• 人们相信海狸鼠的绿色并不容易他对此毫不怀疑。

    He says it's not easy to convince people that nutria fur is green, but he has no doubt about it.


  • 大多数成年子女他们年迈父母提供照顾支持毫不亚于“美好的旧日时光”,而且大多数老年人并不觉得自己被抛弃了

    Most adult children provide every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as was the case in the "good old days", and most older people do not feel abandoned.


  • 最初1965年,药物花销整个医疗花销仅占微小部分,因此老年人群的医保构成中并不含有药物花销毫不奇怪的。

    It is no surprise that spending on drugs by the elderly were not part of Medicare at the beginning since drugs were a minor part of their total medical spending in 1965.


  • 此外可以一种有意义方式毫不相干参数结合一起,即使参数之间并不存在关联关系

    Moreover it allows disparate parameters to be combined in a meaningful way even though their values may not be related.


  • 这个勇敢啮齿小动物面对比它体积多的对手毫不畏惧,拒不妥协,它证明了老鼠并不一定,也猫和老鼠游戏增加了新的定义。

    The fearless rodent proved he was no scaredy-cat as he astonishingly squared up to his large opponent and refused to budge – giving a new slant to the game of cat and mouse.


  • 瑞安先生的讲话表明,目前进展中的债务危机方面,毫不夸张地讲,连最基本的都不所以正如本人前面所说,这种事情很有意思——但好事

    So the revelation that he literally doesn’t know the first thing about the debt crises currently in progress is, as I said, interestingand not in a good way.


  • 看待生活方式并不很多山达基工程那种直通通毫不含混,目的明确。

    His way of looking at life didn't have that sort of straight-on, unambiguous, unambivalent view that so many Scientologists project.


  • 打电话时总自己卧室里房门紧闭。公寓并不,房门也基本上毫不隔音

    He made the calls from behind his closed bedroom door, but the apartment was not large and the door was hardly soundproof.


  • 带着手写稿,何况我的确知道些什么因此并不怎么担心尽管看着电子提词机上不断滚动着毫不相干词句令人有点儿分心

    I had a written copy with me and I knew what I wanted to say anyway, so I wasn't too worried, though it was a bit distracting to see all those irrelevant words scrolling by on the TelePrompTer.


  • 盖茨知情人士给了毫不含糊否定答案——公司并不是一个商业公司而是协调这个软件大亨打理自身生意慈善活动方面工作的一个载体

    A Gates insider gives an emphatic no — saying it's not a commercial venture but rather a vehicle to coordinate the software mogul's work on his business and philanthropic endeavors.


  • 为什么两个看起来毫不相干事儿——明显并不重要的眼球活动随机数会被联系起来呢?

    But why would two seemingly unconnected things - apparently inconsequential eye movements and random Numbers - be connected?


  • 毫不奇怪,这些新贵总是让不曾拥有这么财富十三亿同胞感到愤恨,而这种反感并不仅仅是因为妒忌

    Not surprisingly, that kind of new wealth sometimes engenders resentment among the 1-billion-plus who don't have it yet-and the antipathy is based on more than mere jealousy.


  • 当然并不期望许多人这样一种期望加之于改变类别iPad上。

    I don't expect that many will assign such aspirations to iPad, which isn't the slightest bit category changing.


  • Web 2.0执行内容而是以不同的方式执行相同的内容,并保持毫不费力地实现人员之间的无缝连接一最前沿目标

    Web 2.0 is not about doing new things; it is about doing the same things differently keeping the foremost goal of "Connecting people to people effortlessly and seamlessly".


  • 例如沃尔克先生指出最近几十年相比美国经济金融并不发达的5060年代扩张活力毫不逊色

    Mr Volcker, for instance, points out that the American economy expanded as briskly in the financially unsophisticated 1950s and 1960s as it has done in recent decades.


  • 寻求真理只能独自探索的人,那些并不真心热爱真理的人毫不相干

    Seek the truth can only be explore alone, and those who do not really love truth irrelevant.


  • 但是简单作为构造概念结构指导原则清楚毫不含糊观念完全可能提出双重多重的标准

    But simplicity, as a guiding principle in constructing conceptual schemes, is not a clear and unambiguous idea; and it is quite capable of presenting a double or multiple standard.


  • 所以,嗜狂们,请振作起来,团火焰毫不犹豫塞入口中并不什么愚蠢的行为,相反,高度智慧象征

    Take heart, chili heads. It's not dumb to eat the fire, it's a sign of high intelligence.


  • 尽管标准普尔声明一举措信贷危机毫不相干,但很明显标准普尔如此紧张的时刻,“家庭”并不个好的凯瑟琳下台借口。

    Although the agency said the move was unrelated to the credit crisis, it was an odd moment for Ms Corbet to fall on her kitchen knife.


  • 是个思想者,课堂并不经常发言一旦表达自己想法,他仔细,精确睿智思路清晰,毫不含糊。

    B is a thinker, he does not speak often in class, but when he does articulate his ideas, he is careful, precise and intelligent. No slopping thinking for him.


  • 虽然收入低于国际标准全国人民毫不犹豫倾囊相助—金钱货物帮助那些受难同胞们。此外,他们这么做并不考虑自己的得失的。

    Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can - be it money or goods - to help their needy fellow citizens.


  • 并不知道另一个人正遭受剥夺时,那么容易自我囤积毫不在意

    When you do not know that another is deprived then it is easier to hoard and think nothing of it.


  • 入校时,学生课本上的一字一句毫不怀疑,渐渐地他们发现课本教授无所不知的,于是他们开始独立思考

    They come in believing textbooks are authoritative, but eventually they figure out that textbooks and professors don't know everything, and then they start to think on their own.


  • 入校时,学生课本上的一字一句毫不怀疑,渐渐地他们发现课本教授无所不知的,于是他们开始独立思考

    They come in believing textbooks are authoritative, but eventually they figure out that textbooks and professors don't know everything, and then they start to think on their own.


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