• W确定模糊隶属函数模糊判决规则

    The fuzzy subordinate function and fuzzy decision rules are determined by W.


  • 提出应用粗糙理论辩识模糊隶属函数可行性

    The feasibility of applying theory of rough sets to the identification of fuzzy membership function is confirmed in this paper.


  • 本文介绍了如何对一些信号处理结果进行转换而得到模糊隶属函数

    This paper shows how the membership functions are obtained from results of signal processing.


  • 通过神经网络学习,修正模糊隶属函数参数模拟不同类型驾驶员。

    The parameter of fuzzy member function can be corrected with the neural network as result that the model can simulate the driver with individuation.


  • 通过分析故障诊断征兆变化规律建立了基于模糊隶属函数的诊断征兆模糊化处理方案

    The changing law of symptom value is analyzed and fuzzy normalization method based on fuzzy membership functions is built.


  • 通过设计参数模糊分析建立模糊隶属函数模糊集合扩展理论求取设计参数优化

    In this paper, the fuzzy membership function is built by analysis on design parameters' fuzzy attribution, and optimization values are obtained on the basis of fuzzy aggregate expand theory.


  • 方法图像分为目标背景,并分别建立相应的模糊隶属函数描述图像各个灰度级属于目标背景模糊特性,进而给出图像模糊熵的描述。

    The method defines different member function for the object and background of the image to transform the image into fuzzy domain with maximum fuzzy entropy.


  • 分别构造了隶属函数来表达群决策中的“大多数一致性两个模糊变量提出综合权重”这一概念表示任意一对专家整体重要性

    Those fuzzy variable like "most" and "consensus" are presented by their membership functions, and the concept of "integrated weight" is presented to indicate the importance of a pair of experts.


  • 每个模糊变量包括一系列模糊子集一个模糊向量这个模糊向量用来描述一系列模糊子集隶属函数

    Every fuzzy variable consists of a series of fuzzy subsets and a fuzzy vector. The fuzzy vector is used to describe these series of fuzzy subset membership function.


  • 基础上,构造出了模糊控制器输入输出语言变量值隶属函数模糊控制规则

    So the membership function of input and output lingual variables and control rules are formed in this thesis.


  • 通过优化模糊pi控制器量化因子比例因子,从而优化隶属函数使控制系统具有很好的稳态动态性能

    Though optimizing quantification factor and proportionality factor of Fuzzy-PI controller, optimizing the membership function, then make the system response has good dynamic and steady performance.


  • 方法可以优化确定系统输入输出变量隶属函数以及模糊控制规则

    By this means, the membership functions of input and output variables and the fuzzy control laws can be optimized.


  • 引入梯形隶属函数,并给出隶属函数描述缺陷尺寸检测概率之间模糊关系

    After semi-trapezoid and drop-mountain shaped subordinate functions were introduced, the fuzzy relationship between the size of defects and POD was described by subordinated function.


  • 其次模糊信息量用于图像分割给出具体隶属函数构造

    Second, the method of constructing fuzzy membership function is proposed in image segmentation based on fuzzy mutual information.


  • 模糊优化算法隶属函数确定专家系统中专家的知识、经验规则获取棘手的问题。

    It is difficult to determine the membership function in fuzzy optimization method and to obtain the knowledge, experience and rules in expert system.


  • 利用隶属函数可以确定模糊区内断裂失效概率

    Using the membership function, the fracture probability in the fuzzy region can be determined.


  • 新的目标准则函数考虑了数据集样本模糊隶属关系样本几何分布两个方面的因素使算法鲁棒性和分类正确性大大加强。

    Two factors are considered in cluster-validity criterion to enhance the robustness of algorithm and the validity of clustering, one is fuzzy membership and the other is geometric property.


  • 在学习过程中通过同时调整函数平移因子隶属函数形状,使得模糊小波网络精度泛化能力大大提高。

    By adjusting the translation parameters of the wavelets and the shape of membership functions, the accuracy and generalization capability of FWN can be remarkably improved.


  • 基础上提出共振模糊子集隶属函数确定原则给出具体确定方法

    On the basis of it, the principle of determining the membership function of the resonant region fuzzy set is proposed and the detailed method is given.


  • 运用模糊数学中的隶属函数构造数学模型提出科学地评价高校毕业生学习水平一种方法

    Apply administering function in fuzzy mathematics to build math model, This article presents a method to evaluate the level of university graduated scientifically.


  • 获得了足够数据后,通过自适应神经网络模糊系统ANFIS训练产生隶属函数模糊规则产生模糊控制器

    When obtaining plenty data, self-adapt neural network fuzzy control system ANFIS come into being subjection degree function and fuzzy rule, namely come into being fuzzy controller.


  • 根据模糊数学隶属函数最大隶属原则讨论模糊综合评判方法应用准则,建立了测井判别油水层的模糊数学模型。

    Discussed are the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and its application principle according to membership function and maximum subordination principle in fuzzy mathematics.


  • 通过合理地确定模糊隶属函数模糊控制规则等,初步研究设计了核电站稳压器模糊控制器

    A fuzzy controller of nuclear power plant pressurizer is researched and designed tentatively by defining fuzzy set, membership function and fuzzy control rule properly.


  • 模糊理论可以广泛地应用控制工程中,如何准确确定隶属函数模糊控制关键技术之一

    Fuzzy theory can be widely used in control engineering. It is one of critical technologies of fuzzy control that how to determine membership function.


  • 章介绍模糊理论由来模糊理论简介、模糊集合隶属函数基本概念一些重要性质。

    This chapter introduces the origin of the fuzzy theory, the meaning of fuzzy set, the membership function and some basic conceptions.


  • 算法分别采用神经网络模型进行模糊隶属函数表达优化问题求解从而模糊优化同神经网络有机结合起来。

    A new algorithm based on neural network models is also presented, in which the neural networks are employed to express the membership function of fuzzy sets and solve the optimization problems.


  • 算法分别采用神经网络模型进行模糊隶属函数表达优化问题求解从而模糊优化同神经网络有机结合起来。

    A new algorithm based on neural network models is also presented, in which the neural networks are employed to express the membership function of fuzzy sets and solve the optimization problems.


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