• 这场比赛所有人开放克莱梅诺莫尼齐佩瀑布地区的作家可以优先。

    The contest is open to everyone, but preference is given to authors living in the Eau Claire, Menomonie, and the Chippewa Falls region.


  • 之所以选择了威斯康星大学克莱分校在马什菲德圣约瑟夫医院所开设的项目,是因为这样她能够在离家近的地方攻读四年学位。

    She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home.


  • 妮弗的意志力最终开花结果,她从威斯康星大学克莱分校毕业,成为她那大家族中第一个取得学士学位的人。

    That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's degree.


  • 怀德伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的,仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • 还表示应该作为全球计划先驱,实行排放权交易计划不要尝试航空公司这项计划,以免他们提出诉讼

    Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.


  • 目前选民们举动异常情绪无法预测女士也许会证明他们是错误的。

    But with the electorate in its present bizarre, unpredictable mood, Ms o 'donnell may yet prove them wrong.


  • 福接过先生写的以后,就拥抱了一下蕾妮了吻侯爵夫人侯爵握手告别,起程前往巴黎

    Villefort, after having received M. DE Salvieux 'letter, embraced renee, kissed the marquise's hand, and shaken that of the marquis, started for Paris along the Aix road.


  • 当使用一个新的电脑阅卷系统时,英语写作高手温斯顿·丘吉内斯特·海明威威廉姆·戈的文章都达不到平均分

    Texts written by masters of the English language including Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway and William Golding would have been deemed below average under a new computerised exam system.


  • 巴塞罗那信心十足挺进最后八强。同时普约皮克回归也将增强他们后防力量

    Barcelona move forward to the last eight of the Champions League with great confidence and the return of Puyol and Pique will strengthen their defence.


  • 阿拉巴马亨茨维劳拉·沃森举着保护,她的朋友桑迪·里帕卡炫耀胶鞋上的油渍

    Laura Watson of Huntsville, Alabama holds her protective footwear while her friend Sandee Riopka shows off the oil stains on her rubber boots.


  • 菲亚特瞄准通用汽车海外业务包括沃克斯品牌和拉美的业务。

    Fiat is also eyeing the foreign operations of General Motors, including its Opel and Vauxhall marques in Europe and its Latin American operations.


  • 联邦航空署芝加哥发言人托尼·里纳罗空管人员于8:14飞机重新联络上时,飞机已经威斯康辛州克莱上空。

    Controllers were able to re-established audio communication with the flight crew at 8.14 PM, when the plane was over Eau Claire, Wisconsin, said Tony Molinaro, an FAA spokesman in Chicago.


  • 德宁给了非常简短预览,关于一款即将推出的来自英特它的子公司迈克菲的混合软件安全技术

    Otellini gave a very brief preview of a forthcoming hybrid software-silicon security technology to come from Intel and its McAfee subsidiary.


  • 最近民意测验显示,10%的支持率仅次于希拉里·克林顿巴拉克·巴玛,位居第三,紧随其后的是约翰·爱德华兹

    Recent polls place Gore in third place with about 10 percent support, well behind Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and roughly tied with John Edwards.


  • 德宁表示英特公司正在努力开发耗电量更低的处理器,以促使这种个人电脑早日诞生。

    According to Otellini, Intel is hard at work at developing the lower-wattage processors that will enable this new breed of PCs.


  • 并且,他们拟定俄罗斯伊朗支持,建立一个类似派克卡特天然气公司的计划。

    And they have backed plans by Russia and Iran to create a gas cartel analogous to OPEC.


  • 联邦大厦里特工夫向秘书一下徽章冲进了办公室

    In the federal building, Agent Self flashes a badge as he pushes his way past the desk of Oren's secretary.


  • 除此之外,雀巢集团从事非食品类事业,包括眼部护理(),以及小部分莱雅化妆品事业。

    The NESTLE Group is also involved in non-food-related products, including ophthalmic products (Alcon) and a minority participation in the L'Oreal cosmetics group.


  • 尽管人们嚷嚷后PC时代来临英特公司首席执行官保罗仍然看好传统个人电脑市场

    Despite all the hullabaloo over a post-PC era, Intel chief executive officer Paul Otellini remains bullish on the traditional personal computing market.


  • /沃克斯廉价出售结果不尽人意。

    The outcome of the Opel/Vauxhall sell-off was messy.


  • 德的金融背景有助于客人打交道。

    Mr. O'Day says Mr. Gould's financial background helped him work with customers.


  • 将军希斯菲里尼奥哈佩齐名,成为仅有带领支俱乐部赢得冠的教练

    Ottmar Hitzfeld, or Der General, stands with jose Mourinho and Ernst Happel as the only manager to win the European Cup with two clubs.


  • 年前,海达的落地签国家一栏中填写西撒哈拉,因此被机场禁止入境。

    A year ago Ms Haidar was turned back at Laayoune's airport, apparently for writing "Western Sahara" as her country on her landing card.


  • 至于雅虎,现在该说了,的也都做了,雅虎董事会成员们最终可能不得不承认这名特克董事观点也许对于雅虎而言,可能再找到比卡罗·巴更好首席执行官了。

    As for Yahoo, when all is said and done, its own board members might end up echoing the sentiment of that Autodesk director: maybe there wasn't a better CEO for Yahoo than Carol Bartz.


  • 这次众多的名流夫妻,有帕丁森哈利·波特中合作过的演员——汤姆·女朋友贾德维亚还有网球明星塞·德斯基和他妻子露西

    Among the celebrity couples in attendance were Pattinson's Harry Potter co-star Tom Felton with his girlfriend Jade Olivia and tennis star Greg Rusedski and wife Lucy.


  • 菲亚特老总收购拥有沃克斯豪品牌通用汽车公司业务

    Sergio Marchionne, the boss of Fiat, said that he wanted to buy the European division of General Motors, owner of the Opel and Vauxhall brands.


  • 捐款给帕加富公司资助福瑞泰的旅行风险投资家乔恩·默已经唐尼交待福克斯误导

    Jon Moulton, the venture capitalist who made a donation to a company, Pargav, which helped fund Werritty's trips, is understood to have approached O'Donnell to claim that he was "misled" by Fox.


  • 上个赛季,列农鹿倒退了几步,科特则萨格勒布冠比赛上演出了精彩助攻。

    Last season, however, Lennon seemed to take an unsteady step backwards at White Hart Lane, while Walcott made a rocket-assisted international take-off on a memorable night in Zagreb.


  • 上个赛季,列农鹿倒退了几步,科特则萨格勒布冠比赛上演出了精彩助攻。

    Last season, however, Lennon seemed to take an unsteady step backwards at White Hart Lane, while Walcott made a rocket-assisted international take-off on a memorable night in Zagreb.


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