• 过几次X光和核磁共振扫描,医生告诉我,我不能重回到我的运动中了。

    After several X-rays and MRI scans, the doctor told me that I couldn't return to my sport anymore.


  • 磁共振扫描显示白色斑点出现前额皮层

    On MRI scans, white spots showed up in the prefrontal cortex.


  • 磁共振扫描显示了多巴胺释放的具体时间位置

    Functional MRI scans showed where and when those releases happened.


  • 冠状动脉中的钙含量心脏核磁共振扫描测算

    The amount of calcium in the coronary arteries was measured by CT scanning of the heart.


  • 去年磁共振扫描显示一些永久性植物人病患实际意识

    It was only last year that MRI scans revealed some patients in a permanent vegetative state were still actually conscious!


  • 科学家们志愿者们观看9无声视频他们进行核磁共振扫描

    Scientists [Antonio Damasio et al.] placed volunteers in an MRI scanner and showed them a series of nine silent videos.


  • 海豚大脑进行了核磁共振扫描.结果显示,海豚的大脑有以下特征

    She's performed MRI scans of dolphin brains. The scans prove dolphin brains are


  • 这些女性大脑磁共振扫描显示反馈迷走神经信号相应区域活动

    An MRI scan of the women's brains showed that the region corresponding to signals from the vagus nerve was active.


  • 研究者24个被试脑部进行了磁共振扫描他们胳膊背加热中度疼痛

    Researchers performed functional MRI scans on the brains of 24 subjects who were having an arm heated to the point of moderate pain.


  • 研究磁共振扫描揭示了服用咖啡因志愿者大脑有关注意力区域活力提高

    Functional MRI scans taken during the study also revealed that volunteers who had been given caffeine had increased activity in the brain regions involving attention.


  • 研究对象是一少女,分别在为期三个月的俄罗斯方块训练前后接受核磁共振扫描

    The study's subjects, a group of adolescent girls, underwent MRI scans before and after a three-month Tetris practice period.


  • 今天上午接受了不同检查磁共振扫描后,医生肩部发现处轻微的肌腱撕裂

    After taking a few different exams and MRIs this morning, the doctors found two small tears in the tendons of my shoulder.


  • 人们已经可以利用核磁共振扫描绘制血液流向大脑中的某个区域,以此解释人们当前行为

    MRI scans are already being used to explain current behavior by mapping blood flow to certain brain regions.


  • 发展趋势:2009年,美国律师首次提请将具有“测”功能的核磁共振扫描结果作为证据

    Trend: in 2009, U. S. lawyers made the first request to introduce a "lie-detecting" functional-MRI scan as evidence.


  • 孩子们进行磁共振扫描发现,频繁游戏孩子脑部一个腹侧状体的结构拥有更多灰质

    When the children underwent an MRI scan, the researchers found that a region of the brain called the 'ventral striatum' had more grey matter in the frequent video gamers.


  • 核磁共振扫描,当他们同样视觉线索,并脑部控制情绪区域扫描时,女人该区域男人表现出更少活动

    In MRI scans, women showed less activation than men in the area of the brain that controls emotions when shown the same visual cues.


  • 这项研究成果发表今天出版的自然转移精神病学杂志上154名14岁打游戏少年核磁共振扫描图像进行分析

    The study, published today in Nature’s Translational Psychiatry journal, describes the analysis of fMRI scans of 154 14-year-old gamers.


  • 赛车如果名驾驶员撞车后送往医院胶囊带有金属就会使磁共振扫描失效,因为核磁共振仪最核心的装置一块磁铁。

    In motor racing, for instance, if a driver is taken to hospital after a crash the metal in the capsule would prevent the use of an MRI scanner, which is essentially a powerful magnet.


  • 如果这些技术都失败了研究人员可以设法棺材使用磁共振扫描此项选择需要昂贵的经费,涉及到怎样把半吨重棺木运送医院

    If these techniques fail, researchers could perform an MRI scan on the container, but this option is expensive and would involve transporting the half-ton coffin to a hospital.


  • l稀土金属广泛应用绿色科技比如说充电汽车、风力涡轮机、便携式电脑平板电视移动电话等产品,还可应用于激光医疗设施比如核磁共振扫描

    L Used for green technology, such as battery-charged cars and wind turbines; in laptops, flat-screen TVs and mobile phones; for lasers; and for medical equipment, such as MRI scans.


  • 科学家通用核磁共振进行脑部扫描,发现了刺激类型存在差异因为它们分别大脑不同区域活跃。

    Scientists have used MRI brain scans to determine that these two types of stimulation differ because they actually activate different parts of the brain.


  • 有了PET扫描MRI(核磁共振成像),我们可以观察到大脑活动波动通过测量血液流动营养物等级的变化

    With PET scans and functional MRI, we can observe fluctuations in brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow and levels of nutrients.


  • 很快发现意见研究专家发现的事:MRI(核磁共振成像)扫描能够反映肺部如何呼吸空气的,需要患者保持仰卧姿势

    He soon found out what lung specialists already know: an MRI scanner reveals how well a lung moves air, but it only works when the patient is lying on his back.


  • 通过谈恋爱核磁共振大脑扫描研究,科学家了解到了许多关于”的科学为什么那么强大,为什么拒绝是那么的悲痛

    By studying MRI brain scans of people newly in love, scientists are learning a lot about the science of love: why love is so powerful, and why being rejected is so horribly painful.


  • 所有此项研究的参与者研究开始研究结束年后进行核磁共振成像大脑扫描

    All the participants in the study had MRI brain scans done before the study began and again a year later when the study ended.


  • 研究人员自然杂志中写道这些功能性核磁共振成像扫描显示,在城市生活压力反应与乡村人不同

    The functional magnetic resonance imaging scans revealed that the brains of those living in cities reacted differently to stress, the researchers report in the journal Nature.


  • 来自比利时勒芬大学卢卡斯博士领导科学家团队利用核磁共振成像扫描技术测评出脂肪人情绪影响

    A team of scientists led by Dr Lukas from the University of Leuven, in Belgium, used MRI scans to assess the emotional impact of fat.


  • 研究中的所有人都通过磁共振成像仪扫描大脑两个部分

    Everyone in the study was put through an MRI machine which scanned two parts of their brains.


  • 磁共振成像扫描显示MT +区域强烈的神经活动参与者感知到目标(假如一个小)朝向远离他们眼睛时

    The fMRI scans revealed that the MT + area had intense neural activity when participants perceived objects (in this case, small dots) moving toward and away from their eyes.


  • 磁共振成像扫描显示MT +区域强烈的神经活动参与者感知到目标(假如一个小)朝向远离他们眼睛时

    The fMRI scans revealed that the MT + area had intense neural activity when participants perceived objects (in this case, small dots) moving toward and away from their eyes.


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