• 土壤收支正平衡,入渗雨量的大部分(>80%)为强烈蒸发蒸腾所消耗

    In rainy year, soil water storage increased, but most infiltrated rainfall (more than 80%) was consumed by intensive evapotranspiration.


  • 模型应用威海市灌溉示范区,得出其平水年(50%)、一般干旱(75%)两种资源联合调配方案

    The coupled model is applied in water saving irrigation region, Weihai city, Shandong province. The irrigation region optimal operation schemes of normal (50%)and dry(75%) years are computed.


  • 然而20世纪80代后期一些科学家在美国西部华达探索魔鬼基本上一个广阔的充满洞穴,并且远离海洋

    However, in the late 1980s, some scientists were exploring Devil' s Hole, which is basically an extensive water-filled cave, far from the ocean, in Nevada2, in the western United States.


  • 几千人们利用驾驶船只移动

    For thousands of years, people have used the wind to sail boats and move water.


  • 我们讨论3040亿地球火星液态存在地质证据

    We were discussing the geological evidence of liquid water on Earth and Mars three to four billion years ago.


  • 考虑到人类这些生态系统一部分可能听说过资源短缺可能会限制可以使用多少特别是近些夏天时候

    Consider humans as part of these ecosystems, you've probably heard about water shortages or restrictions on how much water you can use, especially in the summer time, in recent years.


  • 在这里可能形式储存数百甚至数十万然后再形式释放液态系统中。

    Here water may be stored in ice form for hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of years before being released again into the liquid water system as meltwater.


  • 其中一个毁坏物建于18世纪30风琴据说逃过大火却因受到严重损坏。

    One casualty of this was The Great Organ constructed in the 1730s, which was said to have escaped the flames but been significantly damaged by water.


  • 鸭子大量地方觅食繁殖鸟类几十由于干旱它们栖息地一直在缩小

    Ducks are birds that feed and breed in areas where there is a lot of water, but their habitats have been shrinking in recent decades because of the droughts.


  • 1995伽利略号太空船捕捉到关于木星大气层数据——数据中心缺少大部分预测大气挑战了关于木星结构的主流理论

    In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiters atmosphere—namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric waterthat challenged prevailing theories about Jupiters structure.


  • 1995伽利略号宇宙飞船捕捉到了木星大气数据——也就是说大部分预测到大气存在——挑战了关于木星结构的主流理论

    In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiter's atmospherenamely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric waterthat challenged prevailing theories about Jupiter's structure.


  • 韦布印第安人预留从1848优先于其他公民权,这一韦布洛村落必须视为保留地

    The reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations.


  • 奥林匹克号轮船率先于1910紧接着是1911泰坦尼克号最后是1914大不列颠号。

    The Olympic launched first in 1910, followed by the Titanic in 1911, and lastly the Britannic in 1914.


  • 2004,两个名为“勇气号”和“机遇号”的探测器或“漫游者”被派去寻找的迹象。

    In 2004, two robot explorers, or 'rovers', called Spirit and Opportunity were sent to look for signs of water.


  • 随着人们的取用速度超过补给速度,到2005原本蜿蜒深邃至库容能力的33%。

    As people’s demands on the river outpaced the rate of recharge, the deep, meandering reservoir dropped to only 33 percent of capacity in 2005.


  • 有了这个新的灌溉系统后,供的他们种三了。

    But with this new irrigation system, it helps bring enough water for them to grow three crops a year.


  • 因为萨那可能会是世界上第一个用光大城市

    Because Sana could be the first big city in the world to run out of water, within a decade.


  • 预计未来回收业务翻两番。

    He expects his recycling business to quadruple in the next decade.


  • 他们现在需要一半,就能生产一样多的乙醇

    They now use about half as much water per gallon of ethanol as they did a decade ago.


  • 纯净可能只是相对的说法。2009以前联邦监管机构并未要求瓶装去除大肠杆菌。

    And "fresh" can be a relative term. Before 2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. coli.


  • 引进一个可交易权利需要几十别说大多数贫困国家进行市场定价

    But it will take decades to introduce a system of tradable water rights, let alone market pricing, in most poor countries.


  • ,甘一个灰尘乱飞的穷乡僻壤世界最大响尾蛇聚集地而著称

    Ten years ago Sweetwater was a dusty backwater best known for having the world’s largest rattlesnake round-up (see article).


  • 方案活动大部分资金来自依照《清洁法》2010英国石油公司泄漏进行的罚款,这笔罚款是美国历史上最重的一次。

    Its activities would be funded in large part by Clean Water act penalties stemming from the BP spill in 2010, the biggest in the nation's history.


  • 项目启动利用自来私人式厕所家庭数量已经平均增长了10%,但是卫生行为没有任何改变

    Three years after programme initiation, the number of households using piped water and private pit latrines had increased by 10% on average, but no changes in hygiene-related behaviour had occurred.


  • 沙特阿拉伯需求25增长了500%,在未来20内还要翻一番,与此同时,对电力的需求则增长10%。

    Saudi Arabian water demand has increased by 500% in 25 years and is expected to double again in 20 years - as power demand surges as much as 10% a year.


  • 2009以前联邦监管机构并未要求瓶装去除大肠杆菌。

    Before 2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. coli.


  • 自来步”战略- - -包括淡化回收进口,这使得新加坡公共事业局赢得国际美誉包括2007斯德哥尔摩工业

    A "four tap" strategy — which includes desalinated, recycled, rain and imported water — has won the PUB an outpouring of international praise, including the Stockholm Industry water Award in 2007.


  • 经常不干净的简便桶装价格比前高出

    Jerry cans of water, which is often filthy, cost four times more than a year ago.


  • 经常不干净的简便桶装价格比前高出

    Jerry cans of water, which is often filthy, cost four times more than a year ago.


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