• 如果外出半夜12指定回家”的时刻

    If you do go out, 12am is your designated "time to call an Uber home" time.


  • 所有的士兵都在担心下一该怎么办的时候,宰相管仲突然说:“老马是聪明的动物,可能知道回家的路。”

    When all the soldiers worried about what to do next, suddenly, the prime minister Guan Zhong said, "Old horses are clever animals who may know the way back home."


  • 所以回家之前发出了一报告,声称堤坝没有裂开虽然在报告中他确实有提到更进一的报告需要第二才能做出。

    So before going home for the night, he issued a situation report stating that the levees had not been breached, although he did add that further assessment would be needed the next day.


  • 第五环顾四周发现家里,于是我决定不克莱尔我家了,即使她肯跟我回家不能带她来。

    Step Five: look around and realize that the apartment is a mess. I resolve to avoid bringing Clare to my apartment tonighteven if such a thing is possible.


  • 有些地方出去散个回家做饭有益的,但这里不是

    It's not one of those nice places where it's conducive to go for a walk and then come back and cook dinner.


  • 于是蒂轻轻地叹了一口气,接着便河岸上站起来活泼快乐语调对我说道:“我们再散一会儿呢,还是回家?”

    So, with a quiet sigh for me, Biddy rose from the bank, and said, with a fresh and pleasant change of voice, 'Shall we walk a little further, or go home?


  • 17公布一份分两实施的大纲阐述了核电厂计划采取一系列依然存在风险但是没有成千上万疏散时间给出答案。

    A two-step plan published Sunday Outlines a number of tasks and risks that remain, but doesn't provide an estimate for when thousands of evacuees can return home.


  • 最后漫长一天终于结束了,我们回家。在睡觉之前李爽讨论了一下下一调研

    Finally after a long day we went home. Just before bedtime I and Lishuang discussed future research.


  • 必要的因为这种梦想割裂不再允许我们进一进入中枢太阳梦想回家了。

    This is necessary as the split in dreams does not allow us entry any further into the Great Central Sun dream for our homecoming towards the Tao.


  • 爸爸我们推车地压粗糙田埂向着回家田间小路走去

    Dad pulled the car, we cart, step by step over rough ground pressure ridge, the path toward home, walked the field.


  • 对与很多人来说深夜外出拿出智能手机辆优的车回家似乎常见仪式了。然而打的费却比平时高出了三

    It is a familiar ritual for many: after a late night out you reach for your smartphone to hail an Uber home, only to find-disaster-that the fare will be three times the normal rate.


  • 今年微信使用者更进一,用照片反映出自己回家前和回家区别。

    This year, users of Weibo and WeChat have been taking a step further, and reflecting on the picture they present to the world of their modern lives.


  • 下班路上,一般有两个地方,一下:报摊拿份报纸,在杂货铺一份新鲜鸡翅回家晚餐

    After work he would make two stops:at the newsstand to get the paper, and at the grocery to buy a fresh turkey wing for his supper.


  • 只受伤回家的时候遇到了点麻烦。走一就要倒退一但是,它最终还是到家了。请问这是怎么回事?

    The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took, he slipped back two. However, he still managed to get home. How did he do it?


  • 最后回家血液血液两个东西灰尘很强的吸收可以大大降低粘附尘埃

    The final step is to go home to buy pig's blood or cow blood to eat, these two things to the dust have a strong absorption edge, adhesion can greatly reduce the dust in the lungs.


  • 造物们回家之中,伴随着一道周期通过丢下跌入致密

    In failing not to take creations home, that which was left behind fell further and further into density with each passing Tao cycle.


  • 安娜本来约好早上1点一起早午餐,不过我打电话过去在睡,我去散结果下起雨来我就回家了。

    Anna and I were supppsed to meet for brunch at 11 this morning, but when I called her she wa still sleeping. I went for a walk but it started to rain so I went home.


  • 患者们想先回家,但一旦回到家中,他们没有人会,并采取进一锻炼计划。

    Once they are home, there is nobody there to pick up the ball and take it further. It is an organizational problem that has been recognized at least by the doctors.


  • 患者们想先回家,但一旦回到家中,他们没有人会,并采取进一锻炼计划。

    Once they are home, there is nobody there to pick up the ball and take it further. It is an organizational problem that has been recognized at least by the doctors.


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