• 此外我们必须通过社会互动来维持人性——而且是相当稳定的社会互动。

    Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interactionand fairly constantly so.


  • 此外他们自己容易获得的信息信心而且喜欢容易处理事物而不是难以处理的。

    Moreover, they have more confidence in their judgments regarding information that came to them fluently, and they like things that are easy to process more than things that are difficult to process.


  • 此外天然染料往往浑浊颜色而且它们很快褪色

    Further, natural dyes tended to be muddy in hue and fade quickly.


  • ,她的记忆通常是按时间顺序在想象中出现的,而且想象出来的图像往往是具体的。

    Furthermore, her memories usually appear in her imagination in order of time, and the images visualized are always specific.


  • 此外存在一些变化因素将这些机构推向OSS而且不是所有机构为了同样理由实现OSS。

    Furthermore, there are a number of varying factors driving institutions towards OSS and not all institutions are implementing OSS for the same reason.


  • 此外不仅NRPC客户机有关每个客户机成本可以不同而且每个平台可能不同之处。

    In addition, not only can the cost of each client with respect to an NRPC client vary, but each platform may also show differences.


  • 此外没有罗利何种方式伤害了盖茨而且街头证人目击逮捕经过

    Moreover, no one says Crowley abused Gates in any way. And there were witnesses in the street to the arrest.


  • 此外,还可以得更远一些,不仅可以用于仪表盘而且还可以使用简单图形构建任何类型图像简单的动画

    In addition, you can think out of the box with this control, not just using it for gauges but using its simple graphics primitive language to build any type of image and simple animation.


  • 此外,参赛男性必须要为促进男女平等做出过努力而且不能家庭暴力记录

    Also, he should have made efforts to promote gender equality and should not have any record of domestic violence.


  • 此外大的项目中文档可能仍然需要正式而且是可交付的。

    Moreover, documentation may also be required as a formal deliverable in a larger project.


  • 此外还会摸索出一些有价值的技巧这些技巧不仅有助于节约项目的成本,而且使您能够领悟以后项目应该避免哪些编码方式预防内存漏洞

    In addition, you'll gain some valuable skills that may not only save a programming project, but also provide insight as to what coding practices to avoid to prevent memory leaks in future projects.


  • 此外何谓新闻取决于新闻消费对象,不仅要看他们在哪里而且要看他们什么样的人

    What makes news also depends on the makeup of the intended audience, not just where they live but who they are.


  • 此外还有好多设计者似乎有着一个强烈理想(而且经常是不真实)去雕琢他们产品用户体验

    Furthermore, many designers seem to have a firm (and often unrealistic) belief in how they can craft the user experience of their product.


  • 此外开发者通常假设测试度量能够得以完成,而且服务本身需要包括这些活动支持

    Moreover, developers often assume that instrumentation and measurement can be accomplished after the fact and that the service itself does not need to incorporate support for these activities.


  • 研究显示注意力丰富不仅具有较强免疫力系统而且容易快乐享受强大的生活满足感此外他们可能敌意或者焦虑

    Studies show that mindful people not only have stronger immune systems but are more likely to be happy and enjoy greater life satisfaction, and they are less likely to be hostile or anxious.


  • 此外调查显示澳大利亚人办公时经常大声说话,接私人电话,而且打听同事的私人问题。

    Australians also regularly talk loudly at work, take personal calls and ask too many personal questions, the survey showed.


  • 此外可以尽享健康膳食而且不会再有一些动物被处以“死刑”。

    Also, you may appreciate your healthy meals even more knowing that no animals suffered along the way.


  • 此外研究人员称,丹麦此前的一项研究表明,爱喝葡萄酒的人受教育水准更高收入丰厚而且心理更加健康

    Wine consumers also tended to have higher education levels, higher earnings and be in better psychological health, they added, citing a previous Danish study.


  • 此外,两特征广告沿着中间明显的结合,而且根本没有匹配正确

    Also, two-page features and ads have a visible seam down the middle that rarely, if ever, matches up correctly.


  • 此外疫苗注射同样保障生命安全——这种顾虑非常重要因为婴儿不仅受不了疟疾的折磨,而且婴儿身上容易引发不良反应

    And it was also safe—an important consideration, since infants are both the people most vulnerable to malaria and those in whom it is easiest to provoke adverse reactions.


  • 此外还有另一个问题,即针对这些疾病线治疗费用很高,而且供应短缺。

    To add a further problem, second line treatments for these diseases are expensive and in short supply.


  • 此外可以显示个性帮助你得到项目,而且有助于建立良好的关系获得更多推荐人

    Plus, you get to show off your personality, which will help you to land the job and, furthermore, help you to establish a relationship that will lead to more referrals.


  • 此外还试图为博物馆内容辩护,“看到的博物馆的一个地方,从设计到创意到虚拟技术都赞助商的参与,而且得到了赞助商们的认可啊。

    But he defends the museum’s content, noting, “every gallery that has a sponsor that you’ve seen was designed and created and virtually installed before the sponsorship was acquired.


  • 此外还试图为博物馆内容辩护,“看到的博物馆的一个地方,从设计到创意到虚拟技术都赞助商的参与,而且得到了赞助商们的认可啊。

    But he defends the museum’s content, noting, “every gallery that has a sponsor that you’ve seen was designed and created and virtually installed before the sponsorship was acquired.


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