• 这种可以减少水分流失土壤侵蚀

    The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion.


  • 出汗不但包括水分流失,还包括电解质流失

    Sweating involves losses of electrolytes as well as water.


  • 说:““随着冻土消融,土壤失去吸水能力,会有更多的水分流失,退化就更严重。

    "As the permafrost melts, the land loses its capacity to absorb water," Xin said.


  • 运动员们一些其他人进行激烈运动最有可能因为排汗导致身体水分流失

    Athletes and those individuals who are doing vigorous activities are more likely to become dehydrated due to fluid loss from perspiration.


  • 鳄梨、澳洲坚果玫瑰防止水分流失增强肌肤弹性使肌肤光滑柔软

    Avocado, Macadamia and Rose Hip oils guard against moisture loss, improve skin elasticity and leave it feeling smooth and supple.


  • 活化肌肤代谢暗沉色素抗老化自由基促进细胞再生防止角质水分流失

    It can improve the skin's metabolism and repair your skin's dull color, also anti-aging free radicals and to promote cell regeneration and prevent dry skin.


  • 假如蛋糕冷却后冰冻可以减少蛋糕的水分流失预防变质,从而延长保质期。

    If a cake has been iced after it has cooled, that can help increase its shelf-life by cutting down on moisture loss and preventing it from going stale.


  • 假如蛋糕冷却后冰冻能够减少蛋糕的水分流失预防变质,从而延长保质期。

    If a cake has been iced after it has cooled, that can help increase its shelf-life by cutting down on moisture loss and preventing it from going stale.


  • 农民如果使用肥料他们需要很少雨水这种可以减少水分流失土壤侵蚀

    Farmers say they need less rainwater if they use fertilizer trees. The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion.


  • 添加霍霍、澳洲坚果油,使肌肤表面形成层保鲜膜,防止水分流失保持润泽水凝一整天

    Added with jojoba oil and macadamia oil, it can form a protective film on the skin surface to prevent water loss and keep the skin moist all day long.


  • 硅胶扮演者皮肤保护层的角色可以减少水分流失帮助增加胶原蛋白活性从而使疤痕硬度降低淡化。

    Silicon acts as a protective barrier to the skin that reduces trans-epidural water loss and helps to increase collagenase activity which reduces the hardening and raised appearance of scars.


  • 山梨醇维生素原b 5密集保湿属性同时保护进一步水分流失眼睛周围皮肤极其精细的。

    Sorbitol and provitamin B5 have intensive moisturizing properties and also protect the extremely fine skin around the eyes area from further moisture loss.


  • 而且水分流失过多会导致血量下降,这回造成连锁反应更少血液流入大脑头痛更加严重。

    Also, more water loss causes your blood volume to drop, which then creates the end to the chain reaction where less blood flows to the brain and you then get an even bigger headache.


  • 充分清洁发根发梢独特蚕丝精华发丝表面形成保护膜减少来自外部环境伤害,减少水分流失

    Clean hair and hair root, fully, unique in the hair surface formation of silk extract from external environment protective, reduce the harm that reduce water loss.


  • 大气高密度二氧化碳使某些地区植物有效利用(它们进行光合作用水分流失更少)。

    Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may make plants use water more efficiently in some parts of the world (they will lose less moisture during photosynthesis).


  • 热浪来袭时,死亡率猛烈升高主要是因为人们没有摄入足够水分弥补增加水分流失,”莫恩说

    "Mortality increases sharply during heat waves, mostly because people don't drink enough to compensate for their increased fluid losses, " Maughan said.


  • 他们反倒认为指纹有可能防止指尖水分流失使得我们皮肤更易吸收水分,从而保护皮肤防止起水泡

    Instead, they think our prints might help wick water off our fingertips or allow our skin to stretch more easily, which can protect it from damage and help prevent blisters.


  • 肯尼亚东部基图伊,尘土弥漫的田地里,农民学着建造小型环形土坝,以此控制水量减缓水分流失

    In a dusty field in Kitui, eastern Kenya, farmers are being taught how to construct small, semi-circular barriers of earth that control the flow of water, slowing its run-off.


  • 水分流失速率”,位于马萨诸塞的Natick美国陆军环境医学研究所Michael Sawka

    "It depends on the rate of water loss," says Michael Sawka at the us Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick, Massachusetts.


  • 独特舒缓配方放松眼部肌肤改善水肿以及眼圈现象。有效补充水分,并防止水分流失缓解眼部缺水状态。

    The special soothing formula can relax the eye skin, improve the edema and black eye, effectively replenish skin with moisture, avoid loss of moisture and ease the eye skin's lack of moisture.


  • 所有都会自己变的更减少水分流失而受益但是自然选择却驱使它们向上生长和其他植物竞争获得更多阳光

    All trees would benefit from sticking to a pact to stay small, but natural selection drives them ever upward in search of the light that their competitors also seek.


  • 全天候的锁住水分使肌肤长时间的保持滋润,有效隔离紫外线辐射空气中的尘埃,防止水分流失和色素沉积,淡化色斑,抗氧化,使皮肤更润光滑

    It can retain water all the day, close off ultraviolet radiation and atomy in the air, control melanin forming, prevent oxidation and make skin white and soft.


  • 水平沟能够显著拦蓄径流,减少土壤冲刷养分流失提高土壤水分利用率,进而提高作物单产。

    Leves trench tillage can retain runoff, decrease soil wash and nutrient loss, increase utilization rate of soil water, and further increase crops yield.


  • 结果表明土壤侵蚀造成表层耕作土壤的物理性能下降养分流失水分入渗能力降低

    The results show that the soil erosion on slope not only bring about soil nutrients lost, but also cause the soil physical property damaged, soil infiltration capability weakened.


  • 结果表明土壤侵蚀造成表层耕作土壤的物理性能下降养分流失水分入渗能力降低

    The results show that the soil erosion on slope not only bring about soil nutrients lost, but also cause the soil physical property damaged, soil infiltration capability weakened.


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