• 正在此时黑色大轿车军营门口停了下来里面坐了4个军官

    At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates.


  • 很多正在创造整体完全提升的出色提升者,正在此时提供咨询

    Also there are many gifted associates creating whole and complete ascension within that offer consultations at this time.


  • 正在此时哥哥罗伯特走了进来,罗丝看出有些不对头

    Just then my brother, Robert, came in. When he looked at Rose, he could see that there was something wrong.


  • 正在此时也开始谩骂普通话粗俗地尖叫,隔桌子瞄准眼睛萝卜

    It was at this point that Yang seemed to "snap" -screaming obscenities in Mandarin while hurling daikon radishes across the table, clearly aiming for the eyes.


  • 正在此时一个雪球嗖嗖的正穿过空中向鼹鼠而来,紧跟其后的是刺猬松鼠兔子

    Just then a snowball came whizzing through the air, closely followed by Hedgehog, Squirrel and Rabbit.


  • 正在此时前门传来敲门声。一个开了门。“有个陌生人托伊太太,”

    At that moment there was a knock on the front door. One of the men opened it. 'a stranger wants to see Mrs Troy,' he said.


  • 然而正在此时地铁驶入了鲍林·格林开了群乘客蜂拥而入,一眨眼不见了

    Just then the train pulled into the Bowling Green station. The doors opened, a rush of humanity swarmed in, and then suddenly, she was gone.


  • 正在此时祖母于珀金森氏因此迫使我集中研究神经衰退的生理学这个领域。

    At this point, my grandmother died from complications associated with Parkinson's disease, and so the physiology of neural degeneration became an intense focus in my life.


  • 可怜孩子推上祭坛,将要被处死。 正在此时,上帝只浑身上下长着金色羊毛的羊来将两个孩子背上带走了。

    The poor boy was then placed on the altar and was about tobe knifed when a ram with goldenfleecewas sent down by thegods and carried off the two children on its back.


  • 孩子们害怕得直发抖,他们透过窗户偷偷往小屋里面窥视正在此时令人毛骨悚然一幕出现了,这个男人从他们身后出现了。

    Shaking with fear, the children peer through the window of his cottage before a spine-tingling scene in which he creeps up behind them.


  • 一支与众不同队伍玛利亚身后浩浩荡荡地进了一家糖果店,要想寻找最大手杖糖。正在此时却碰见了露丝的妈妈。

    It was with this extraordinary procession trooping at his and Maria's heels into a confectioner's in quest if the biggest candy - cane ever made, that he encountered Ruth and her mother.


  • 黑暗势力离开时它们怎样制造非业力性伤害情况已经得到明白犯下这些伤害机器设备正在此时Terra身上整个除去

    As the dark leave, an understanding of how they perpetrated non-karmic harm has been gained, and the machinery and equipment to perpetrate such is being removed from Terra altogether at this time.


  • 上周日晚些侯,意甲联赛,贝克·汉姆在没有人拼抢的情况下正准备开脚踢球正在此时突然停下来,米兰队休息区大喊:“断了!”

    Beckham was getting ready to kick a ball unchallenged late in Sunday's Serie a match when he suddenly pulled up and shouted to the Milan bench 'It's broken'.


  • 即使由于正在计划改变自己身材而使得此时衣服成为浪费,但这样做却可以增强这样一种意识自己能够适合任何款式和码子

    Even if it seems wasteful to buy clothes when you are planning on changing your body size, doing so will reinforce the idea that you are worthwhile at any size or shape.


  • 由于报道称(被否认)石油生产国正在商讨取缔美元作为计价货币导致美元下跌时金价上涨碰巧此时发生。

    Gold's rise coincided with a fall in the greenback on a report (since denied) that oil-producing countries were talking about replacing the dollar as the pricing currency.


  • 然而此时,在过去30多万年以来丢失更高维度梦想正在收回

    However at this time the lost dream that has flowed up the dimensions for over 300,000 years is being retrieved.


  • 德尚支球队正在享受一个重要冠军没有理由此时讨论改变

    Deschamps and the entire team are enjoying an outstanding championship and there is no reason to talk about a change at this time.


  • 就在此时此刻,有关寨卡病毒科研工作正在展开,而这正也是世卫组织今年21宣布“国际的突发公共卫生事件”的原因之一

    Science and research is developing around this as we speak, which was one of the reasons for the declaration of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 1 February.


  • 虽然能够无意识到,你正在生理上最佳任务时间段大约90分钟此时期,你可以高效率的任务然后回到思考停止期。

    Although you may not realize that you are the best physical work time is about 90 minutes, during which you can then return to work efficiently to stop thinking of.


  • 虽然能够无意识到,你正在生理上最佳任务时间段大约90分钟此时期,你可以高效率的任务然后回到思考停止期。

    Although you may not realize that you are the best physical work time is about 90 minutes, during which you can then return to work efficiently to stop thinking of.


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