• 我们已经知道这个恒星行星母行星所以如果分别证实新的三个发现,那么总数可能达到颗。

    The star in question was already known to host three planets, so the total could reach six if the new finds are independently confirmed.


  • 上面幅令人印象深刻影像只是发布六十格电影一个定格而已;这部电影呈现了土卫五行星前方的情景。

    As striking as the above image is, it is but a single frame from a recently released 60-frame silent movie where Rhea can be seen gliding in front of its parent world.


  • 第一一对质量木星差不多行星行星步调一致地围绕距离地球15光年的恒星旋转

    The first is a pair of planets, each about the mass of Jupiter, that whirl around their home star 15 light years from Earth in perfect lockstep.


  • 我们这个行星不同地方采集了样品,它们带到船上我们用了所有方法检测。

    We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through.


  • 行星可能颗走恶运的星球,快速公转快地球日

    This planet, possibly an ill-fated world, whips around its star in less than one Earth day.


  • 同时他们需要更多时间观测那些更远的外行星

    Also, it needs more time to detect exoplanets that orbit further away from their stars.


  • 迄今为止所发现454颗系外行星颗都具有近椭圆形轨道这意味着行星它们的并不保持相同距离

    Many of the 454 exoplanets discovered to date have highly elliptical orbits, meaning the planets are not always the same distance from their parent star.


  • SWEEPS - 10运行在离只有740,000英里轨道上,由于了以至于行星天就是

    SWEEPS-10 orbits its parent star from a distance of only 740, 000 miles, so close that one year on the planet happens every 10 hours.


  • 美国宇航局开普勒飞船发现了称号为开普勒16b行星飞越或交叉恒星前面时,会造成恒星亮度周期性地变暗

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft uncovered the new planet, dubbed Kepler 16b, as it transited-or crossed in front of-both its parent stars, causing the brightness of each star to dim periodically..


  • 美国宇航局开普勒飞船发现了称号为开普勒16b行星飞越交叉恒星前面时,会造成恒星亮度周期性地

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft uncovered the new planet, dubbed Kepler 16b, as it transited—or crossed in front of—both its parent stars, causing the brightness of each star to dim periodically. 。


  • 望远镜观测通常仅仅能提供关于颗系行星基本信息,诸如最小质量、与恒星的距离、以及是否更可能气态或者地球那样是岩石质的。

    Telescopic surveys usually reveal just basic information about an extrasolar planet's minimum mass, its distance from its parent star, and whether it is likely to be gassy or rocky, like Earth.


  • 通过寻找行星轨道运行的恒星中的摇晃定位了400多个行星

    More than 400 have been located by looking for the wobbles in parent stars that orbiting planets cause.


  • 摧毁里肯家园不在星,而视察位于德拉亚行星轨道卫星传输系统

    Rieekan was off-planet, inspecting a new satellite transmission system in far orbit around the planet Delaya when the Death Star obliterated his home.


  • 恒星太阳相似,这其他候选行星不同,其他两个候选外行星环绕的、较昏暗恒星运行。

    Its parent star is similar to the sun, again unlike those of the other two candidates, both of which orbit cooler, dimmer stars.


  • 关键在于行星恒星距离必须恰到好处远了了都不行

    The key lies in the planet to the female star distance to just right, far near has not been good.


  • 大多数系外行星通过一种叫“摆动方法”测量方法发现的。这些行星引力他们上造成节奏摆动就像是两个体重相差悬殊的人在跳华尔兹

    Most exoplanets have been discovered by inferring their presence from the rhythmic wobble their gravity imparts on their home star-like a waltz between two dancers of markedly different weights.


  • 事实就是,一些如此巨大,学习voip网络电话机。使得它们能够轻易复制任何行星地表条件。

    In fact some are so large that they can easily replicate the surface of any planet.


  • 研究小组表示排除这样可能一些行星远处它们恒星轨道内运行。数据很难发现这些恒星。

    The team said that it can't rule out the possibility that some of the planets are just orbiting their stars at very far distances and that the parent stars just don't show up in the data.


  • 美国宇航局开普勒飞船发现了称号为开普勒16b行星飞越或交叉恒星前面时,会造成恒星亮度周期性地变暗

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft uncovered the new planet, dubbed Kepler 16b, as it transited-or crossed in front of-both its parent stars, causing the brightness of each star to dim periodically...


  • 发现多属于类气体巨星甚至贴近恒星木类行星寻找类地的系外行星未来搜索重点

    Most of them are Jupiter-like gas giants, or even Hot Jupiters that orbit their parent star too closely. Earth-like planets searches will become the main target in the future.


  • 发现多属于类气体巨星甚至贴近恒星木类行星寻找类地的系外行星未来搜索重点

    Most of them are Jupiter-like gas giants, or even Hot Jupiters that orbit their parent star too closely. Earth-like planets searches will become the main target in the future.


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