• 瑞士央行谨慎地调整自己经济增长通货膨胀的预测导致欧元瑞士法郎当日收盘下跌至1.5160。

    The SNB also cautiously revised up their growth forecasts and inflation projections, causing to EURCHF end down on the day at 1.5160.


  • 全球股市下跌正值原油价格逼近每桶100美元(尽管大幅回落),以及美元欧元瑞士法郎汇率分别跌至1.4856美元和1.1025美元创纪录低点之际。

    The slide in global shares came as oil approached $100 a barrel – though it fell back sharply – and the dollar set a record low of $1.4856 against the euro and $1.1025 against the Swiss franc.


  • 此外,美元欧元以及瑞士法郎比价也都创下新低。

    It also hit record lows against the euro and the Swiss franc.


  • 因为他们银行容易接待匈牙利贷款人(由于欧元瑞士法郎急于贷款)。

    Their Banks are most exposed to Hungarian borrowers (thanks to eager lending in euros and Swiss francs).


  • 欧元储备货币斗争中将继续攻城拔寨–如果遭殃的不是美元,也应该是一些较弱欧洲货币,比如英镑瑞士法郎

    The euro may yet make further ground as a reserve currency-at the expense of the smaller European currencies, the pound and the Swiss franc, if not the dollar.


  • 第三变化面对贷款恶化西方银行特别是借贷欧元瑞士法郎匈牙利波罗的海的客户,接受到了更多帮助

    A third change is that more aid has been given to western Banks that face souring loans, typically to clients in Hungary and the Baltic states who borrowed in euros or Swiss francs.


  • 例如瑞士大规模介入汇率市场,防止瑞士法郎欧元的汇率大幅升高。

    Switzerland, for example, has intervened massively to keep the franc from getting too strong against the euro.


  • 瑞士法郎欧洲唯一没有欧元取代法郎,通行瑞士列支敦士登。

    The Swiss franc, the only European franc not to have been replaced by the Euro, is used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.


  • 瑞士中央银行宣布防止瑞士法郎欧元进一步升值,会外汇市场进行干预

    The national bank vowed to intervene in the currency markets in order to prevent the Swiss franc from appreciating further against the euro.


  • 另外瑞士国家银行签订套汇协议促进瑞士法郎欧元银行中的流动性

    In addition, it entered into a swap agreement with the Swiss National bank to facilitate the distribution of Swiss franc liquidity to euro area Banks.


  • 同时另一种避险货币瑞士法郎欧元走低

    Meanwhile, the Swiss franc - another popular haven currency - weakened against the euro.


  • 而最近由于瑞士法郎紧盯欧元传言投资者正减少对瑞士法郎的买入。

    Rumors of a peg to the euro have dissuaded investors from purchasing francs recently.


  • 经济合作发展组织(OECD)通过购买力平价计算(一种调节相对价格措施),瑞士法郎欧元相比则被高估42%,与美元相比则被高估44%。

    On the OECD's calculations of purchasing-power parity (a measure that adjusts for relative prices), the franc is 42% overvalued against the euro and 44% against the dollar.


  • 今年瑞士法郎欧元几乎升值8%。

    The Swiss franc has appreciated by almost 8% against the euro this year.


  • 实际上欧元大多数主要货币(包括瑞士法郎)升值。

    Instead it has appreciated against most major currencies (though not the Swiss franc).


  • 这个地区借了16 000亿美元欧元瑞士法郎

    The region has borrowed $1.6 trillion in dollars, euros, and Swiss francs.


  • 但是这座投入了98亿瑞士法郎(70亿欧元)隧道激起了越来越高的担忧呼声,相邻国家繁荣公路交通可能对阿尔卑斯山带来一定污染

    But the 9.8 billion Swiss franc (7.0 billion euro) tunnel is also the fruit of a popular wave of concern about pollution in the Alps with booming road traffic transiting from neighboring countries.


  • 目前5种货币——美元欧元日元英镑瑞士法郎扮演储备货币的角色。

    Currently five currencies - the dollar, the euro, the yen, sterling and the Swiss franc act as reserve currencies.


  • 瑞士法郎欧元达到了历史最高点,年期德国国债收益率至2.6%,为八月来最低。

    The Swiss franc reached an all-time high against the euro and yields on ten-year German Bunds dropped to an eight-month low of 2.6%.


  • 过去一个欧元瑞士法郎澳元的汇率跌至历史最低水平,欧元上周瑞典克朗汇率则跌至创纪录低点

    Against the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar the euro has hit all-time lows in the past month and just last week sank to a record low against the Swedish krona.


  • 瑞士采取行动保护遭受欧洲金融危机损害出口商瑞士瑞士法郎欧元汇率设定了上限

    Switzerland is moving to protect its exporters hurt by Europe's financial crisis, putting a cap on the franc's exchange rate against the euro.


  • 欧洲货币表现良好最强欧元瑞士法郎挪威克郎

    The European currencies are faring well and the strongest are the euro, Swiss franc and Norwegian krona.


  • 如果说某一,当欧元兑换美元日元或者瑞士法郎汇率上浮0.2%,抑或者隔天下跌0.2%,没有注意

    IF the euro, say, rises by 0.2% against the dollar, yen or Swiss franc one day and falls by almost as much the next, no one pays much attention.


  • 不过我们再次买新兴市场货币澳币不是欧元瑞士法郎

    However, we would buy it against the emerging currencies and Australia but not the euro or the Swiss franc.


  • 瑞士法郎一个非常强势的货币过去一周呈现单边,然而同时欧元大幅下挫。

    The Swiss franc is a very strong currency and it has traded sideways to higher during the past week as the euro has declined sharply.


  • 欧元瑞士法郎历史新低,这可能是因为日元美元创历史新高,所以欧洲经济认为安全可靠

    The euro reached a record low against the Swiss franc on concerns about Europe's economy, while the yen, seen as a safe-haven, jumped to a 15-year high against the dollar.


  • 然而最近几周欧元走势与瑞士法郎以及瑞典挪威克郎更为分歧,由于越来越担忧欧元续存问题。

    However, in recent weeks it is diverging from the Swiss franc and to a lesser extent the Swedish and Norwegian krona. This is due to the growing fears about the survival of the single currency.


  • 欧元区债务危机以来,投资者纷纷转向瑞士法郎规避风险瑞士央行宣布:“当前瑞士法郎价值被高估瑞士经济造成严重威胁可能引起通货紧缩。”

    The central bank declared that: "The current massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc poses an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carries the risk of a deflationary development."


  • 欧元区债务危机以来,投资者纷纷转向瑞士法郎规避风险瑞士央行宣布:“当前瑞士法郎价值被高估瑞士经济造成严重威胁可能引起通货紧缩。”

    The central bank declared that: "The current massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc poses an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carries the risk of a deflationary development."


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