• 在有小动作的时候,裁判的吹罚总是有利抱怨科肘击

    He would always take subtle jabs that referees always gave Kobe favorable calls, that Kobe would always elbow him.


  • 地球最早大气层中甲烷二氧化碳含量现在早期生命来说有利的。

    In Earth's earliest atmosphere, methane and carbon dioxide occurred at much higher levels than at present-a circumstance that was favorable for early life.


  • 因此这些社会特征有利造就流浪在外并且大胆移民,这些移民会一直西迁移到定居点更遥远的地方。

    Therefore, these social traits helped to produce the nomadic and daring settlers who kept pushing westward beyond the fringes of settlement.


  • 暂停胚胎发育与其兄弟姐妹竞争有利使做好准备避免艰难时期的到来。

    The pause of the development of an embryo has more benefits for preparing it to avoid the harsh times than for competing with its siblings.


  • 报道,在阅读电子屏幕上阅读有利记忆集中注意力

    It is reported that reading on paper rather than an electronic screen is better for memory and focus.


  • 另一些研究则表明较长的婚姻关系维系中,性格差异类似更为有利

    Other research suggests differences in personality may be more beneficial than similarities in terms of maintaining a relationship over the long term.


  • 发现这两个商业产品虽然能够提供较好的压缩不能提供有利项目目标任何明显优势。

    I discovered that the commercial products offer comparable compression ratios, but do not offer any overwhelming benefit for the project's goals.


  • 这样环境下收割双手养活双手人更有利(而且抚养的任务往往落到妻子头上)。

    In these circumstances, the benefit of an extra pair of hands to gather the harvest outweighs the cost of feeding an extra mouth (which anyway falls on your wife more than you).


  • 分析家可能得出这样的结论这笔交易洲际交易所的伙伴其自身有利

    Analysts are likely to conclude that the deal is better for ICE than for its partner.


  • 看来拥有一个游泳池清洁公司游泳池建筑公司更好有利可图

    It's better and more profitable, in my opinion, to have a pool cleaning company than a pool building company.


  • 更为致命结论是:评级机构带来更多收益资产评级那些无利可图的证券更为有利

    Even more damning is their conclusion that assets that generated greater proceeds for the ratings agency were rated more leniently than less lucrative securities.


  • 如果基于风险调整来评判回报正如许多现在鼓励目标转变或许以前更加有利可图

    And if you look at returns on a risk-adjusted basis, as some converts to the cause now urge, it may even be a more profitable one than before.


  • 认为坚持公平性社会正义卫生部门处在的地位任何其它部门都有利

    I believe there is no sector better placed than health to insist on equity and social justice.


  • 如今随着大宗商品价格回升市场重拾信心加快推动非洲关系的进程中,中国处在非洲传统伙伴有利地位

    With commodity prices now recovering and confidence returning, China is in a more solid position than Africa's traditional partners to pick up the pace.


  • 应对经济衰退读者目光网络转移方面,杂志或许确实处于报纸有利处境

    Magazines may indeed be better placed than newspapers to cope with the recession and readers' shift towards the web.


  • 整体上他们公司通常保有现金盈余,因为他们赚的由此应该占据有利的低位与其员工共渡难关。

    Their companies in aggregate regularly run cash surpluses-they spend less than they earn-and so are in a better position to hang on to their employees through the downturn.


  • 同时渔业有些公司已经明白鱼卖人们当成食品当成肥料动物饲料出售有利

    At the same time, some in the fishing industry have realised that selling anchoveta as food for people, rather than as fertiliser or animal feed, is more profitable.


  • 吉卜林1902年出版小说中一位埃塞俄猎人的身上绘上斑点有利溶入星星点点的杂草从中。

    In Kipling's 1902 tale, an Ethiopian hunter paints spots on a leopard to help it blend into the "speckly, patchy-blatchy shadows" of the forest.


  • 预计多得多树木也将砍伐掉,因为气候变化造成温暖潮湿环境有利疾病的传播。

    More are expected to be chopped down in the coming years because the warmer, wetter conditions expected with climate change encourage the spread of the disease.


  • 理论上讲农业产出增加相应例的总体经济增长(如gdp的增加)要有利促进营养

    In theory a rise in farm output should boost nutrition by more than a comparable rise in general economic well-being, measured by GDP.


  • 没有什么谈判拥有网站代码更为有利

    Nothing ensures good faith negotiations more than having your own copy of your website code.


  • 话说,如果一个基金要偿付首先拿出20%可能实现利润总额20%要多。

    In other words, if a fund liquidated all profits, the supposed 20% taken out first would actually be larger than 20% of the total realized profit.


  • 这样有利因为在所分析执行SELECT语句简单的 SELECT 语句要复杂很多,并且不会产生CPU负载

    This is advantageous because the SELECT statements executed on the analyzed sources are never more complicated than simple SELECT statements, and don't produce a high CPU load on the source.


  • 研究者认为夜晚凌晨寒冷较方便身体散发热量增加氧气可用性可能顺风有利

    The researchers think the cooler night and early-morning temperatures, which would help dissipate body heat and increase oxygen availability, may be more helpful than any tailwind assist.


  • 他们发现这些化合物目前所用的哮喘药物有利于肺部气管的舒张。

    They found that these compounds all opened lung airways more profoundly than current drugs.


  • 据称单纯的鉴赏文化尝试变得有创造力更加有利男性身心健康

    Simply observing culture improves the physical health and mental wellbeing of men more than attempting to be creative, it is claimed.


  • 据称单纯的鉴赏文化尝试变得有创造力更加有利男性身心健康

    Simply observing culture improves the physical health and mental wellbeing of men more than attempting to be creative, it is claimed.


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