• 凯撒·格罗尼兹,意大利最有势力金融家之一,因2002年一家食品公司cirio破产有关,被判4年徒刑

    Cesare Geronzi, one of Italy's most powerful financiers, was given a four-year prison term in relation to the bankruptcy in 2002 of Cirio, a food company.


  • 没有参与这项研究的宾夕法尼亚大学心理学家尼娜·施特罗明指出,希望这种影响真实的不能排除一些未知混杂变量

    Psychologist Nina Strohminger at the University of Pennsylvania, who was not involved in the study, says she wants the effect to be real but cannot rule out some unknown confounding variable.


  • 尔·尼卡袭击激发了巴勃罗·毕加索创作热情天赋挥笔揭露战争真相:战争无关权力和荣誉,它带来的是痛苦和死亡。

    The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war: war is not about power and glory, war is about pain, suffering, and death.


  • 吉娜·罗吉瑞兹是卡门最好朋友,她表现了隐藏在寻欢作乐面具下的恐惧德瑞克·丹尼科拉卡门有钱白人男友,他英俊潇洒,但软弱。

    As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming and spineless.


  • ·考特拉尼,·沃兹最好猎场看守哈利·波特》的最后一天

    Robbie Coltrane, finest gamekeeper in Hogwarts last day on Harry Potter.


  • 贯桥、方刚、尼廷·巴德瓦杰、罗杰·亚历山大、马克·斯坦

    By Koon-Kiu Yan, Gang Fang, Nitin Bhardwaj, Roger Alexander, Mark Gerstein.


  • 4月的雨天,莫罗科哈一间昏暗发黄的工人食堂,强尼·伊瓦尔·弗里亚斯和二十产业聚集在一起反对中铝

    In a dingy yellow workers' cafeteria in Morococha, Jhonny Egoavil Frias and20 other property owners opposed to Chinalco huddle together on a rainy day inApril.


  • .考特拉尼():“对角巷,了一句‘哈利波特,你是赶走‘那个人’的’”。

    Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid): It’s in Diagon Alley and I say, ‘“You’re Harry Potter. You’re the one who got away from You-Know-Who.”


  • AOL聊天节目学者访谈里,罗琳如果自己一个阿尼·斯,希望变成水獭最喜爱动物

    In both the AOL chat and Scholastic interview, Rowling said that if she were an Animagus, she'd like to turn into an otter, because it's her favorite animal.


  • 我们艺术家罗尼莫•哈预留空地让他可以在这里创作

    We reserved one of the courtyards for the artist Jeronimo Hagerman to produce a piece there.


  • 这个不可思议游泳中心著名设计师曼纽尔设计位于意大利蒙泰罗托·泰尔梅四星级酒店米勒皮尼泰梅酒店

    The incredible swim centre, designed by renowned architect Emanuele Boaretto, is located within the four-star Hotel Terme Millepini in Montegrotto Terme, Italy.


  • 我们点了内·罗尼酒,躲到后舱甲板上看着卡布里岛闪闪灯光缓缓划过舷缘。

    We ordered negronis and retired to the poop deck, where we watched the sparkling lights of Capri slide past the gunwales.


  • 肯尼·利什1985年1991年执教利物浦那时就意识到了罗比天赋跟阿斯皮·纳尔不管用多大的代价都要签下他。

    Kenny Dalglish, Liverpool manager from 1985 to 1991, was aware of Robbie's early promise and instructed Aspinall to 'get me that little Robbie Ryder at all costs'.


  • 在弗吉尼亚大学年轻人丹尼·斯科斯·罗酚爆年轻时,我们说出了些事情

    There was a young man named Dennis Cosgrove at the University of Virginia and when he was a young man let's just say things happened.


  • 胜利属于意大利属于罗索属于卡纳瓦罗,属于赞布罗塔,属于布冯属于马尔蒂尼,属于所有热爱意大利足球的人!

    The victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso, to Cannavaro, to Zambrotta, to Buffon, to Maldini, to everyone who loves Italian soccer!


  • 支英国朋克乐队组建于1975年,最初成员包括约翰尼·罗登(主唱)、保罗·库克(鼓手)、史蒂夫·琼斯(吉他手)·马特洛克(贝司手)。

    The English punk band was formed in 1975. Originally, the members were Johnny Rotten (vocals), Paul Cook (drums), Steve Jones (guitars) and Glen Matlock (bass).


  • 胜利属于意大利属于罗索属于卡纳瓦罗,属于赞布罗塔,属于布冯属于马尔蒂尼,属于所有意大利足球

    Victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso, to Cannavaro, to Zambrotta, to Buffon, to Maldini, to all who love Italian football! Let them beat it!


  • 雷厄姆参议员将对于派尼特的任命称为杰出选择”,将彼得雷乌斯称为“一个国宝”,:“从来没有遇到赖安。克罗克还要好的外交官。”

    Sen. Graham called Panetta "an outstanding choice" and Petraeus "a national treasurer, " and he said, "I have never met a diplomat more capable than Ryan Crocker. "


  • 所谓会议,”一个拍摄的MPEG4诺基亚n 90-定期较高端的手机有售,在全球各地,纪录片联合主任马塞罗门卡里尼

    Called "New Love Meetings," it was filmed in a MPEG4 format with a Nokia N90 - a regular, higher-end cell phone on sale around the globe, documentary co-director Marcello Mencarini said.


  • 我们希望毛罗·卡莫拉内西,克劳迪奥·马尔基西奥尼科拉·莱·洛塔列在国家队比赛结束重新回到球场,对球队来说他们至关重要

    Hopefully we can get Mauro Camoranesi, Claudio Marchisio and Nicola Legrottaglie back from injury after the international break - that would be very important.


  • 强尼·麦克雷斯试图接住,然而被“红鼻子罗比带刺蔷薇绊倒了,好几丛蔷薇上面

    Johnny McGrath was trying to catch a 5 fly ball. He stumbled over one of Ruby Rednose's thorny rosebushes and fell on top of several more.


  • 十九世纪前半叶,情况改变他们开始称呼自己有色美国人,小部分人自称尼人和黑人。

    By the first half of the 19th century, a change took place, and they started calling themselves Colored Americans and, to a lesser extent, Negroes and Blacks.


  • 阿巴特詹纳罗,还有或许线效力。

    Abate, Di Gennaro and maybe Zigioni will be in the first squad.


  • 佛教信徒卫塞期间婆罗浮屠寺院打坐俗称'生日大乘佛教在婆罗浮屠碑517日在马朗,印度尼西亚

    Buddhist followers in meditation at the Borobudur temple during Vesak day, commonly known as' Buddha's birthday ', at the Borobudur Mahayana Buddhist monument on May 17 in Magelang, Indonesia.


  • 满月出现婆罗浮屠寺庙塞节,俗称'生日517日在婆罗浮屠大乘佛教纪念碑印度尼西亚

    A full moon is seen at Borobudur temple during Vesak day, commonly known as' Buddha's birthday ', at the Borobudur Mahayana Buddhist monument on May 17 in Magelang, Indonesia.


  • 满月出现婆罗浮屠寺庙塞节,俗称'生日517日在婆罗浮屠大乘佛教纪念碑印度尼西亚

    A full moon is seen at Borobudur temple during Vesak day, commonly known as' Buddha's birthday ', at the Borobudur Mahayana Buddhist monument on May 17 in Magelang, Indonesia.


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