• 冷却系统失灵情况核燃料周围开始蒸发

    With the cooling system down, the water that surrounds the nuclear fuel rods began to burn off.


  • 星期六专家们把装有核燃料加载反应堆。

    On Saturday, specialists from both countries loaded uranium packed fuel rods into the reactor.


  • 据推测放射性钚元素来自受损核反应堆核燃料.

    The Plutonium is thought to have come from some of the plant's fuel rods found in each of the troubled reactors.


  • 令人担忧存放在34号反应堆过的核燃料

    Of greatest concern are the spent fuel rods stored at reactor Nos. 3 and 4.


  • 冷却水位尚未恢复原有水平判断核燃料仍然暴露

    But the cooling water has not been restored to its original level, it was judged nuclear fuel rods are still exposed.


  • 根据条约俄罗斯布什提供核燃料同时回收核燃料

    Under the pact, Russia will supply the fuel for Bushehr and then take back the spent fuel rods.


  • 随着水位下降核燃料可能暴露空气中,从而增加了反应堆融化可能性

    As water levels dipped, fuel rods were likely exposed to air, increasing the chances of melting-and of a catastrophic meltdown.


  • 日本核电站问题大部分那些保存电站存储池里放射性的烧过的核燃料

    A big part of the problem at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power station are the highly radioactive spent fuel rods kept in storage pools at the plant.


  • 日本反应堆冷却系统破坏核燃料可用煮沸露出水面小时。

    When the cooling system failed at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor Number 2, the fuel rods boiled through the available water and were for a period of hours exposed to the air.


  • 号、反应堆中的核燃料冷却系统失灵而熔毁,导致围护结构遭受破坏

    The nuclear fuel rods in reactors one, two and three melted down due to a failure of the cooling systems, causing damage to their containment structures.


  • 日本一个核电站发生火灾可能已经烧掉几个核燃料,日本工人们艰难地掌控着它。

    Japanese workers are scrambling to control a nuclear plant after a fire that may have burned several fuel rods.


  • 日本技术人员座反应堆接通供电线启动一个水泵冷却过热核燃料

    Japanese technicians have attached power cables to all six reactors and started a pump at one to cool overheating nuclear fuel rods.


  • 一旦反应堆控制置于核燃料中间了,我们应该怎么裂变减慢我们可控制的程度呢?

    Once the reactor's control rods are between sections of fuel rods, how is fission slowed to where it is controllable?


  • 实际上一个用尽核燃料中95%的天然因此我们可以把它重新埋入地下发现那样。

    Indeed, ninety-five percent of a spent nuclear fuel rod is natural uranium, and so it can be put right back in the ground, just as it was found.


  • 电站三个反应堆都已出现部分熔化现象,电站方面还承认,核燃料可能已熔化并且毁坏。

    The power company said a complete meltdown is possible at the plant, where three reactor cores are believed to have partially melted.


  • 有关官员他们仍然希望解决电源线至少需要两个反应堆重新启动冷却过热核燃料水泵

    Officials say they still hope to fix a power cable to at least two reactors to restart water pumps needed to cool overheating nuclear fuel rods.


  • 专家东电公司肯定已经知道会被红热核燃料加热至沸腾变成蒸汽,这就增加它们暴露空气中的可能。

    TEPCO must have known, experts say, that the water was boiling and being turned into steam by the red-hot fuel rods, thus increasing the exposure of those rods to the air.


  • 伊朗星期三表示,伊朗安装用于浓缩一代离心机德黑兰研究反应堆首次安装了国产核燃料

    Iran said Wednesday it had installed a new generation of centrifuges to enrich uranium, and for the first time loaded domestically produced nuclear fuel into Tehran's research reactor.


  • 上周五发生的大规模地震海啸使得核电站冷却系统瘫痪,核燃料开始出现过热现象工程师们一直奋勇处理核电站突发事件

    Engineers have been battling a nuclear emergency since a massive earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems last Friday and fuel rods began overheating.


  • 德黑兰此前已经拒绝了一份在一年内大部分浓缩铀库存替代核燃料协议该协议将会致使伊朗的核武器进程难度增加。

    Tehran has so far rejected a deal that would remove most of its enriched uranium stockpile for a year and replace it with nuclear fuel rods which would be much harder to turn into weapons.


  • 由于4合金具有中子吸收截面良好的腐蚀能力、高强度以及延展性好的特点,被广泛用于压水堆作为核燃料的包壳材料。

    Zircaloy - 4 is generally used as fuel tubes in pressurized water reactors because of it " s low neutron absorption cross - section, excellent corrosion resistance, good strength and ductility".


  • 他们没有阻止自然地发生来自核燃料裂变产物燃料上的裂变

    But they do not stop spontaneous fissions in fuel rods from fuel and fission products.


  • 核燃料的形式合金包裹下燃料;并且这些燃料放在水中,外面还有压力容器

    The nuclear fuel is encased in hard alloys to construct fuel rods; the reactor core that these rods make up, and the water it sits in, are contained within a steel pressure vessel.


  • 如果要解答这个问题就要充分考虑多少核燃料,包括反应堆周围的燃料加上7个贮藏池里乏燃料。

    The answer must take into account fuel rods held in standby in the reactors plus used fuel in the seven storage pools-one co-located with each reactor and a central holding facility.


  • 核燃料组件圆柱状二氧化芯块做成的燃料然后按照一定顺序组装起来

    Fuel assembly is a cylindrical pellets made of uranium dioxide fuel rods, and then assembled according to a certain order.


  • 核燃料组件圆柱状二氧化芯块做成的燃料然后按照一定顺序组装起来

    Fuel assembly is a cylindrical pellets made of uranium dioxide fuel rods, and then assembled according to a certain order.


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