• 最后结束了,已经完成Xbox 360主机制作教程

    That was the very last step, you have completed the Xbox 360 console tutorial!


  • 球员第一结束就选择停止,他可以选择任何一只作为中轴进行转动。是合法

    A player who comes to a stop on the count of one may pivot , using either foot as the pivot foot.


  • 之后,应该总结提出的,所说的“下一结束

    After this you should summarise what you've presented and close with what I call "next steps".


  • 个月大选日结束第一,由保守派掌控的议会中止了清洁空气区”的执行迈出了废除该项措施的第一

    Seven months and one election day later, a new conservative city council suspended enforcement of the clean air zone, a first step toward its possible demise.


  • 如果萧条结束进一恶化我们又会别的问题

    If the recession is not over, or gets worse, we'll have other problems.


  • 手边有整体IT蓝图,下一应规划信息如何开头流向结束

    With the whole it picture in hand, map out how the information flows from start to finish.


  • Roy建议开会结束的时候,并问每一个他们下一的事情什么确保他们的回复是什么时候前做完什么事情。

    Roy suggests that when you have a meeting, end it by asking people what they're actions are, and make sure they answer in the form "I will do X by y".


  • 第一结束计算出来结果,仅仅走了3,500路。

    But by the end of the first day, I'd only racked up2 a measly3 three thousand, five hundred steps.


  • AdvancedActions对话框中8),为了执行上面第 2创建好的业务逻辑需单击AddBlockDelimiter两次分别创建预览开始结束

    On the Advanced Actions dialog (Figure 8), select Add Block Delimiter twice to create a prepresentation begin and end block for the execution of the business logic created in Step 2, above.


  • 通常项目组对整个需求更进一理解时候,精化阶段结束产生重大变更

    Often, significant changes in plans occur at the end of Elaboration, when the project team has a deeper understanding of the requirements.


  • 如果我们生产产品容易储存的,预测到我们价格战一旦结束,产品价格回升需求进一上升

    If the good we produce can be easily stored, the anticipation of future price rises, once our battle is over, will increase present demand still further.


  • 可以进一了解相关产品以及本文结束处列出参考资料找到更多信息

    You will find more information in Want to learn more about related products and in the references at the end of this article.


  • 一旦建模业务流程建模业务流程编排这三项工作结束下一就是通过SOA公开这些流程

    Once you have the domain modeling, business process modeling, and business process choreography completed, the next step is to expose those processes through SOA.


  • 所以十分夸张毫无底线称赞健壮的体格或者对你身上散发的古龙水味道大加褒扬,多半表示约会结束之前可以有进一行动啦。

    So, if she’s going on a complimenting rampage about your physical appearance or the smell of your cologne, you can take that as a sign that you’ll probably get some kind of action by closing time.


  • 周二美利坚合众国结束伊拉克作战任务,在负责任地结束伊拉克战争上迈出重要

    On Tuesday, after more than seven years, the United States of America will end its combat mission in Iraq and take an important step forward in responsibly ending the Iraq war.


  • 但是扩展原始不会原始设备变大结束偏移量进一移动原始设备。

    But extending a raw chunk does not make the raw device larger; it simply moves the end offset of the chunk farther out into the raw device.


  • 如今俄罗斯拖延已久的燃料运抵了布什尔,这将进一削弱联合国安理会结束伊朗挑衅努力

    By making long-delayed fuel shipments to Bushehr now, Russia will weaken further the UN Security Council effort to end Iran's defiance.


  • 议程第二欧洲议会本月举行的全会投票议员们希望欧洲民众收拾行囊、开始暑期度假之前结束此项议程。

    A plenary vote in the European Parliament this month will be the next step in a process that lawmakers want to wrap up before Europeans pack their bags for the summer holidays.


  • 下一结束关于每个讲述开始进一系统建模

    The next step is to flush out each of the use cases and begin to further model the system.


  • 结束讨论之前,谈谈进一开发一些可能的方向

    Before I close this discussion, I want to consider some possible directions that further development might take.


  • 行长补充现在设想量化宽松计划结束言之过早这一说法引起市场进一混乱

    Mr King further confused markets by adding that it was too early to assume that the QE programme was drawing to an end.


  • 作为废除核武器美国应当寻求新的协议确证结束用于一国核武器”的裂变物质生产

    As a first step towards outlawing nuclear weapons, America should seek a new treaty that verifiably ended the production of fissile materials "intended for use in state nuclear weapons".


  • 声明令人意外美联储没有表明初始项目结束是否进一购买资产

    The greatest surprise in the statement was the Fed's decision not to signal further asset purchases once the initial programme ends.


  • 问题并未就此结束仍有可能使得额外的内存分配进一恶化。

    However aggravating extra allocations may be, the problems don't end there.


  • 作为这次讨论结束要问问招聘下一程序是做什么。

    As you conclude the discussion, ask about the next steps in the hiring process.


  • 点击下一项目浏览器定位扩展(在概要文件下关联虚拟目录下)展开下面属性就是扩展结束

    Next, navigate to the Extension (under the Associations virtual folder under the profile itself) in Project Explorer and expand it: the property below it is the Extension End.


  • 过去5美国房价进一下探,跌幅已经超过萧条时期——而且没有迹象表明这样自由体式下跌将在近期结束

    House prices have fallen further in the past five years than they did in the Great Depression - and there's no sign the free fall is about to stop.


  • 委员会要求当前研究结束作进一评价

    Committee calls for further evaluation following conclusion of on-going studies.


  • 明确结束会议-概括目标概述结果下一行动,任务分派。

    Close the meeting explicitly. - recap the goal, outline results, next actions.


  • 下一如清单11创建一个策略db 2实例用户db2ins95用户结束进程权限

    Next, as shown in Listing 11, create a policy that does not give db2 instance user db2ins95 and root user permission to kill the process.


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