cock′s feather.


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