• 宇航员日前发布了年龄最大的、遥远超新星模糊照片

    Astronomers have revealed faint images of the two oldest and most distant supernovae to be discovered to date.


  • 篇教程展示如何修复模糊照片以及将来如何避免拍出这样的照片

    This tutorial will show you how to repair photo blur, and how to avoid it in the future.


  • 如果快门速度较慢,则快门打开拍摄对象可能移动,从而导致照片出现运动模糊

    With slow shutter speed, it's more likely that you or your subject is going to move while the shutter is open, causing motion blur in your photo.


  • 所有照片光线都是模糊甚至像是漂白过——传统水彩画技法工业污染相结合的见证。

    In all the pictures, the air and light are fuzzy, even bleached - a reminder of both traditional watercolour techniques and the taint of industrial pollution.


  • 虽然林地面积可以卫星照片计算出来,但是一种大部分长在那儿植物模糊概念

    Although a woodland's area can be worked out from satellite photographs, that gives only a hazy idea of the mass of the plants growing there.


  • 但是这里一样个缺点,就是使用慢速快门,如果或者主题有任何移动的话,你的照片出现动态模糊

    With a slow shutter speed it's more likely that you or your subject is going to move while the shutter is open, causing motion blur in your photo.


  • 谷歌标准程序之外,谷歌还推出一项服务,对“街景”中照片人脸车牌号进行模糊处理。

    Google said that service would be offered in addition to standard procedures obscuring faces and vehicle-license plates in pictures incorporated into the program.


  • 如果的家人多数是深色肌肤,那么诸如藏青黑色这样颜色就会人们肤色混淆,从而使你照片看上去色彩模糊

    If you have a number of dark skinned people, dark colors like navy and black will blend into the skin and make for an unclear picture.


  • 观众可以随意调整图像重点只需点击一个大家关注的焦点使得照片其余部分模糊

    A viewer can adjust the focus of an image at will simply by clicking on a point to bring it into sharp focus and blurring the rest of the photo.


  • 尽管模糊,在张老照片上的是一个有着明亮双眼的微笑的人,张新照片中板着脸的人相去甚远

    Albeit fuzzy, the old photo shows a smiling figure with bright eyes, far different from the new, stone-faced photo.


  • 程序上下文中,我们勉强可以理解张图片的意义一张模糊照片来表示这个门户系统功能

    Its meaning in the application context is reduced to a vague bridge metaphor referring to the function of a portal.


  • 例如,这里有一张笑脸符号黑白照片,既模糊难以辨认看上去就像是小学生拙劣的模仿作品。

    Consider, for instance, a blurry little black-and-white photograph of a smiley-face icon, so fuzzy and ill-defined it looks like a parody of the Shroud of Turin.


  • 光圈f/1.8镜头光圈f/5.6的镜头之间区别可能相当于一张以400感光度拍摄黄昏清晰教堂照片一张以3200感光度拍摄的模糊影像之间的区别。

    The difference between an f/1.8 lens and an f/5.6 lens can be the difference between a clean picture of a church at dusk shot at ISO 400 or a grainy image shot at ISO 3200.


  • 投资者必须希望消费者醉心于,Lytro相机删除照片模糊朦胧琐碎的部分,从而达到一劳永逸的效果。

    Investors must be hoping that consumers find all the irritants that Lytro's camera removes, like blurred or dim pictures, niggling enough to want them removed once and for all.


  • 这个模糊的黄色物体无人侦察潜艇,这艘潜艇上,有他们迫不及待看到的15000

    This was an unmanned reconnaissance submarine carrying 15, 000 photographs that they were nearly desperate to see.


  • 对于排版印刷线条清晰甚至照片来说,JPG不是一种理想媒介因为他们经常反锯齿而弄得模糊不清

    JPG is also not an ideal medium for typography, crisp lines, or even photographs with sharp edges, as they are often blurred or smeared out by anti-aliasing.


  • 就像看到照片工作室地面有点所以为了移除污渍使用了一些表面模糊

    As you can see the background of the photo studio was kind of dirty, so in order to remove the stains I applied some Surface Blur.


  • 本。阿里:其实真正影响的摄影师只有三个他们的是低保真的胶卷强调照片颗粒细纹模糊

    Ben Ali Ong: There are only two of three photographers that really influenced me and they all use the lo-fi aspects of film with an emphasis on the grain and blurring.


  • 应该常备三角架因为任何轻微移动都会造成照片模糊不清

    You should always have a tripod since your photographs will come out blurry with any type of movement.


  • 吉普赛”,画家皮埃尔·波纳尔1901年拍摄一张模糊黑色照片-只是由于其拍摄者才显得不同寻常-表现的是舞者手臂放松的弧线

    "Gypsy Dancing," a dim sepia 1901 photograph by the painter Pierre Bonnard - remarkable just because of who took the picture - catches the easy arc of a dancer's arm.


  • 拍照小技巧如果用上三角架,然后放慢快门速度拍摄移动对象可以一张有强烈对比照片,有清晰的部分模糊掉的细节

    Photo Tip: If you use a tripod and a very slow shutter speed to shoot a moving subject, you can get a dramatic contrast between sharp and blurred detail.


  • 照片显示出一些模糊小点位于圣克鲁斯加州大学天体物理学家加思·伊林沃思说:“像素非常微弱。”

    The images reveal blurry dots, "just a handful of pixels," says Garth Illingworth, a University of California, Santa Cruz, astrophysicist.


  • 如果不想照片模糊不清需要锁定焦点,使拍摄对象居中然后重新组合照片,使拍摄对象不在中间

    If you don't want a blurred picture, you'll need to first lock the focus with the subject in the middle and then recompose the picture so the subject is away from the middle.


  • 如果不想照片模糊不清需要锁定焦点,使拍摄对象居中然后重新组合照片,使拍摄对象不在中间

    If you don't want a blurred picture, you'll need to first lock the focus with the subject in the middle and then recompose the picture so the subject is away from the middle.


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