• 日本外务省尚未做出正式决定拒绝进一步置评

    Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said nothing official has been decided yet and declined to comment further.


  • 正式决定之前要做好调查跟踪记录工作拥有的选择权。

    Be sure to keep track of your findings and consider your options before officially deciding on relocating.


  • 一般来说,在正式决定是否授予终身聘任之前,终身教授任职大约5

    In general, a tenure-track faculty member will hold a position for about five years before a formal decision is made on whether tenure will be granted.


  • 加入头脑没有可以提取知识储备的话,你不能很容易从事讨论或者做出正式决定

    If you have no store of knowledge in your head to draw from, you cannot easily engage in discussions or make informed decisions.


  • 今年夏天这部动画决定动画化的制作如今这部作品正式决定作2011年的1月番登场

    Early in the summer of this animated decided animation production, now this works officially decided to make 2011 January brand new debut.


  • 四月消息称Proxmire十分关注全球变暖时,7家公司正式决定限制二氧化碳排放的提议以压倒多数结果获得通过。

    In April, when it came to light that she was concerned about global warming, seven separate resolutions to limit carbon emissions were passed by an overwhelming majority.


  • 今天后工业时代,“无知识工作者典型管理者受过更好教育,拥有管理者相当智力管理者更善于正式决定的人。

    Today, in the post-industrial age, "no-collar" knowledge workers are typically better educated, equally intelligent, and better able to make informed decisions than any manager is.


  • 他们决定建立正式关系

    They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing.


  • 如果他们桌子周围邀请他们共同决定前进最佳方式不论他们的联系正式还是正式的。

    If they are around the table, invite them and, jointly determine the best way forward, whether your connection with them is formal or informal.


  • 这次锐减美国鱼类野生动物管理局决定正式这种列为濒危物种主要原因

    The crash was a major reason the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided to formally list the bird as threatened.


  • 期望一个正式决定将会下月作出或者一月并且可能接受其他任何一家英超俱乐部邀请

    He expects a formal decision to be made in the next month or in January and is unlikely to accept an offer from any other Premier League club.


  • 因而这个决定可以推迟正式UI设计过程

    Consequently, this decision could be deferred to the formal UI-design process.


  • 卡恩的职位副手美国人约翰•里普斯基顶替,股东需要尽快决定正式替代人选

    His job is being temporarily filled by his American deputy, John Lipsky, but the shareholders need to decide quickly on a formal replacement.


  • 联邦卡特尔局正在收集相关信息决定是否启动一项正式调查

    The federal anticartel agency is gathering information, but has not yet decided whether to open a formal investigation.


  • 也许自制的问题来检测想法正式调查会提供准确数据支持潜在昂贵的决定

    You might test an idea with some homespun queries, but formal surveys provide more precise data to inform a potentially costly decision.


  • 踌躇之后北约给出了一个肯定答案原则上决定制定正式应变计划维护他们的安全。

    After five years of dithering, the answer now seems to be yes, with a decision in principle by the alliance to develop formal contingency plans to defend them.


  • 美国一位高级官员,中东“方”的这决定本周正式宣布

    The official announcement of the Quartet's decision was to be made Wednesday, a senior U.S. official said.


  • 诺伯格博士工作证实这点同时表明决定因素并非正式婚姻而是实际同居

    Dr Norberg's work reinforces the point, and also shows that it is not formal marriage, but actual cohabitation, that is the decisive factor.


  • 会议正式议程劳克林约翰逊布什,沃伯格奈特分发的文件决定

    The formal sessions of the conference were organized around papers delivered by Laughlin, Johnson, Bush, Warburg, and Conant.


  • 日前,欧洲央行决定二级市场大量买进无人问津的意大利西班牙债券正式成为欧洲所有国家最终贷款人。

    The ECB officially became the lender of last resort to all of Europe this morning as it moved to buy up unwanted Italian and Spanish bonds in the secondary market.


  • ,竞购开价决定公司是否出售重要因素公司周一正式拒绝了必和必拓提出每股130美元恶意竞购

    The price offered by bidders will be the most important factor in deciding whether the company, which on Monday formally rejected BHP's $130-a-share hostile bid, should sell itself, he said.


  • 沙滩排球最初是加州海边喜欢弄潮的人用来决定啤酒的游戏,现在它演变为一种正式运动

    Originally played on California's shores by fun-loving beachgoers to decide who would buy the beer, beach volleyball has since evolvedsintosa serious sport.


  • 正式报告重要因为高层经理常用这些报告重要决定

    Submissions are very important because they are often used by senior management to make key decisions.


  • 本人张柏芝谢霆锋正式宣布我们性格不合而共同决定离婚

    We, Cecilia Cheung Pak-chi and Nicholas Tse Ting-fung, formally announce that we decided to divorce due to personality clashes.


  • 情人节的前一天,珍妮布朗与其男友六个月的恋情正式告吹,小妮子没有选择在家闷闷不乐,而是决定豁出去了立马自己伴儿

    Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.


  • 情人节的前一天,珍妮布朗与其男友六个月的恋情正式告吹,小妮子没有选择在家闷闷不乐,而是决定豁出去了立马自己伴儿

    Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.


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