• 这位少年可能某个异教团体绑架了。

    The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.


  • 很多动物一年某个时候交配繁殖

    Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.


  • 接受询问人大多数都属于某个宗教团体

    The majority of people questioned affiliated themselves with a religious group.


  • 销售数据下个某个时候公布。

    The sales figures won't be released until sometime next month.


  • 四十年代某个时候开始使用的。

    Steel cans were introduced sometime during the forties.


  • 大多数囚犯人生某个阶段服用过毒品。

    Most of the inmates have used drugs at some point in their lives.


  • 每个人生某个阶段都会经历这些问题

    Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.


  • 人们听到某个庸俗笑话后便粗俗地笑了起来

    The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar joke.


  • 股票进一步震荡下跌直到找到某个新的平衡

    Stocks seesawed ever lower until prices found some new level of equilibrium.


  • 假如知道某个词,我请他们拼写出来

    If I don't know a word, I ask them to spell it out for me.


  • 战争期间好像某个时候转投向对方营垒

    At some point during the war he seems to have changed sides.


  • 用户需要查明某个域名已经被注册过还是仍然可用

    Users need to find out if a domain name is already registered or is still available.


  • 仰慕某个人为榜样并不等于模仿他们全部言行

    Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do.


  • 如果想到某个主意直接告诉。你什么好主意吗?

    If any bright thoughts occur to you pass them straight to me. Have you got any?


  • 没有问到具体某个人—那不过是个纯粹假设性问题

    I wasn't asking about anybody in particularit was a purely hypothetical question.


  • 当时正在翻找钢笔支笔在纸堆某个地方找到了

    He was scrabbling for his pen, which had got lost somewhere under the sheets of paper.


  • 提到“恶毒诽谤”词,可能某个参议员名字一语双关

    He spoke of a hatchet job, which may be a pun on some senator's name.


  • 为了使他们计算机跟踪记录他们需要这个名字地址

    In order for their computers to trace a person's records, they need both the name and address of the individual.


  • 悄悄地自己房间里溜出来听到某个地方的只时钟正在整点报时

    She'd heard a clock somewhere strike the hour as she'd slipped from her room.


  • 聚会安排某个星期六吧,到时就可以的伙伴以及其他愿意相助的人帮忙

    Have the party on a Saturday, when you can get your partner and other willing adults to help.


  • 如果赞扬团体绿色环保行为,何不他们提名环境成就奖的候选人?

    If you'd like to recognize the greenness of an individual or organization, why not nominate them for an Environmental Achievement Award.


  • 即使到现在我们不能确定这些激进分子不会找到某个新的借口在下一年冬天号召罢工

    Even now we could not be sure that the militants would not find some new excuse to call a strike the following winter.


  • 某个星期一,爱米丽放学养老院

    One Monday, Emily went to the nursing home after school.


  • 需要全部资料吗?还是正在处理某个章节

    Do you need all of it or is there a certain section or chapter you're working with?


  • 北海道阿伊史前某个种族最后残存者。

    The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.


  • 他们可能边界某个基地加油然后发射

    I figure they probably had to refuel and launch from one of these bases that's right on the border.


  • 沃尔特斯已经某个厚脸皮孩子,是他要的。

    Walters had already given it to some cheeky kid who'd asked for it first.


  • 如果根据某个种族做出临床预测,你非常可能出错

    If you make clinical predictions based on somebody's race, you're going to be wrong a good chunk of the time.


  • 现在某个购物中心,你可以享受免费Wi-Fi。

    Now, when you go to a certain shopping mall, you can enjoy its free Wi-Fi there.


  • 已经指出人们重复某个观点是为了表明他们属于同一社会群体

    I have already pointed out that people repeat ideas to signal they are part of the same social group.


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