• 最初死亡人数统计中,仅枪击案死亡人数就达10人。

    The first reports out of Norway estimated 10 deaths from the shooting.


  • 阿富汗东北部这次毁灭性的地震准确死亡人数统计也许要在才能得到。

    An accurate death count might be weeks away after a devastating earthquake in northeastern Afghanistan.


  • 一则短评《和安迪·鲁尼在一起分钟》(Three Minutesorsowith Andy Rooney),他在假期周末时段揭露并抨击了高速公路死亡人数统计的黑幕。

    In this first essay, "Three Minutes or so with Andy Rooney," he attacked the dark tradition of tallying the highway deaths during the holiday weekend.


  • 统计日本东北部地震海啸确认死亡人数已经上升接近8,500,大约13,000失踪

    The number of people confirmed dead in the earthquake and tsunami in northeast Japan now stands at nearly 8,500. Almost 13,000 are missing.


  • 预计死亡人数过百目前官方尚未有数据统计

    The death toll was expected to climb into the hundreds, but no official figure has been released so far.


  • 灾难救援总部统计数字显示,本周一发生中国西南部四川省地震所造成的死亡人数已经攀升万人。

    The death toll from Monday's earthquake in southwest China's Sichuan Province has climbed to nearly 10, 000, according to the headquarters for disaster relief.


  • 截止27号,日本警察厅统计数据显示,这次地震海啸的死亡人数达到了10668失踪16574人。

    The death toll from the disasters stood at 10,668 Sunday with 16,574 people missing, police said.


  • 统计数据详细列出了其他地区死亡人数,其中成都4156人,广源2586人,阿坝2871人,雅安23人

    The office also gave a breakdown of the death toll in other areas as 4, 156 in Chengdu, 2, 586 in Guangyuan, 2, 871 in Aba and 23 in Ya'an.


  • 联合国儿童基金会2008年预测死亡人数要少80万,该份报告的发起人将这差异归因于全面的数据收集以及精确的统计分析

    This is 800,000 fewer deaths than was estimated by UNICEF in 2008, a difference the authors attribute to a larger data collection and better statistical analysis.


  • 他们担心统计数据改动使困惑民众所有死亡数据产生怀疑,这种情况2007年将艾滋病减少发生过。

    They worry that this revision of the statistics will lead a confused public to question all mortality data, as happened when the numbers for AIDS were revised downward in 2007.


  • 他们正在进行统计死亡失踪人数

    They are accounting for the deceased and missing.


  • 之后有14确认已经死亡以及56人受伤剩下包括特派团团长在内的大部分人并未统计人数之内。

    Two days after the quake, 14 were confirmed dead and 56 injured, and most of the rest, including the head of the mission, remained unaccounted for.


  • 但是协会并未量化形式说明微车使用量上升公路交通事故死亡人数预期增量统计数据。

    Yet the institute did not quantify how many more highway deaths might be expected statistically from any increase in the use of minicars.


  • 最近一次统计死亡人数降到每月500人以下虽然仍惊人,只是前者八分之一。

    The latest estimates put the monthly figure at under 500 a month, still a shocking number, but an eighth of what it was.


  • 公布的2009世界卫生统计报告显示,和1990年相比,2007年儿童死亡人数减少了27%。 2007年也是汇编统计最后一年。

    The just released report, World Health Statistics 2009, shows 27 percent fewer children died in 2007, the last year for which statistics were compiled, than in 1990.


  • 官方统计死亡人数170人左右,但是偏远地区死亡人数源源不断地报告上来。

    The official death toll is around 170 but reports are still coming in from remote areas.


  • 上周美国劳工统计公布数据显示,去年工作场所死亡人数4,430人,低于20085,214人。

    According to new data unveiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics last week, there were 4, 430 workplace fatalities last year compared with 5, 214 in 2008.


  • 根据世界卫生组织统计数据,每年心血管疾病高达1660万,就是全世界死亡人数三分之一

    Cardiovascular disease kills an estimated 16.6 million people, or one-third of total global deaths, each year, according to the World Health Organization.


  • 来自紧急应变办公室统计数据显示德阳绵阳两地死亡人数分别为10341人和11874人。

    Statistics from the emergency response office show that the death toll in Deyang and Mianyang cities of the province hit 10, 341 and 11, 874 respectively.


  • 来自紧急应变办公室统计数据显示德阳绵阳两地死亡人数就分别为10341人和11874人。

    Statistics from the emergency response office show that the death toll in Deyang and Mianyang cities of the province hit 10,341 and 11,874 respectively.


  • 根据世界卫生组织统计全世界每年有120万道路交通事故死亡,而Google认为所研发的自动驾驶汽车使交通事故死亡人数减少一半

    Every year, 1.2 million people are killed in road accidents around the world, according to the world Health Organisation, and Google believes its car could halve that number.


  • 巴基斯坦领导人指出一个敏感话题虽然巴基斯坦受灾群众也许大约2000万,但官方统计已知死亡人数却为1475人。

    The leader makes a sensitive point in noting that "although some 20m Pakistanis may be affected, the official count of those known to have perished is 1,475."


  • 官方统计数据仍然说,风灾中有7万8000人死亡、5万6000人失踪,但是非官方统计死亡失踪人数得多。

    Official figures stand at nearly 78,000 dead and 56,000 missing from the storm. Unofficial estimates of the number of dead and missing are considerably higher.


  • 根据刚刚格林威治时间13点半左右官方统计,在经受台风Nargis破坏的地方死亡人数22500左右,在加上有41000以上的人失踪

    The official death count after Cyclone Nargis stood at just under half that by 1300 GMT today, at around 22, 500 people dead plus a further 41, 000 missing.


  • 全国32个统计单位中,有30个单位各类事故死亡人数在控制指标进度目标以内,占93.8%。

    In 30 (93.8%) out of the 32 statistical units nationwide, the number of fatalities in accidents of various categories fell within the time-adjusted quota.


  • 全国28个产煤统计单位中,有26个单位煤矿事故死亡人数在控制指标进度目标以内,占92.9%。

    In 26 (92.9%) out of the 28 coal-producing statistical units nationwide, the number of fatalities in accidents at coal mines fell within the time-adjusted quota.


  • 本文癌症最新发病率死亡存活率进行概述统计2009年新的癌症病例发生和死亡人数作了预测。

    In this article, we provide an overview of cancer statistics, including updated incidence, mortality and survival rates, and expected Numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2009.


  • 法国官方给出的2009年死亡人数是17人,他们怀疑还有更多人数没有被统计

    In France, officials identified 17 deaths in 2009, but they suspect that many more go unreported.


  • 法国官方给出的2009年死亡人数是17人,他们怀疑还有更多人数没有被统计

    In France, officials identified 17 deaths in 2009, but they suspect that many more go unreported.


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