• 即便模糊东西比如:找乐子。可以始终抱有这个想法

    Even if it's something vague, like "to be happy," you can still make it an intention.


  • 将“实验错误客户过失解释产品中的含糊模糊的东西(不是直观的)。

    He interprets a "pilot error" or "customer mistake" as something ambiguous or vague (not intuitive) in the product.


  • 尼采描述这个世界教化必须打击那些介于道德和,非道德之间模糊的东西

    Nietzsche describes the moralization of the word should inflict which are ambiguous between the moral and pre moral sense.


  • 潜在语境现实交际就是一些比较模糊东西交谈者个人潜在的一些因素,就是说它是隐形的。

    Potential context in the real is some of the obscure things, it is some potential factors of communicator, that is to say it is invisible.


  • 看到屋角里模糊东西被子下面拱起膝盖当成他的肩膀时,她以为见到了一付可怕的躯体,吓得不敢动

    When she caught sight of an undefined mass in the corner, and took his raised knees under the quilt for his shoulders, she pictured some fearful body there, and stood still in terror.


  • Web地址12年前还是一个相对模糊的东西现在它们只是出现Web浏览器中出现名片简介材料中,以及户外广告牌、公共汽车和体恤衫上。

    Web addresses were relatively obscure a dozen years ago, but now they appear not just in Web browsers but also on business CARDS and brochures, on billboards and buses and T-shirts.


  • 查阅某些东西时,“引用语言引用之间区别而言总是模糊

    The distinction between "library reference" and "language references" is always fuzzy to me when I go to look something up.


  • 双筒望远镜看只见团模模糊糊的东西

    I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars.


  • 查找某些东西时,“引用语言引用之间的区别而言总是模糊有疑惑,就尝试两者

    The distinction between "library reference" and "language references" is always fuzzy to me when I go to look something up; try both if in doubt.


  • 然而人类这个专门名词给人们的感觉是模糊抽象的,可能任何其他东西容易妨碍认识这种形势

    But what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term 'mankind' feels vague and abstract.


  • 几个月以来,忘记了这种东西留下只有模糊的渴望

    For months I forget there is such a thing as wind; all that's left is a vague need.


  • 得太模糊笼统了“,说,“,回答一些字面意思的东西

    Your more general"-- He says, "Okay. I'll respond to those sentence-level things."


  • 不是最好定义因为模糊为什么大多数东西物价率先上涨的原因。

    It is not the best definition, because it obscures the reason why prices for most everything go up in the first place.


  • 这个突破不仅仅使找到重现过去成为可能,更重要给定模糊的线索时,它也能够无数的可能性发掘出一些东西

    The breakthrough was not just being able to find or replay something from the past, but to find something in a vast hive of possibilities when only the vaguest clues are given.


  • 不同人员常常同一术语表示非常不同的东西 ——这种情况术语模糊性引起的,后者是因为缺少清晰业务定义

    Often the same term is adopted by multiple stakeholders to mean very different things -- a situation which persists because of the ambiguity that occurs where there is no clear business definition.


  • 当时想也许就是整个博客文章整理有意义东西,只是个模糊想法,觉得未来年内会去做。

    It might be just a big cat of my entire blog into something meaningful and that's kind of this vague notion that I had for the next year or two.


  • 清楚为什么自己要保留这些东西,我只能说一些模糊理解,我觉得是想让自己铭记成长过程中的美好时光

    I'm not exactly sure why I saved everything, but I have some sort of idea. I never wanted to forget the great times I'd had growing up.


  • 语义万维网在目前似乎只是个模糊的概念仍是令人振奋的东西

    The semantic web may seem equally vague today, but it could prove just as exciting.


  • 发现你把自己想出新的有趣的方法变成现实的东西不仅仅是模糊概念

    You'll find yourself coming up with new and interesting ways to turn your ideas into something more than just vague notions.


  • 据报道国内其他地方什么东西允许公众查看记录问题上的界定模糊不清

    In other areas of the country, it has been reported, there is some confusion over what we are allowed to see and to record.


  • 尽管如此的神态目光里,隐藏着某种混乱、模糊心不在焉东西看就知道他这个也许未来的物质生活,既没有明确目标怎么关心。

    Nevertheless, something nebulous, preoccupied, vague, in his bearing and regard, marked him as one who probably had no very definite aim or concern about his material future.


  • 可供购买商品品种那时到现在成几何倍数增长我们这些东西如何形成的了解变得越来越模糊

    The range of items available for purchase may have grown exponentially since then, but our understanding of their genesis has grown ever more obscure.


  • 量子作为那些不能我们理解东西象征,给我们带来许多,我们常常许多现象模糊为“量子怪事”。

    "Quantum" is thrown around a lot as a label for things we don't understand, and we often lump a number of phenomena into the vague category of "quantum weirdness".


  • 潜藏着黑暗模糊不清东西让人害怕因为知道是什么

    Stuff that's hidden and murky and ambiguous is scary because you don't know what it does.


  • 太阳强烈了,直接穿透过戴着的那副墨黑的太阳镜所有东西都变成一种模糊令人眩晕阴霾

    The sun was too bright. It reached right through her dark sunglasses to cast everything in a vague, distracting haze.


  • 不过,要大脑建立起信任,已经一些有趣模糊东西给我们启发与光亮。

    Nevertheless, there have been some interesting glimmers into the formation of trust in the brain.


  • 这些闪烁太快数字正常情况下,对于地面上的人们来说,只是模糊不清东西

    Under normal conditions - standing around on the ground, say - the Numbers are just a blur.


  • 不是最好定义因为模糊为什么大多数东西物价第一地方上涨的原因。

    It is not the best definition, because it obscures the reason why prices for most everything go up in the first place.


  • 然而人类这个专有名词给人们的感觉模糊抽象的,它可能任何其他东西容易妨碍认识这种形势

    But what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term "mankind" feels vague and abstract.


  • 然而人类这个专有名词给人们的感觉模糊抽象的,它可能任何其他东西容易妨碍认识这种形势

    But what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term "mankind" feels vague and abstract.


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