• 然后这些装置将氢合成这个过程释放电力

    These devices then combine hydrogen and oxygen to make water and liberate electricity in the process.


  • 太阳带电粒子地球上层大气相撞促使原子获得能量然后极光形式释放出来。

    Auroras occur when charged particles from the sun collide with Earth's upper atmosphere, causing atoms of oxygen and nitrogen to gain energy and then release it in the form of light.


  • 其他能源车一样Riversimple Ur banCar (RUC)采用燃料电池电池来自空气的氢和进行混合释放能量除了不排放任何有害物质。

    Like other hydrogen cars, the Riversimple Urban car (RUC) is powered by a fuel cell that combines hydrogen with oxygen from the air to release energy and nothing more toxic than water.


  • 这种情况发生原因身体机能接触后产生的副产物自由基释放,自由基一类具有高活性分子人体具有巨大的威胁。

    This happens because of exposure to free radicals, highly reactive molecules that are byproducts of bodily functions involving oxygen (which is just about all of them).


  • 破伤风传播途径不是人,而是性破伤风杆菌释放的有毒物质造成

    Tetanus is not transmitted person to person but is caused by a toxin released by the anaerobic tetanus bacillus Clostridium tetani.


  • 这个复杂生化过程中饮食中的卡路里结合释放身体正常活动所需能量

    During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function.


  • 在渗滤液释放附近河道之前,必须得它们符合严格标准其中包括重金属以及任何化学物最大指标,它们都很可能导致元素损耗

    Before it can be released back into the nearby watercourses it has to meet stringent standards, including maximum levels of ammonia, heavy metals and any chemicals that might cause oxygen depletion.


  • 糖尿病相关血管受损条件下,眼部供应受限VEGF(血管内皮生长因子)释放出来。

    Vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, is released when the oxygen supply in the eye is restricted by blood vessel damage related to diabetes.


  • 地面植被加热一定程度会释放气体其中有些气体是不能燃烧,因为它们周围没有足够

    The vegetation on the ground heats up enough to release gas, but some of the gas can't combust, because it doesn't have enough oxygen around it.


  • 但是运动使得肌肉细胞代谢葡萄糖原子结合能量释放

    But exercise makes the muscle cells metabolize glucose, by combining its carbon atoms with oxygen and extracting the energy that is released.


  • 线粒体糖分分解地方并且在此分发生作用释放细胞需要能量

    Mitochondria are the places where sugar is broken down and reacted with oxygen to release the energy needed to power a cell.


  • 这种化合物通过释放实现循环主要依靠细菌以及一些菌类活动

    The release of the carbon in these compounds for recycling depends almost entirely on the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and certain types of fungi.


  • 结果表明,厌培养条件下不同土壤有效释放不同。

    The results showed that the release of available phosphate was different in different slurries.


  • 目的观察流感病毒小鼠灌流免疫细胞释放自由基水平影响药物调节作用。

    Objective:To study on effect of influenza virus on reactive oxygen species level release from immunocytes in perfusion liquid from mouse's lung and regulation of drugs.


  • 快速老化自由基释放引起

    This rapid aging process is caused by the release of free oxygen radicals.


  • 其中中性粒细胞肺内集,释放蛋白酶自由基等毒性物质重要发病机制

    Among various inflammatory mediators neutrophil is thought to be a major pathogenesis by accumulation in distal airway and secreting elastase and oxygen-free radicals.


  • 类化合物通过释放来使成为事实循环主要依靠细菌以及一些菌类的勾当。

    The release of the carbon in these compounds for recycling depends almost entirely on the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and certain types of fungi.


  • 结果表明河道水质净化后通过引水使河道保持一定溶解有效抑制沉积物中有机物氨氮污染物的释放

    The result showed that, after the river water was purified, release of organic, ammonia etc can be inhabited by drawing fresh water or aeration to improve DO concentration in river.


  • 包装。在受控合成条件下包装材料最大生物降解能力评定释放化碳分析方法

    Packaging - Evaluation ot the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of packaging materials under controlled composting conditions - Method by analysis of released carbon dioxide.


  • 这种化合物通过释放实现循环主要依靠细菌以及一些菌类活动

    Thee release of the carbon in these compounds for recycling depends almost entirely on the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and certain types of fungi.


  • 稀土对三效催化剂改性作用表现:在条件下储存释放的作用;

    The effects of Ceria on the properties of TWC are discussed:oxygen storage and release under respective, lean and rich conditions;


  • 过热产生原因是充电时候化物释放然后电解反应这就产生了更多

    Over-heating occurs because cobalt oxide emits oxygen while being heated, and oxygen reacts with the electrolyte, thus producing even more heat.


  • 因此为了解决这个问题猛犸血红蛋白通过进化,从而能寒冷时候很容易地释放

    So mammoths solved that problem by evolving hemoglobin that releases oxygen more easily in the cold.


  • 红血球数量少会使肌体失去释放能量气。

    A low concentration of oxygen-carrying red cells robs the body of energy-releasing oxygen.


  • 目的观察几种长效麻药中性粒细胞(PMN)释放自由基抑制作用

    Objective to study the inhibitory effects of some local anesthetics on oxygen free radicals generation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and its possible mechanisms.


  • 随着细胞糖分能量他们释放起反作用化物

    As cells break down sugars to release energy, they also unleash reactive forms of oxygen such as superoxide.


  • 然而这个过程化碳细菌释放出的来补充

    However, this process is supplemented by oxygen released by carbon dioxide-munching microbes.


  • 作为宿主抵抗感染主要防御细胞中性粒细胞具有趋化吞噬产生自由基释放作用生物学特性

    As the main defense cell of the host immune response, neutrophils present lots of biological behaviors such as chemotaxis, phagocytosis, generating oxygen free radicals and so on.


  • 过硼酸(SPB)种良好漂白剂较高温度下才能释放活性

    Sodium perborate (SPB) is one of the excellent bleaching agents. But it releases active oxygen only in high temperature washing liquor.


  • 过硼酸(SPB)种良好漂白剂较高温度下才能释放活性

    Sodium perborate (SPB) is one of the excellent bleaching agents. But it releases active oxygen only in high temperature washing liquor.


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