• 成千上万年前西非土地大陆剥离,形成比奥

    Vienna-thousands of years ago, a piece of West Africa separated from the mainland and formed the island of Bioko.


  • 学家对79只来自比奥科这座距离非洲西部19英里火山岛上猴子进行了实验

    Scientists tested 79 monkeys from Bioko, a volcanic island 19 miles off the West African coast.


  • 马拉博赤道几内亚首都,也是该国第二城市位于比奥科岛的北部海岸

    Malabo is the capital and the second largest city of Equatorial Guinea, located on the northern coast of BiokoIsland.


  • 赤道几内亚共和国位于中非西海岸包括几个近海岛屿包含安诺本岛和比奥科岛在内的远海岛屿。

    Republic of Equatorial Guinea is located in the west coast of Middle Africa, including several small offshore islands and an insular region containing Annobon and Bioko islands.


  • 菲律宾小姐西西丽娅·阿玛比奥科是一名出自修道院的新手,她说:“现在知道修女一样美丽可人。”

    1968 - Miss Philippines, Cecilia Amabuyok, a novice from a convent: "Now everyone will know that nuns can be beautiful and nice, too."


  • 马拉博,圣伊莎贝拉赤道几内亚首都最大城市,位于几内亚比奥科。1827年英国人建城人口30,710。

    The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea, on Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea. It was founded by the British in1827. Population, 30, 710.


  • 下来的三年——2000年、2001年和2002年是湖人队的黄金岁月。·布莱恩特和沙奎尔·尼尔组成了梦幻组合,湖人队连续三次夺得总冠军。

    The following three years—2000, 2001, and 2002 were the golden years for the Lakers. Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal formed a dream partnership, and the Lakers won three straight championships.


  • 阿富汗中通卡尔扎伊沙特国王阿卜杜拉或许安吉拉·默克尔或西尔维·贝卢斯严肃地看待这次事件

    Afghanistan's President Karzai or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia may take the issue much more seriously than Angela Merkel or Silvio Berlusconi.


  • 然而内政部长,法比奥·瓦伦西亚·西这个星期国会发表改良草案时,只是随意称述了一下内容,而没有惯例发表演讲

    Yet when the interior minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio?, delivered the reform bills to Congress this week, he unceremoniously dumped them, without the customary speech.


  • 然而内政部长,法比奥·瓦伦西亚·西这个星期国会发表改良草案时,只是随意称述了一下内容,而没有惯例发表演讲

    Yet when the interior minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio, delivered the reform bills to Congress this week, he unceremoniously dumped them, without the customary speech.


  • 普·切克工作以后最艰难时期就是2004年夏天那时湖人交易走尼尔当时没有做出决定到底是继续留在湖人,还是加盟快船队

    Kupchak said his toughest time on the job came in the summer of 2004, when the Lakers had traded o 'neal, but Bryant had not yet decided whether he would stay with the Lakers or join the Clippers.


  • 除了来自生死威胁之外,湖人老板米奇-库普查克布斯还可能一辈子都会因为放走尼尔而被球迷嘲弄

    Aside from death threats from Bryant himself, Mitch Kupchak and the Buss's would be scorned for life for being the ones responsible for letting Shaq and Kobe walk.


  • 不是2004年,当时尼尔杰克逊分开了,尽管他们打进了总决赛

    Nor is this 2004, when Bryant, o 'neal and Jackson began pulling apart even before they crashed in the finals.


  • 西蒙·罗夫特撰写星球大战:克隆人进攻内部世界》(2002年,DK图书)说思在诺·西斯战役中阵亡。

    Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones by Simon Beecroft (2002, DK Books) describes Koth as a casualty of the Battle of Geonosis.


  • 他们有没有私下讨论过小转会到湖人帮助可能性呢?

    And have O'Neal and Bryant discussed with each other the possibility of O'Neal being that support for Bryant?


  • 一起打球前景肯定吸引力,认为目标直接符合

    The prospects of playing with Bryant certainly do appeal to o 'neal, though, who feels his goals are directly in line with Kobe's.


  • 不是去年春季主管了球队而谴责尼尔布莱恩特的分歧,而是说,总裁总是要对此负责的。

    Rather than put the blame for o 'neal's departure on Bryant, as Kobe charged last spring, the owner always took personal responsibility.


  • 支球队尼尔支撑,推动并且有一更衣室有丰富经验的老手们使这支球队稳定着。

    That group was anchored by o 'neal, powered by Bryant and stabilized by a locker room full of savvy veterans.


  • 尼尔不仅一些卑劣的事情而且抨击,甚至总经理米奇老板巴斯都不放过。

    Here he not only did the jealous thing and constantly swiped at Kobe, but also took shots at general manager Mitch Kupchak and owner Jerry Buss.


  • 多久了,布兰德、马盖蒂未来不知道,拉武正在一步步开始大学生涯因此我们尽情享受现在吧!

    Bryant might not be here for long, Brand and Maggette are up in the air, and Love and Mayo could go the one-and-done route for their college careers, so we might as well enjoy it while we can.


  • 记得年前交易尼尔只有一个NBA球员勇气公开指责在其中所起的作用?。

    Remember four years ago, after the trade of Shaquille O'Neal, when only one NBA player had the nerve to publicly rip Kobe Bryant for his alleged role in it?


  • 那场成为比-尼尔王朝最后见证。

    The play also marked the last great stand of the Bryant-Shaquille O'Neal empire.


  • 不过刻苦激起球迷共鸣使得击败尼尔获得更多球迷

    But it was his industriousness that resonated with fans the longest and helped him win the battle with Shaquille o 'neal for the public's hearts.


  • 完全理解所说的,”小尼尔谈起,“每个人处理问题方法不同采取了他认为采取的最好的方法。”

    "I understand exactly what he's saying," o 'neal added about Bryant. "Everybody handles their situation differently, and he handled the situation best that he thought he could handle it."


  • ·布雷恩尼尔他们可是洛杉矶湖人队的明星球员

    Kobi Bryant and Shaquille o 'neal, they are the Los Angeles Lakers' star players.


  • 湖人后卫·布莱恩特周五晚上上半场一个反身上篮爵士中锋犯规拉了下来。

    Lakers guard Kobe Bryant goes for a reverse layup but Utah center Mehmet Okur prevents the layup with a foul during the first half Friday night.


  • 曼巴这个昵称是前些年自己不像尼尔这么多年给他取的绰号一个真的非常适合

    The Black Mamba is the nickname Kobe Bryant gave himself a couple of years ago. And unlike all those silly nicknames that Shaq has given himself over the years, this one fits Kobe to a tee.


  • 经常被批评尼尔外在,2005年新书个赛季, ”他说是不可以教导的。

    He often criticized O'Neal for being out of shape, and in his 2005 book, "The Last Season, " he called Bryant uncoachable.


  • 经常被批评尼尔外在,2005年新书个赛季, ”他说是不可以教导的。

    He often criticized O'Neal for being out of shape, and in his 2005 book, "The Last Season, " he called Bryant uncoachable.


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