• 成功证据至多混合因素。”伦敦经济学院亨利佛曼

    "The evidence for success is mixed at best," says Henry Overman of the London School of Economics.


  • 成功证据至多混合因素。”伦敦经济学院亨利佛曼

    The evidence for success is mixed at best,” says Henry Overman of the London School of Economics.


  • 尼克祖父内斯特1902年定居南非。在他22那年,作为一家总部伦敦的钻石交易公司代理,他外派钻石业繁荣的小城金伯利

    Nicky's grandfather Ernest settled in South Africa in 1902, having been posted to the diamond-boom town of Kimberley at the age of 22 as an agent for a London-based firm of gem traders.


  • 收盘走高,斯托600指数延续本月连续两天的上涨势头,伦敦股市矿业个股上涨。

    European stocks climbed, extending the Stoxx Europe 600 Index's biggest two-day advance in a month, as mining shares rallied in London.


  • 尽管上周伦敦被2比1击败,巴塞罗那前锋比利亚仍然确信球队将会战胜阿森纳挺进下个冠的四分之一决赛。

    Barcelona striker David Villa is convinced his side will beat Arsenal to progress to the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League next month, despite last week's 2-1 defeat in north London.


  • 如果这种效率转到交易所,则法兰克福伦敦交易所必须降价应对

    If it can bring some of that efficiency to Euronext, Frankfurt and London will have to respond with price cuts of their own.


  • 现在伦敦,在法国内衣公司组织特殊活动模特会在伦敦西区举行,包括西蒙佩儿, 巴德贝莎娜塔

    This very day in London, a parade of models will be taking to the West End in a special event organised by French lingerie companies, including Simone Pérèle, Aubade and Passionata.


  • 伦敦警局发言人,警局希望比能早日彻底康复不过看样子它得好几个月不能回来上班

    A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said the organisation wished Obi 'a speedy and full recovery' but added that he was unlikely to return to work for several months.


  • 汤姆林森致死时,正是41傍晚警察正在伦敦一些地区进行协调围堵行动之中。

    Mr Tomlinson died during apparently co-ordinated kettling operations by the police in parts of the City in the early evening of 1 April.


  • 三丽公司提供的官方资料目前HelloKitty家族居住伦敦

    According to her official profile from Sanrio, Hello Kitty lives with her family in London.


  • 2000年2月19日安德鲁王子前妻萨拉公爵女儿也妮公主、比阿特丽丝公主一起伦敦之眼庆祝40岁生日

    February 2000: Prince Andrew celebrates his 40th birthday on the London Eye with his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York, and daughters Eugenie and beatrice.


  • 喝咖啡、上电脑……,不到一个小时,想法成形了,世界从“巴士”(OzBus)向我招手:这辆魔法般的长途巴士从伦敦出发探险,用三个月的时间穿越17个国家到达地球的背面。

    Coffee, computerwithin an hour the world beckoned in the shape of OzBus: a magical bus leaving London Bridge for a three-month adventure across 17 countries to the Land Down Under.


  • 例如,纽约股票交易所交所(Euronext)的合并不但进入股票交易市场提供交易伦敦国际金融期货交易所的的金融衍生物市场的机会,而这些金融衍生物产品美国亚洲有交易。

    For the NYSE, for instance, the merger with Euronext offered not only access to European share trading but also to the LIFFE derivatives market, which trades in both Europe, America and Asia.


  • 衍生交易洲期货交易所(Eurex),还有近被交易所(Euronext)收购的伦敦国际金融期货即选择权交易所——都在努力着从美国证券交易中尽量多捞一杯羹。

    Rse's derivatives arm, Eurex, and more recently Euronext's LIFFE exchange-have been trying to grab a bigger share of American securities trading.


  • 但是英国公投脱意味着伦敦可能失去作为重要商业中心地位

    But the British vote to leave the European Union means London could lose its place as Europe's leading business center.


  • 切尔西一分未得的回到伦敦小组赛分组抽签明天决定,事关重大

    Chelsea return to London empty-handed. Tomorrow will be an important day, when the draw for the Champions League group stages will take place.


  • 网站信息表明大部分签名群众主要来自于强烈支持地区尤其是伦敦

    Most of those who signed were based in areas where support for staying in the EU was strongest, most especially London, the website indicated.


  • 经济学会削弱伦敦金融中心地位,使整个国家陷入经济衰退。

    Economists warned that splitting from the EU could undermine London's status as a financial capital and tip the country into a recession.


  • 颁奖典礼伦敦菲尔区克拉里奇酒店举行蒂娜•戴克表示自己“职业生涯上的一项莫大荣誉”。

    Speaking at the ceremony, which took place at Claridges hotel in London's Mayfair, Odile Decq said it was "a great honour to walk in her path".


  • 可以理解,缘何脱投票人们关心摄政伦敦其他地方的的商铺需求会不会减小

    It is understood there were concerns about whether demand for stores on Regent's Street and other parts of London owned by the Crown would drop after a vote for Brexit.


  • 关注进展目的在于确保公司能够继续利用伦敦巨大吸引力

    We'll need to monitor Brexit developments to ensure we can still leverage the great attraction of London.


  • 现在伦敦大学学院创建罗巴联赛资格赛

    I am now creating UCL and Europa League qualifying rounds.


  • 伦敦温布利绿茵场上,西甲巴萨3:1力克英超曼联队捧杯也是巴萨在三个赛季第二度在同一球场两度高举冠杯,更是少帅瓜迪奥拉对阵老帅弗格森的完胜。

    The revered Catalans earned Guardiola his second Champions League trophy in three seasons and the club's fourth in total with a 3-1 win over Manchester United in London.


  • 这位西班牙门将对阵罗马的比赛零封对手,今天携手女友遛着小狗出现在伦敦街头

    The Spanish keeper, fresh from keeping a clean sheet in the Gunners' Champions League victory over Roma, was spotted out with his girlfriend walking their dog in North London today.


  • 伦敦大约30万从事金融服务业,有159外国银行办公,我们非常引以为豪。但很容易看出退代价很大

    Whilst we are very proud to house some 300,000 people working in this sector in London with 159 foreign Banks that are based here, one could have seen that we have a lot to lose.


  • 伦敦大约30万从事金融服务业,有159外国银行办公,我们非常引以为豪。但很容易看出退代价很大

    Whilst we are very proud to house some 300,000 people working in this sector in London with 159 foreign Banks that are based here, one could have seen that we have a lot to lose.


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