• 机体需要微量硒以维持正常代谢

    The body needs small amounts of it for healthy metabolism.


  • 咖啡熟睡的正常代谢提高同一水平

    It would take about 4 cups of coffee to raise a normal sleepers metabolism to the same rate.


  • 随着温度下降持续时间的延长,椽胶正常代谢发生变化。

    With the temperature dropping below the optimum, as its period prolonged, the normal metabolism in the rubber tree was changed.


  • 最近医生根据异常肌酐(一种正常代谢产物)水平进行诊断。

    But more recently, physicians began shifting their definition to one based on abnormal blood levels of creatinine, a normal byproduct of metabolism.


  • 基因调控系统时空精确性保证团头鲂胚胎发育正常代谢活动必要条件。

    It is clear that the exactness of time-space effect in the gene control system is essential for ensuring normal metabolic activities in the ontogenesis of the blunt-snout bream.


  • 维生素;维他命饮食所需小量有机化合物可以维持身体的正常代谢功能

    Vitamin Organic compound required in small amounts in the diet to maintain normal metabolic functions.


  • 根系活力下降可溶性可溶性蛋白质含量减少,因而影响水稻种苗正常代谢

    Besides, root activity, content of soluble sugar and soluble protein were reduced, too. So the normal metabolism in rice seedlings was affected significantly.


  • 这些称为正常代谢副产品自由基一些疾病状态产生过剩,这些疾病包括心脏病

    Free radicals, which are byproducts of normal metabolism, are produced in excess in certain disease states, including heart disease.


  • 单一应用VPA代谢患者正常代谢患者VPA血药浓度有所升高(P<0.05)。

    When VPA is administrated alone, the standardized plasma concentration at steady state (Csss) of VPA is higher in poor metabolism patients than that in normal metabolism patients ( P< 0. 05).


  • 生物体不可缺少一种元素,在细胞内把铜转运到含铜的蛋白质是细胞正常代谢的基本要求

    Copper is an essential element for living organism, and transporting copper to copper -dependent proteins is a basic requirement for normal cellular metabolism.


  • 结论IL -8具有双重作用,既参与脑组织正常代谢生理功能参与缺血损伤病理过程

    Conclusion: IL 8 has double roles: it plays a role in metabolism and function in normal brain tissue and a role in pathological course of cerebral ischemia injury.


  • 自由基学说认为,人体随着年龄增大所发生退行性变化细胞正常代谢过程产生过量自由基副作用的结果。

    The free radical theory of aging indicated that cellular degeneration was resulted from the excessive free radical that produced in the process of normal cellular metabolism as growth.


  • 许多研究已经证明机体正常代谢可以产生活性氧自由基,很强的氧化性机体产生疾病衰老关键之一。

    Many studies have shown that the normal metabolism of the body can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), which has strong oxidation, is the key of human diseases and aging.


  • 黯淡无光、偏晦黄色肌肤除了遗传原因外,常常是由于表皮角质层无法正常代谢、油脂、污垢无法彻底清除而导致的。

    Apart from the reason of heredity, the dark and yellow skins are caused by the abnormal metabolism of the cutin on the epidermis and incomplete cleansing of oil and dirt.


  • 正常代谢过程中,活性氧介入有害的,活性氧引发细胞内外多种具有生物活性的化合物相互作用,最终导致机体产生病理变化

    The harmful intervention of ROS in normal metabolic processes leading to pathologic changes was a consequence of their interaction with various biological compounds inside and outside cells.


  • 甲状腺功能减退时,即使只是正常生理性地减退时,代谢减缓

    When your thyroid gland slows down, even on the slow side of normal, your metabolic rate also slows down.


  • 人们根据老鼠进行研究实验发现早晨(醒来)用脂肪早餐喂养的老鼠代谢正常

    In a study conducted on rats, it was found that those rats that were fed a high fat meal in the morning (soon after waking) had normal metabolic profiles.


  • 大脑扫描显示脑细胞如何葡萄糖转化能量这一正常的新陈代谢活动

    The scans showed how the brain cells used sugar to produce energy, a normal activity.


  • 身体生物钟又称为生理节律不适当时间进食干扰身体正常节律,并引发一连串终将导致体重增加的代谢反应

    Eating at inappropriate times may disturb the body's natural rhythm, setting off a string of metabolic reactions that ultimately lead to weight gain.


  • 阿拉斯加团队发现春天继续活动的时候,他们的新陈代谢周时间才能回升正常水平。

    The Alaska team also found that when bears got moving again in spring, their metabolisms took several weeks to creep back to normal.


  • 甲状腺素用于控制新陈代谢如果太多太少阻碍你脑细胞之间正常的沟通。

    Thyroid hormones control your metabolism, but too much or too little can disrupt the normal chatter between brain cells.


  • 这样会抑制正常新陈代谢,破坏身体自我平衡状态。

    Normal metabolic processes are suppressed and the body’s homeostatic balance is thrown off.


  • 虽然正常老鼠那么多,也不那么饥饿,这些老鼠的新陈代谢依然旺盛。

    Their metabolism remained high despite being less hungry and not eating as much as normal mice.


  • 不吃早饭或者之间的间隔超过五个小时导致新陈代谢逐渐变慢,血糖水平降到正常以下。

    Skipping breakfast or going several hours (more than five) between meals results in your metabolism screeching to a halt and blood sugar levels dropping to less-than-ideal levels.


  • 国际田联认为腿减少了代谢消耗他带来了不公平优势——就是说,一个四肢正常相比,他只需要更少的努力

    The IAAF argued that his prosthetics gave him an unfair advantage by enabling him to run at a much lower metabolic costin other words, with much less effortthan an able-bodied person.


  • 婴儿初期他们不能身体制造完成正常新陈代谢完全依赖于母乳提供酶。

    And because in early life babies do not manufacture in their bodies sufficient enzymes for normal body metabolism, they are dependent on the natural enzymes furnished in their mothers \ \ \ 'milk.


  • 所以回复正常饮食时,由于新陈代谢下降为弥补先前丧失肌肉,人们的体重变得重。

    So when you go back to a normal diet you will start putting on more weight (unwanted fat) do to a lowered metabolic rate which your muscle that you lost once helped boost up.


  • 运动过程中,由于电解质代谢丢失,常影响机体正常生理功能使运动能力下降,进而影响到运动成绩

    Because of the loss of water and electrolyte metabolism in the process of exercise, the normal physiological function of organism will be disturbed, which will lead to the decline in performance.


  • 自体免疫失调这个术语就像是垃圾箱一样,其中包含例如狼疮代谢综合症在内一大堆的症状。这种疾病将身体器官正常功能当作入侵敌人那样对待

    A catchall term for a host of afflictions including Lupus and MS, autoimmune disorders treat the body's organs and normal functions as enemy invaders.


  • 自体免疫失调这个术语就像是垃圾箱一样,其中包含例如狼疮代谢综合症在内一大堆的症状。这种疾病将身体器官正常功能当作入侵敌人那样对待

    A catchall term for a host of afflictions including Lupus and MS, autoimmune disorders treat the body's organs and normal functions as enemy invaders.


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