• 森安引领数位时代的潮流,永不止息地人类社会进步做出卓越贡献

    Company will lead a new digital security times, insist our never-end spirit to make progress for outstanding contributions for human society.


  • 被迫认错公开道歉

    Anson was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologize to her.


  • 黄石公园显然属于第二类型但是克里斯蒂就是找不到这个火山口

    Yellowstone obviously was of this second type, but Christiansen couldn't find the caldera anywhere.


  • 四周墙壁天花板开始崩塌,而此时,朱利·瑟德正在公寓内一座砖墙电影院一楼

    Julian Sanderson was in his apartment on the first floor of an old brick movie theater when the walls and ceiling began to crumble around him.


  • 索伦·德瑞一名社会科学家达尔伯格全球发展伙伴公司负责监督报告撰写进行辩护,这些数字显然粗略估计

    Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates.


  • 得知他杀了史迪

    Ender learnt that he killed Stilson.


  • 然而直布罗陀博物馆进化生物学家克里夫·芬同事们最近发现一些小德特人生存到了最24 000以前

    However, evolutionary biologist Clive Finlayson at the Gibraltar Museum and his colleagues recently found that clusters of Neanderthals might have lasted until as late as 24, 000 years ago.


  • 某个地方,克鲁利在深夜里急速飞驰,他一手握着方向盘,一手随手抓起盘磁带试图易碎盒子揪出来

    Crowley, somewhere west of Amersham, hurtled through the night, snatched a tape at random and tried to wrestle it out of its brittle plastic box while staying on the road.


  • 这些文件显示的只是40 000年前德特人高加索什么地方生活着,”没有参加这项研究的芬说:“等于他们那时走向灭绝了。”

    "All this paper shows is that Neanderthals lived somewhere in the Caucasus about 40,000 years ago," said Finlayson, who did not take part in this new study. "Doesn't mean they went extinct then."


  • 据说汤普个人支持约翰·麦凯恩这些参选人都可以瓜分支持者就像瓜分朱利的支持者一样。

    Mr Thompson himself is said to prefer John McCain. But any of these candidates could grab some of his supporters, as could Rudy Giuliani.


  • 到了上等我们的康沃尔人多利阿莫斯年前妻子加拿大人布丽盖特

    Waiting on the river in Dawson was a Cornishman, Dorian Amos. Ten years ago, he and his wife, Bridget, a Canadian, chose the Yukon as home.


  • 西声称乐意把球队认真买家里尼只是在打免费广告而已

    Sensi maintains that she is happy to sell to a serious bidder but claims Angelini is simply seeking free publicity.


  • 出席会议加勒比海领导人中的位- - -巴巴多斯岛的大卫·汤普伯利兹城的最近选举担任公职

    Two of the Caribbean leaders who took part in the meeting were recently elected to office, David Thompson of Barbados, and Dean Barrow of Belize.


  • 一旦联合皮层激活起来,德瑞并不确定创意进程中接下来会发生什么

    Once the association cortices are activated, Andreasen is not sure what happens next in the creative process.


  • 没有显著的特点上任仅仅是因为前任诺斯·福格·拉斯穆离任担任了北约秘书长

    An unremarkable character, he got the job only because his predecessor, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, had resigned to become NATO secretary-general.


  • 主要对手鲁迪·朱利、米特·罗姆弗瑞德·汤姆都把重点放在反恐的艰难上,尽量避开伊拉克战争问题

    His main rivals, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, emphasise how tough they will be on terrorists but say as little as possible about Iraq.


  • 于是正如创意人们总会一点点与众不同一些精神病病人也一样,他们或许同一个人,德瑞

    So, just as some people who are creative tend to be a little different, so are some people who are mentally ill. And they may often be one and the same, Andreasen said.


  • 德瑞成为精神病学家之前拥有一个英语文学博士学位,而且,自从成为精神病学家之后还从事着创意学科方面研究

    Andreasen obtained a doctorate in English literature before becoming a psychiatrist.Moreover, she has conducted studies on the subject of creativity since becoming a psychiatrist.


  • 德瑞成为精神病学家之前拥有一个英语文学博士学位,而且自从成为精神病学家之后从事着创意学科方面研究

    Andreasen obtained a doctorate in English literature before becoming a psychiatrist. Moreover, she has conducted studies on the subject of creativity since becoming a psychiatrist.


  • 的乔纳·德勒靠垫也不是活该受他们糟蹋啊!

    But what did my Jonathan Adler cushion do to deserve this?


  • 《推婴儿车女士》其实·1985年创作幅等身树脂油画。

    "Woman with Child in Stroller" is a life-sized, painted resin piece created by Duane Hanson in 1985.


  • 现在抽吸执行官尔斯•瑞比索文印尼马来西亚越南也推行计划

    Now Lars Rebien Sorensen, its chief executive, wants to replicate the programme in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.


  • 英国女星塞耶娜•米勒位居之后,名列第二美国女星斯嘉丽•约翰切尔•比尔珍妮弗·尼斯分别位列第三第四和第五。

    Behind Moss was British actress Sienna Miller in second place, followed by US actresses Scarlett Johansson, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston in third, fourth and fifth places respectively.


  • 德瑞指出有些之所以别人更具创意思维并不是因为智商

    The reason why certain people tend to be more creative than others is not due to I.Q., Andreasen pointed out.


  • 出身贫寒.父亲,铁路公司的劳工,12那一年去世;她没有进入大学进修,因为她的家庭得靠她的演唱做女工所得的收入来维持.(她最后获得了一个高校文凭.)

    Anderson did grow up poor. Her father, a railroad laborer, died when she was 12; she didn’t attend high school because her family depended on money she earned from singing and domestic work.


  • 有几个邻居帕蒂的关系波尔两口子亲密些,他们告诉波尔夫妇,小姐在靠近大激流市的处小湖边有所不大房子把房产全部留给了沃尔特没有两个兄弟的份。

    Neighbors who were closer to Patty than the Paulsens reported that Miss Bianca had left her little mouse house, on a minor lake near Grand Rapids, exclusively to Walter and not to his two brothers.


  • 特·罗本名叫杰洛(文特·加洛),他是个追求名利人。

    Tetro (Vincent Gallo), whose real name is Angelo, is not fond of fame.


  • •比第4大队早期王牌飞行员之一这张摄于1944年照片中,自己驾驶唯一一架P-51B型机“蜜蜂”(P-51B43-6819)的机翼上。

    Among the early exponents was Duane Beeson, seen here on the wing of his only P-51B, 43-6819, nicknamed BEE, in the spring of 1944.


  • 德瑞觉得,创意思维精神疾病之间联系一点也令人出乎意料,因为它们都为人们提供了看待世界崭新独特视角

    The link between creativity and mental illness should not be surprising, since both offer new or unique views of the world, Andreasen noted.


  • 德瑞觉得,创意思维精神疾病之间联系一点也令人出乎意料,因为它们都为人们提供了看待世界崭新独特视角

    The link between creativity and mental illness should not be surprising, since both offer new or unique views of the world, Andreasen noted.


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