• 为了这里问题看得清楚我们一种不同生物系统比如说橡实

    To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.


  • 我们知道经常快餐店比如说麦当劳吃饭健康的。

    We all know that it's not healthy to have meals in fast-food restaurant like McDonald's frequently.


  • 比如说找到一种癌症疗法回报如此之大以至于没有放弃

    The reward for finding, say, a cancer cure is so huge that no one's going to hang it up.


  • 比如说我们草原鼠发现个捕食者,一只大土狼正在迅速靠近

    For example, our prairie dog spots a predator, a big coyote approaching rapidly.


  • 比如说从来不魔兽世界很多朋友玩,而且他们现在还在玩。

    I've never played World of Warcraft, for example, but I have a lot of friends who do and who still do.


  • 比如说场持续了几十年干旱或者猎人捕杀物种的5%,等等

    Say, for example, there is a drought for a couple of decades, or hunters are killing five percent of the population, and so on.


  • 封闭系统可以比如说,一杯放了冰块冰水顶上盖子

    A closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, with the lid on top.


  • 比如说我们怎么知道恒星真的太阳一样巨大火球而且离我们很远呢?

    How do we know, for example, that the stars are really huge balls of fire like the Sun and very far away?


  • 所以比如说画出非常写实帆船根据船与观众距离来改变船的大小

    So, for example, he painted very realistic ships, and varied their size depending on their distance from the audience.


  • 美国人的发明比如说大多数中国人知道多利一家美国公司

    Potato chips are an American invention, but most Chinese, for instance, do not know than Frito-Lay is an American company.


  • 美味的食品比如说爆米花一杯特别香草使女儿更加期待阅读时光

    Make something yummy, like popcorn or a cup of special herb tea, to make reading time something your daughter looks forward to.


  • 简单消费税比如说,5%,就可以显著减少国家巨大的政府赤字,而且损害生产力

    A simple consumption tax of, say, 5% would significantly reduce the country's huge government deficit without damaging productivity.


  • 比如说大象这样大型动物小型动物需要更多食物能量,而其后代比小型动物少。

    Large animals like elephants, say, they require much more food and energy and have fewer offspring than smaller animals.


  • 如果需要其他的白色家电比如说洗碗机这里很多商店都会在你购买当天安排送货

    If there's any other whiteware that you need, like a dishwasher, for example. There are plenty of stores here that'll arrange delivery on the same day as purchase.


  • FBI特工每天24小时待命,围绕着自己房子执行一些随机任务——比如说修理的剪草机。

    He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his houselike repairing his lawnmower.


  • 我们社会依赖他们能够做出关键决定比如说关于他们自己的医疗或者我们必须全球能源需求做些什么

    Our society depends on them being able to make critical decisions, about their own medical treatment, say, or what we must do about global energy needs and demands.


  • 总之就像刚才讲的,通过分析这些回声蝙蝠可以确定比如说洞穴里是否需要避开墙壁以及的距离有远。

    Anyway, as I were saying, by analyzing these echoes, the bat can determine, say, if there is wall in a cave that it needs to avoid, and how far away it is.


  • 毕竟太阳任何元素原子,比如说都比陨石标本的原子要多得多,物质中铁比例可能可以比较的。

    After all, the Sun has many more atoms of any element, say iron, than does a meteorite specimen, but the ratios of iron to silicon in the two kinds of matter might be comparable.


  • 意味着比如说,纽约市立大学学生可以跟随一位有声望教授进行学习,得到他们纽约大学同一个班级所得到的同等质量教育这种期望十分合理

    This means, for instance, a CUNY student could reasonably expect to receive the same quality of instruction from a prestigious professor as they would if they were enrolled in the same class at NYU.


  • 比如说小鹿或者山羊这种捕食种群,它们的代表动作就是突然快速逃跑的动作突然转弯相反的,猫科动物之类的捕食种群会练习潜行追踪猛扑撕咬等动作。

    Prey species, like young deer or goats, for example, typically play by performing sudden flight movements and turns, whereas predator species, such as cats, practice stalking, pouncing, and biting.


  • 如说,如果我们认为某人不是很好,我们就会说他 “sketchy”。

    For example, we say someone is "sketchy" if we think they aren't very nice.


  • 们应该马上转移到房间里的一个安全的地方,比如说洗手间。

    We should move to a safe place in a room at once, such as a washroom.


  • 百胜餐饮集团拥有其他食品相关公司,比如说可钟快餐店。

    Yum Brands owns other food-related chains like Taco Bell.


  • 他们在大部分区域内航行,只是偶尔需要进行陆上搬运比如说独木舟搬附近另一小溪中。

    They could travel throughout the area only occasionally having to portage, to carry the canoe over a land short distance to another nearby stream.


  • 现实生活中完全相信电视剧里讲所有事情吗?比如说外星人来自太空不明飞行物以及政府阴谋

    Do you believe it all in real life: the aliens, people from outer space, UFOs, government conspiracies, all the things that the TV series deal with?


  • 逃逸速度就是一个物体速度比如说加农炮射出最小初始速度,这样这个物体以后就可以自己脱离地球引力

    Escape velocity is simply the speed of an object that's shot out of a cannon the minimum initial speed so that the object could later escape Earth's gravity on its own.


  • 先是一个善于聆听读者比如说聆听那些码头管理员剧中含糊不清的地方。

    She goes from being a reader who can listen, for example, to the ambiguities in the Wharfinger play.


  • 比如说炫耀性消费副产品。

    It appears, for instance, to be a by-product of conspicuous consumption.


  • 比如说炫耀性消费副产品。

    It appears, for instance, to be a by-product of conspicuous consumption.


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