• 国会民意测验得分很低

    Congress scores low in public opinion polls.


  • 新的民意测验表明总统支持率处在就职以来最低点

    New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.


  • 民意测验来预测选举结果并不可靠

    Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes.


  • 民意测验表明民主党有可能大获全胜

    The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.


  • 民意测验保守党的支持率落后于工党。

    The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls.


  • 民意测验显示欧洲条约已经丹麦获得支持

    Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark.


  • 州长上周大会之后民意测验支持率激增

    The governor has enjoyed a huge surge in the polls in the wake of last week's convention.


  • 迹象表明该党最近民意测验中正逐渐领先。

    There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls.


  • 民意测验显示…

    The survey revealed that...


  • 同事很快做了一个民意测验多少人赞同

    I took a quick straw poll among my colleagues to see how many agreed.


  • 他们等待民意测验结果然后再决定下一步行动

    They are waiting for the results of the opinion polls before deciding their next move.


  • 民意测验结果琼斯先生来说是一个羞辱性的拒绝

    The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr. Jones.


  • 摩利公司民意测验显示,有68%的反对禁令

    A MORI poll showed that 68% of people opposed the ban.


  • 会议结束时所做非正式民意测验表明大多数赞同福思先生

    A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr. Forth.


  • 民意测验中,被调查四分之三同意政府决策

    Nearly three-quarters of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision.


  • 根据最新民意测验,投反对票的人占50%,投赞成票人占35%。

    According to the latest opinion polls, the noes have 50 percent, the yeses 35 percent.


  • 我们正在总统进行每周一次的民意测验很显然受欢迎度已经下降了

    We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined.


  • 近期盖洛普民意测验显示没有一个政治团体在下一届萨尔瓦多议会占据绝对多数席位

    A recent Gallup poll suggests that no political group is likely to win an outright majority in the next Salvadoran parliament.


  • 但是,他民意测验谨慎解读

    However, Foy said, the poll should beinterpreted with caution.


  • 想让格林伯格民意测验

    I wanted Greenberg to be my pollster.


  • 民意测验双方带来了希望

    The poll offers hope to both sides.


  • 为什么民意测验显示这个新秀取代后者。

    So why are the polls saying the upstart might replace him?


  • 民意测验证实美国坚定的站以色列这边

    Opinion polls confirm that Americans are solidly on Israel's side.


  • 下次大选仅仅只剩14个月民意测验事关重大

    With only 14 months until the next election, polls matter.


  • 民意测验表明,81%瑞士人反对取消这一模式

    Polls suggest that 81% of the Swiss oppose abolition.


  • 根据民意测验土耳其情绪世界上最高的。

    According to opinion polls, anti U.S. sentiment in Turkey is amongst the highest in the world.


  • 民意测验表明提议至少10%差距获得通过

    Polls suggest the proposal will be approved by a margin of at least 10%.


  • 但由于没有进行民意测验,所以知道笑到最后

    With no proper opinion polls, no one knows who will win.


  • 但由于没有进行民意测验,所以知道笑到最后

    With no proper opinion polls, no one knows who will win.


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