• 但是只有少部分毕业生毕业之后继续从事这个领域工作

    But only a very small proportion of graduates went on to work in the filed after their graduation.


  • 调查进行了次,一毕业生毕业后的一年里做的,一次是在这之后12个月之后。

    The survey was administered twice, once a year after graduation and then 12 months later.


  • 70%哈佛毕业生毕业进入咨询公司或者投行不仅仅是因为因为这些工作提供了良好培训

    Something like 70% of Harvard graduates start out in consulting or investment banking, not just for the money but because those jobs provide good training.


  • 结果卫校毕业生毕业心理压力较大焦虑自卑心理较严重,就业观等相关问题认识还存在偏见

    Results The graduates of the school had a big psychological burden, anxiety, self-abasement and some bias in the attitude of employment near graduation.


  • 很多企业、转,很多白领裁员很多民工矿工被迫返乡、很多大学毕业生毕业意味着失业

    Many enterprises in the customs, stop, close, to many white-collar workers laid off, a lot of migrant workers, miners were forced to return home, many university graduates means that the unemployed.


  • 目的医学、专科毕业生毕业前夕的焦虑状况相关因素进行调查分析,毕业生心理健康教育提供科学依据

    Objective To explore the anxiety state and its influences on medical graduates, to give scientific proof for mental health education.


  • 这些空空被人遗弃水塔一位建筑学毕业生毕业作品一部分,他用照片展示出许多分散爱尔兰的废弃水塔。

    The now empty and abandoned water towers presented here are part of a selection of photographs gathered by Jamie Young, a final year architecture student, as part of a research project.


  • 许多毕业生毕业后不去让他们可以富流油的投资银行转向咨询公司,去忍受个稍稍富有的人。都是咨询对它们刺激的结果。

    Many graduates join consultancies and put up with being merely affluent—instead of joining investment banks and becoming obscenely rich—for the intellectual stimulation that consulting seems to offer.


  • 毕业甚至不能保证找到体面工作如今每10个毕业生中就有6个从事不需要大学文凭的工作

    Graduating doesn't even provide any guarantee of a decent job: six in ten graduates today are in non-graduate jobs.


  • 最近毕业所有毕业生中,超过一半人没有工作或者从事需要学位的工作。并且1999年以来,学生贷款债务家庭数额增加了

    More than half of all recent graduates are unemployed or in jobs that do not require a degree, and the amount of student-loan debt carried by households has increased more than five times since 1999.


  • 项调查显示,63%雇主表示,应届大学毕业生具备取得成功所需技能,25%的雇主表示,大学毕业生缺乏入门级的写作技能。

    A survey shows that 63% of employers say that recent college graduates don't have the skills they need to succeed and 25% of employers say that entry-level writing skills are lacking.


  • 相反,刚从大学毕业化学工程师工资几乎是入门高中毕业生

    Conversely, chemical engineers straight out of school can easily make almost four times the wages of an entry-level high-school graduate.


  • 毕业典礼演讲时间太长,让焦躁不安应届毕业生舒服。

    The protracted nature of the commencement speech did not sit well with the restless group of recent graduates.


  • 顶尖大学毕业生不管什么专业有可能找到一份工作不那么知名的学校毕业生来说,他们掌握的知识成为评判标准

    While graduates from top universities are still likely to get a good job no matter what their major is, he said, graduates from less-famous schools are going to be judged on what they know.


  • 雇主早就看到雇佣中学毕业生好处他们往往证明自己本科毕业生责任心忠诚度

    Employers have long seen the advantages of hiring school leavers who often prove themselves to be more committed and loyal employees than graduates.


  • 上世纪70年代中期,他们那样的错误,当时他们哈佛大学招募名第一名的毕业生毕业生恰好名女性,也是税务方面奇才

    That mistake had been made in the mid-seventies when they recruited the number one grad from Harvard, who happened to be a she and a wizard at taxation.


  • 学校已有多少毕业生毕业表明学生有相对高的满意度成功的几率。

    How many students have graduated? A higher graduation rate demonstrates higher levels of student contentment and success.


  • 他们雇佣少量聪明人比如中央银行监管机构抢先到了商学院毕业生,在平时这些毕业生可是不会这些机构一眼的。

    They have hired a few smart people: central Banks and regulatory agencies have been scooping up business-school graduates who would normally not have given them a second glance, for example.


  • 但是大学毕业之后大多数毕业生很难找到工作

    But once finished with university, many graduates struggle to find a job.


  • 同时,97%各个专业毕业生都会他们毕业后前三个时间里找到工作

    In addition, 97% of graduates find employment within the first three months after graduation in a multitude of professions.


  • 本周大约有300名将哈佛商学院工商管理硕士(MBA)毕业生举行宣誓保证毕业社会发挥积极作用

    This week around 300 graduating MBAs at Harvard Business School will take an oath, pledging to play a positive role in society once they graduate.


  • 一个毕业毕业生为了当地学校找到工作不得不用相当于几年薪水的金钱来贿赂校长

    One recent graduate says that in order to get work in a local school, she would have to bribe the head teacher with several years' worth of salary.


  • 但是他们肯定今年毕业生更好机会,这些毕业生首先必须他们课堂所学宏观经济理论现实意义斗争。

    But they may stand a better chance of doing so than this year's graduates, who must grapple at first hand with the practical implications of the macroeconomic theory they learnt in class.


  • 或许对2012届毕业生好消息但是今年毕业生还必须面对残酷的现实。

    Good news for the Class of 2012, perhaps, but cold comfort for this year's graduates.


  • 对于当下只有四分之一求职者被认为可以招聘的现状,解决办法就只有增加毕业生数量,提高毕业生质量一切都需要时间耐心

    The solution is to improve the supply, and the quality, of graduatesonly about a quarter of job applicants are typically considered employable – but that will take time and patience.


  • 根据美国新闻在437商业院校调查,2010年75.7%毕业生毕业个月内找到了工作

    According to U. S. News, which surveyed 437 business schools, 75.7 percent of 2010 graduates got hired within three months of graduating.


  • 精英学校毕业生或许会说,他们毕业以后可能得到高薪,但是过去研究证明并非如此

    Graduates from elite schools may argue that they're more likely to earn higher incomes upon graduation, but historical research proves that's not the case.


  • 精英学校毕业生或许会说,他们毕业以后可能得到高薪,但是过去研究证明并非如此

    Graduates from elite schools may argue that they're more likely to earn higher incomes upon graduation, but historical research proves that's not the case.


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