• 着谜一天空玫瑰开始被思念撕裂天空飘起了冰冷绝望悬崖峭壁上凝聚,白天怎么懂得

    Looking up the sky , rose’s heart began to break, light rain came down, and cool met with desperate on the edge of a cliff. The day will never enjoy the beauty of night.


  • 镜子白色水壶脸盆外面天空闪闪发光。

    The bed, the mirror, the white jug and basin gleam like the sky outside.


  • 衢州印象和一直以来的一绿色乡村阴雨天空潮湿空气

    My impressions of Quzhou city were as I always thought: green countryside, rainy sky, wet air.


  • 的主题是“火”;在明亮的火光下,西昌夜晚的天空和白天一明亮。

    Its theme was "fire"; at night the sky over Xichang was as bright as that in the day with the light fire.


  • 们看到天空是蓝色的,但山谷下面却很暗——就像阴天一

    We see the sky is blue, but down in the valley it's darker—it's like on a cloudy day.


  • 知道爱将永存,你的信仰同天空永恒

    "I know that your love will last for all time, that your faithfulness is as permanent as the sky" (Psalm 89:2 TEV).


  • 生活中至少找出值得赞赏的东西:你宠物猫柔软的冬日天空来自朋友一个由衷的拥抱。

    Find at least one thing in your life to appreciate: the softness of your cat's fur, the winter sky, the spontaneous hug from a friend.


  • 像圆屋顶复杂系统天空出现

    So the domes of complicated system are appearing from the skies.


  • 天空中的星座分散的各看来可以串成幅图画

    Scattered dots seemed to form a picture, like a constellation in the sky.


  • 金钱汩汩流来,荣誉向他滔滔而至,童星划过文学天空。他对自己引起番骚动的感觉与其说有趣毋宁说是好笑。

    Money poured in on him, fame poured in on him; he flashed, comet - like, through the world of literature, and he was more amused than interested by the stir he was making.


  • 风景每个城市小镇都有各自的景致和感觉——独特的环境建筑或者天空;一个著名当地景点;一种特殊服饰食品

    Like landscapes, each city and town has its own look and feel-a distinctive setting, architecture, or skyline; a famous local site; a particular kind of food or dress.


  • 当然彗星背景恒星行星地球天空运行速度不一

    Of course, the comet and background stars move at different rates through planet Earth's skies.


  • 假定月球居民他们就会看到地球一面高悬天空中的巨型的镜子反射太阳光到月球上。

    If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror hung in the sky.


  • 群星闪烁,灿烂得如同沙漠天空中一银河稠密明亮

    The stars are out, brilliant as a desert sky, the Milky Way dense and luminous.


  • 后来尽情玩够了,等帐篷顶被风,清清楚楚地看到天空明白不仅一个马戏团,也是竞技场各处一而且还是一个极冷酷的竞技场呢。

    And then, when he had had his fling, when the tent top blew off and he had a good look at the sky, he saw that it wasn't just a circus, but an arena, just like everywhere. And a damned grim one.


  • 通过望远镜,可发现条尾巴呈现出与天空满月宽度长度

    Through binoculars, the tail appears about the same length as the width of the full moon in the sky.


  • 天空,像普罗旺斯天空层结中部,各式各雪花在树的顶部,其中一颗最高的遮住了天空,让人烦恼,没有

    Sky, Provencal blue; frost layered on the belly of the fells, shapely patterns of snow on the heights, one or two of the tops teasingly masked in cloud, no wind.


  • 一些喜爱的照片反映天空水中的反射导致整个风景地貌看起来如同漂浮在空中一

    Some of my favorite shots reflect the sky in the water which cause the landscapes to seem like they are floating high up in the air!


  • 一颗太阳能气球,就像传统太阳能反射镜板必须太阳横越天空时移转面向所以地球公司正在进行各种使气球转向的实验

    Like a conventional mirror, a solar balloon of this sort must be turned to face the sun as it moves through the sky, and Cool Earth is testing various ways of doing this.


  • 结果,小鹰不是往常一英尺高的地方,而是一直飞上天空找到了真正潜能命运

    Instead of rising only a few feet as usual, he soared into the sky and found his true potential and destiny.


  • 穿过高大建筑物清凉河边走去,我看见光束火箭骷髅直刺天空

    I walked between the tall buildings toward the cool of the river and I saw the lights shoot up between the ribs of the skeletons like rockets.


  • 柱状的火山灰引起天空闪电的发生,就今天

    Volcanic plumes would also have triggered powerful discharges of lightning from the skies, as they do today.


  • 心甘情愿里气候也和北方大陆一缺少寸量,一滴温柔泪在我枯涩眼里,迟疑在这阴觉的天空雨点落下

    Within my heart, the climate seemed as parched of rain as this leaden sky, for a long time not a single tear of tenderness had fallen from my arid eyes.


  • 双眼汪清泉,星星一天空闪烁。

    Your eyes are two pools that twinkle like stars in the sky.


  • 新的研究披露艘庞大邮船漂泊天空里一月亮阴影会在地球大气中掀起浪潮,以每小时200英里以上的速度漫游着。

    Like a gigantic boat plying the heavens, the moon's shadow creates waves in Earth's atmosphere that travel at more than 200 MPH, a new study reveals.


  • 基督山山顶被火一太阳染成了血红色,衬托在蔚蓝色天空

    The peak of Monte Cristo reddened by the burning sun, was seen against the azure sky.


  • 会成长变化、老去,就跟天空浮云

    Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne Cousins.


  • 过了会儿举起望远镜,转向天空,看到了绵延的群山月球投下的阴影,他猛然意识这个天体一个世界”,地球,也被赋予复杂地形地貌

    Shortly afterwards he turned it on the skies. He saw mountains casting shadows on the moon and realised this body was a world, like the Earth, endowed with complicated terrain.


  • 水资源曾经很丰富,多的就天空中黑压压鸽子数不过来。 人们曾经很认为装进瓶子里就是水资源的保护

    Watercourses once seemed as boundless as those pigeons that darkened the sky overhead, and the notion of protecting water was as silly as bottling it.


  • 水资源曾经很丰富,多的就天空中黑压压鸽子数不过来。 人们曾经很认为装进瓶子里就是水资源的保护

    Watercourses once seemed as boundless as those pigeons that darkened the sky overhead, and the notion of protecting water was as silly as bottling it.


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