• 类似细菌的细菌存在形态组织基因组中时,基因组复制方法表现出类似

    While archaea resemble bacteria in morphology and genomic organization, they resemble eukarya in their method of genomic replication.


  • 脖子上围着几乎不出红色项圈下面挂着只大手指般粗铁皮,小桶里装着一颗黑色的枣核样的东西。

    Around its neck almost discerned a small red collar, below the fingers hanging like a big thick metal bucket, small bucket filled with a black shell looks like something.


  • 细胞主要“成纤维”,但体积较大形状不规则细胞质突起细胞大而疏松,明显

    The cells show fibroblast-like irregular appearance, many cytoplasm ecptoma, puff and large nucleus with obvious nucleoli.


  • 虽然细菌古生菌也没有细胞,但是它们的真生物具有其他共同特性

    While, like bacteria, archaeans don't have a cell nucleus, they share other traits with eukaryotes like you and me.


  • 但是自从地震海啸引发了日本麻烦事情就不一了。

    But that changed after a devastating earthquake and tsunami set off Japan's nuclear troubles.


  • 这种病毒可能具有某种独特的结构,这种结构能够影响细菌生物的病毒具有——不得不其感染的生物体,能够极端环境生存

    This virus may have a unique structure not found in viruses affecting bacteria and eukaryotes-it has to be able to survive in the same extreme environment as the organism it infects.


  • 这些研究表明:和大脑皮层前方眼窝部分参与美感偏好,脑部杏仁也同情感反应有关

    These studies have shown that the amygdala, involved in emotional reactions, as well as different regions in the orbitofrontal cortex are involved in aesthetic preference.


  • 虽然岛的事故现在被判为1986年的切尔诺贝利灾难等级,但是人员伤亡环境影响来看,福岛事故比切尔诺·比利

    Although the Fukushima accident is now rated at the same level as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, in terms of casualties and effects on the environment, it is far less significant.


  • 但是我们必须努力使OFC发挥作用,我们环境反应通常杏仁无意识迅速

    But we must make an effort to actually engage the OFC. It does not often respond to our environment as automatically or as quickly as the amygdala seems to.


  • 同上一次凯尔坚持认为全面禁止试验条约》无法得到验证,而且禁止今后试验会致美国安全和国土安全不利的地位。

    Mr Kyl insists, as he did then, that a CTBT is unverifiable-and, by banning future testing, puts America's nuclear safety and security at risk.


  • 就像癌症”一,“毁灭两个词也足以扣紧全世界心弦

    Like the word "cancer," the association of the words "nuclear" and "meltdown" strikes an emotional chord in people around the globe.


  • 这些海军要采取措施就是互相确定巡航深度达成一致(就像飞机避免空中相撞的措施一)。

    All that would have to happen is for the nuclear navies to agree on respective cruising depths (like airplanes do to prevent midair collisions).


  • 就连巴西土耳其告诫伊朗必须向世界展示所进行的计划宣称的一和平的。巴西和土耳其一直试图会谈顺利进行,但是“”无成效。

    Even Brazil and Turkey, clumsily trying to get some nuclear talks going, tell Iran it must show that its nuclear work is peaceful, as claimed.


  • 控制节律基因交叉上大脑某个部位)上表现得最为活跃,但是与其他基因一,它们在几乎所有细胞中都存在。

    The genes that control the body clock are most active in parts of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nuclei.


  • 如果我们相信我们工资了,或是块美味巧克力蛋糕就会播音员大脑其它部分广播:“准备好,有事儿!”

    If we believe we are about to be given a paycheck or eat a scrumptious chocolate cake, the caudate ACTS as an announcer broadcasting to other parts of the brain, "be ready for something good."


  • d NA一,mDNA含有可以发生变异导致疾病的基因。

    Like nuclear DNA, mDNA harbours genes that can mutate and cause disease.


  • 一个逻辑Web站点通过外加服务器农场(Server Farm)中的服务器来进行扩展NetKernel应用通过外加CPUCPU来进行扩展。

    Just as a logical web site scales with the addition of servers in a server farm, NetKernel applications scale with the addition of CPUs and cores.


  • 其他古生菌一,这种古生菌的基因组同时生物细菌的基因组具有一些相似性

    Like other archaeans, their genomes share some similarities with both eukaryotes and bacteria.


  • test工具支持一个多处理选项(- n),可以zope .testing多个CPU运行测试。

    The py.test tool not only supports a multiprocessing option (-n) for running on several CPU cores like zope.testing.


  • 电子原子运转就像地球太阳运行

    Electrons move round the nucleus as the earth moves round the sun.


  • 所有处于爱情中的这些活动但是这个活动出现临近有关大脑区域的尾状部分

    In these subjects, as with all people in love, there is activity in the caudate nucleus, but it's specifically in a part that's adjacent to a brain region associated with addiction.


  • 那么什么产品才能算得真正服务器产品?

    So, is what kind of product ability calculates to go up product of real double nucleus server?


  • 振动促进细胞运动,细胞无数名叫的线纤维悬吊着。

    Vibration prompts movement of the cell nucleus, which is suspended by numerous threadlike fibers called filaments.


  • 细胞内,都一个部分细胞组织细胞内的一切活动

    In every cell there is a part like a little ball. This is the nucleus, which organizes the work of the cell.


  • 细小原子内含不带电荷中子正电荷质子,而带负电荷的电子则沿轨道环绕原子运行,情况就好像行星环绕太阳运行一

    The nucleus consists of uncharged neutrons and positively charged protons. negatively charged electrons travel around the nucleus in their orbits, similar to the way planets moving around the sun.


  • 阿片类药物其它依赖性药物直接间接作用中脑边缘多巴系统,最终使中多巴胺水平发生改变介导奖赏效应

    The opium drugs affect the mesencephalic limbic DA system directly or indirectly as well as other dependence drugs, and ultimately alter the DA level in the NAc to mediate the awarding effects.


  • 阿片类药物其它依赖性药物直接间接作用中脑边缘多巴系统,最终使中多巴胺水平发生改变介导奖赏效应

    The opium drugs affect the mesencephalic limbic DA system directly or indirectly as well as other dependence drugs, and ultimately alter the DA level in the NAc to mediate the awarding effects.


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