• 多数联邦国家,成员邦正式地位平等无论人口所以选民更占便宜

    In most federations the units have formally equal status, regardless of population, so voters in small units fare better.


  • 明天正式古礼获得尊贵的地位

    This very morrow shall he be installed in his princely dignity in due and ancient form.


  • 没有正式法律地位只不过人们事情之一你们知道可能属于一个无神论者社会与类似思维打交道

    There is no official legal status. It is simply one of the things that people do. You know, you could belong to an atheist's society and deal with people of similar thinking.


  • 包含名字成分表明指代社会特定角色地位正式头衔或者官阶

    Contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank.


  • 报告今年新增汇款大部分可能来自20万已美国合法居住工作18个月获得临时受保护地位”的未正式登记的工人

    Much of the increase this year will likely come from 200,000 undocumented workers granted "temporary protective status" to live and work legally in the United States for 18 months, says the report.


  • 份草案具备官方地位并且谈判开始之前,文本的削减必须获得正式批准

    It has no official status yet, and must be formally approved before negotiators can start to whittle it down.


  • 拉丁美洲高额薪水税率使正式经济体中的工人处于不利地位,一成不变过分仁慈的劳动法也阻碍正式工作的革新。

    High payroll taxes in many Latin American countries penalise workers in the formal economy, and rigid and over-generous Labour laws discourage the creation of formal jobs.


  • 从此埃菲尔铁塔巴黎城内有了一个正式地位逐渐接受喜爱最终名正言顺地上画家们的画布

    Since then, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the city has an official status, it has gradually been accepted, to be loved, the ultimate sense of the word ground painters canvas.


  • 正式和服作为日常穿着地位,被更为便捷的西服浴衣取代

    The formal Kimono was replaced by the more convenient Western clothes and Yukata as everyday wear.


  • 然而这种地位还达不到需要安理会讨论正式成员国地位要求

    However that status falls short of the full membership request being discussed in the Security Council.


  • 农村信用社农村正式金融市场获得垄断地位

    Rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) gain a quasi monopolistic position in formal rural financial market.


  • 大学治理包含内部治理外部治理两个方面正式制度安排外,文化理念大学治理中占有至关重要的地位

    University governance includes two aspects as inner governance and exterior governance. In addition to formal system arrangement, the culture and faith play an important role in university governance.


  • 教学正式结构就是师生教学活动基于不同地位职责形成的科结构。

    The formal structure of teaching refers to the layer structure formed by teachers and students in teaching activity based on different position and responsibility.


  • 如果他们获得三分之二票数的通过可能巴勒斯坦的地位观察员实体提高正式成员国的观察员。

    General Assembly where they hold observer status as an 'entity', and if they get a two-thirds majority approval - which is likely - upgrade to 'non-member state' observer.


  • 隋唐以后狗肉地位迅速下降,社会上层人士开始拒食狗肉下层普通民众只有正式场合品尝狗肉。

    The upper classes began to reject eating the meat of dogs, while the lower classes tasted it only in informal situations after the Sui and Tang Dynasties.


  • 战国时期楚墓帛画发现,则正式确立中国传统绘画线造型主体地位

    The discovery of painting on silk from Chu Tomb in Warring states established formally the principal part of traditional Chinese painting modeled by lines.


  • 本文临时读者设身处地分析入手主张临时读者享有正式读者若干权利明确他们地位

    Starting from analyzing the status of temporary readers, this article proposes that temporary readers should enjoy the same rights as formal readers, and they should have clear status.


  • 贫穷男子不得不长期或是永久煎熬单身汉生活,而这种地位印度社会普遍不受到认同的。在印度的社会,婚姻看作是成为社会正式成员必备条件

    The poor are forced into a long or permanent bachelorhood, a status widely frowned upon in India, where marriage is deemed essential to becoming a full member of society.


  • 森林生态系统全球循环平衡中具有极为重要不可替代的地位和作用,随着《京都议定书》正式生效,森林碳汇问题已经越来越受到世界各国的重视。

    Forest ecology system is important in the global carbon cycle and balance. Every countries attach great importance on forest carbon sink with the formal effective of Kyoto protocol.


  • 去年四月于布加勒斯特召开的北约峰会上,首脑们最终同意支持乌克兰格鲁吉亚盟国会员国地位但是最终没有他们成为正式的会员国达成一致。

    AT last April's NATO summit in Bucharest, leaders supported eventual alliance membership for Ukraine and Georgia but could not reach a consensus to offer them a formal membership action plan.


  • 大学治理包含内部治理外部治理两个方面正式制度安排外,文化理念在大学治理中占有至关重要的地位

    University governance includes two aspects as inner governance and exterior governance. In addition to formal system arrangement, the culture and faith pl...


  • 大学治理包含内部治理外部治理两个方面正式制度安排外,文化理念在大学治理中占有至关重要的地位

    University governance includes two aspects as inner governance and exterior governance. In addition to formal system arrangement, the cu...


  • 神圣合唱音乐上升突出地位作为首要正式欧洲音乐。

    Sacred choral music rose to prominence as the foremost formal music in Europe.


  • 阿巴斯那时巴黎进行为期十天的旅程赢得巴勒斯坦正式会员地位支持而宣传,他倾听美国特使大卫·海尔美国驻耶路撒冷领事丹尼尔·罗宾斯丁的意见。

    Abbas was in Paris on a 10-day trip to drum up support for U. n. membership, and listened politely to U. S. envoy David Hale and Jerusalem Consul General Daniel Rubinstein.


  • 经过一些处于行业领导地位公司的广泛测试之后,一个全新气化炉单元操作正式集成到版本

    A new Plasma Gasification unit operation is introduced in this version after extensive field testing by some of the leading companies in the use of this technology.


  • 在亚运会正式开赛后,奥体中心举办田径游泳网球8个大项比赛此次盛会赛事集中地位重要的场馆群之一

    Guangdong Olympic Sports Center will host competitions of 8 sports including athletics, swimming and tennis and will therefore be one of the most important and busiest venues.


  • 在亚运会正式开赛后,奥体中心举办田径游泳网球8个大项比赛此次盛会赛事集中地位重要的场馆群之一

    Guangdong Olympic Sports Center will host competitions of 8 sports including athletics, swimming and tennis and will therefore be one of the most important and busiest venues.


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