• 张光盘配有歌曲全部歌词

    The CD comes complete with all the words of the songs.


  • 歌词庸俗得让尴尬。

    The lyrics of the song are embarrassingly banal.


  • 几年来写了政治性明显的歌词

    He's written a few overtly political lyrics over the years.


  • 这本100多首歌词吉他法谱。

    The book contains lyrics and guitar tablatures for over 100 songs.


  • 然而大多数歌词其他的解读方法

    With most of Dylan's lyrics, however, there are other ways of interpreting the words.


  • 再次吟咏第一倾听歌词音乐交融。

    She sang the first verse again, listening to the way the words melded with the music.


  • 格什温歌词今天很可能认为是有歧视的嫌疑。

    Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.


  • 如果明白其中一些歌词需要法语克里奥尔语

    It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics.


  • 认为许多其他歌手歌词注入了更多情感表达

    I think I put more expression into my lyrics than a lot of other singers do.


  • 非常喜欢他们声音喜欢他们的歌词,”很圆滑地

    "I really like their sound, although I'm not crazy about their lyrics," he says, diplomatically.


  • 得到了那些歌词施乐复印件,发给了大家,而后我们进行排练

    I got a Xerox of the lyrics, handed them out, and then we had the rehearsals.


  • 歌词是在频繁羽管键琴伴奏下唱出来

    The lyrics were spoken, frequently to the accompaniment of a harpsichord.


  • 发现语言难以理解时,他开始翻译京剧歌词

    When he found that the language was difficult to understand, he started to translate Beijing Opera song lyrics.


  • 80岁马穆恩·埃尔-希纳维现代阿拉伯抒情诗歌大师1000埃及流行歌曲写过歌词

    MA'MOUN EL-SHINNAWY, 80, was the master of the modern Arabic lyrical poetry who also wrote the words to more than 1,000 popular Egyptian songs.


  • 但是不管怎样即使我们歌词翻译什么的……可以看出悲伤没有试图音乐的角度分析它。

    But anyway, even with the translations you gave us for the lyrics and everything...I could tell it's sad, but I wasn't trying to analyze it from a musical perspective.


  • 现在优美的歌词所有年龄读者带来同样节日精神这本独一无二的图画书中女孩最大的圣诞愿望就是得到一只新的小狗

    Now its beautiful lyrics will bring the same holiday spirit to readers of all ages in this one of a kind picture book about a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new little dog!


  • 要想知道如果休斯真正采用经典的布鲁斯作为模式的布鲁斯诗歌可能什么样子,需要看看棕色布鲁斯”,这是休斯作曲家汉迪写的一首歌词

    To see what Hughes' blues poetry might have been like if he had truly adopted the classic blues as his model, one need only look to "Golden Brown Blues", a song lyric Hughes wrote for composer Handy.


  • 歌词很少甚至没有歌词的音乐都是最好的。

    Any music with little to no lyrics is best.


  • 因之一是古典音乐没有歌词

    One reason is that classical music has no lyrics.


  • 歌词是“我有一个梦想,我有一首歌要唱”。

    The key lyrics (歌词) are "I have a dream, a song to sing."


  • 首歌在后来的十年中被多次发表,歌词经常有微小的变化。

    The song was then published several times over the next ten years, often with small changes in the lyrics.


  • 还写了一首歌的歌词,以展示他的梦想和对母亲的爱。

    He also wrote lyrics for a song to show his dream and express his love for his mother.


  • 不知道很多歌的歌词,但知道一些我奶奶小时候就教会我的民歌。

    I don't know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma taught me at an early age.


  • 是一群马来西亚音乐家为支持中国抗击新型冠状病毒而创作的歌曲的歌词

    These are the lyrics of a song created by a group of musicians in Malaysia to support China in its battle against the novel coronavirus.


  • 一张统计显示1993年时,各类书中,气候变化这一词的使用频率已经超过全球变暖

    A Google Ngram Viewer chart shows that by 1993 climate change was already more commonly used in books than global warming.


  • 上个月股东大会关于摇滚歌词讨论中,莱文宣称说:“音乐不是社会问题原因”,他甚至还以儿子

    During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that"music is not the cause of society's ills" and even cited his son.


  • 维尔汤姆提供了首歌签名歌词

    Virl and Tom provided signed lyrics for two songs.


  • 首歌歌词是关于一个滑稽的脱衣舞者,为了通过电影审查歌词做了轻微的修改。

    Lyrics in the song about a burlesque stripteaser were slightly changed to pass film censorship.


  • 熟悉歌词旋律

    I don't know the lyrics and melody of the song.


  • 脑袋里转着布兰妮歌词

    Looping Britney Spears' lyrics through her brain?


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