• 死刑支持者辩称死刑可以阻止罪犯携带枪支

    Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.


  • 许多认为死刑谋杀有效威慑另一些人则认为没有令人信服证据表明死刑减少了谋杀

    Many argue that it is an effective deterrent to murder, while others maintain there is no convincing evidence that the death penalty reduces murders.


  • 伊利诺斯州州长签署了一项法令11年得中断之后,取消了死刑使该州成为美国第16个废除死刑的州。

    The governor of Illinois signed a bill ending the death penalty after an 11-year moratorium, making his state the 16th without capital punishment.


  • 巴马认为尽管死刑不能阻止犯罪,支持死刑,他说,正当且合理因为这是对(社会)愤慨的最充分体现。

    Barack Obama supports the death penalty even though he believes it "does little to deter crime". It is justified, he says, because it expresses "the full measure of [a community's] outrage".


  • 巴马认为尽管死刑不能阻止犯罪支持死刑,他说,这正当且合理因为是对(社会)愤慨的最充分体现。

    Barack Obama supports the death penalty even though he believes it "does little to deter crime".it is justified, he says, because it expresses "the full measure of [a community's] outrage".


  • 三十四个死刑但是只有去年只有12个执行死刑

    Thirty-four states have the death penalty, but only 12 carried out executions last year.


  • 日本谋杀执行死刑今年来日本首例死刑判决。

    Two convicted murderers were executed in Japan, in the first use of the death penalty in the country in a year.


  • 95%具有司法权亚洲国家执行死刑,并且,亚洲死刑执行量世界四分之三

    Some 95% of Asians live in jurisdictions that carry out capital punishment, and Asia accounts for over three-quarters of executions worldwide.


  • 2005年,死刑没有死刑人均46%的谋杀案。1990差距更大。

    In 2005 there were 46% more murders per head in states with the death penalty than in those without it, and that gap has widened since 1990.


  • 这两研究的结果个认为死刑能够威吓犯罪,一个则表示死刑不能威吓犯罪。

    One study showed that the death penalty was an effective deterrent; the other showed that it was not.


  • 印度,被判死刑者都执行绞刑但是真正实行绞刑的很少大多数死刑后来,都会变成终身监禁。

    In India the death penalty is carried out by hanging, but it is rarely used and most death sentences are commuted to life imprisonment.


  • 况且存在平白无辜的误判死刑风险迄今为止,已有超过130名被判处死刑的人证明无罪

    There is also the danger that innocent people may be put to death. So far, more than 130 people who had been sentenced to death have been exonerated.


  • 理论上来说,亵渎神明可以通过死刑来处置——总是死刑案件产生,却从未执行

    In theory, blasphemy is punishable by death-a penalty that has been handed down but never carried out.


  • 解决两个阵营争议一个粗略方法比较死刑没有死刑辖区谋杀案发率。

    A crude way of trying to settle which camp is correct is to compare murder rates in jurisdictions with and without capital punishment.


  • 废除死刑提案支持者们认为死刑花费高昂却收效甚微——很少证据表明死刑起到了什么显著作用。

    Proponents of the abolition bills describe the death penalty as an expensive programme with few benefits. There is little evidence that the death penalty deters.


  • 由此可见,相当大一部分美国人相信死刑制度会让无辜失去生命但是他们坚持甚至扩大死刑的覆盖范围。

    So there seems to be a significant number of Americans who believe the death-penalty system costs innocent people their lives, but who nevertheless want to keep it around and even expand it.


  • 斯林同样接手涉及青少年死刑案件——伊朗世界上为数不多保留儿童死刑判罚的国家之一

    Nasrin has also taken on cases involving juvenile executions - Iran is one of the few countries in the world that still puts children to death.


  • 1978年,注射死刑作为一种相较于绞杀、射杀、电刑以及毒气室执行死刑手段更为人道选择方案引入美国。

    Injections were introduced in 1978 as a supposedly more humane alternative to other forms of capital punishment-hanging, firing squad, electrocution and the gas chamber.


  • 其他存在死刑偏向于采用注射死刑,少部分的州则允许采用绞刑以及枪决有九个允许囚犯某些情况下选择电刑极少有人做这样选择

    Other states with capital punishment prefer lethal injections. A few allow hangings and firing squads, and nine let inmates choose electrocution in some cases, but these options are seldom used.


  • 如今美国普遍死刑执行方式质疑促使一些运动人士满怀希望地是否是死刑终止预兆呢

    Now questions over America's most popular method of execution are prompting some campaigners to ask, hopefully, whether this could be the beginning of the end of capital punishment.


  • 美国墨西哥州废除死刑因为DNA证据表明曾有无辜的执行死刑

    In the United States New Mexico abolished the death penalty after DNA evidence proved that innocent people had been executed in the past.


  • 即使等待处决死刑——超过99%的谋杀犯都不会被判死刑——每年被处死的概率大约只有2%。

    Even if you are on death row-a fate over 99% of murderers escape-the chance of being put to death in any given year is only about 2%.


  • 对于应当判处死刑犯罪分子如果不是必须立即执行的,可以判处死刑同时宣告缓期二年执行。

    If the immediate execution of a criminal punishable by death is not deemed necessary, a two-year suspension of execution may be pronounced simultaneously with the imposition of the death sentence.


  • 不过重要不是年年都有波动死刑数量而是执行死刑国家

    But he says the important point is not the number of executions, which fluctuates from year to year, but the number of countries that carry out executions.


  • 曼森一开始判了死刑但是由于加州法院已经废除死刑,所以改判成无期徒刑

    Manson was initially sentenced to die for his crimes but the sentence was commuted to life in prison after California courts abolished the death penalty.


  • 曼森一开始判了死刑但是由于加州法院已经废除死刑,所以改判成无期徒刑

    Manson was initially sentenced to die for his crimes but the sentence was commuted to life in prison after California courts abolished the death penalty.


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