• 使用了一400种不同七巧造型

    It uses a set of 400 different Tangram style shapes.


  • 本文介绍了豪华型旅游船装饰设计公共处所独特的天花造型设计。

    The paper presents the decoration design of this cruise liner and the unique modelling design of the ceilings of the public Spaces of the liner.


  • 运动造型独特符合人体脚底穴位具有12脚底穴位红外针灸独特设计

    Unique plate movement, in line with the human foot acupoints, point the soles of the feet with 12 unique designs infrared acupuncture.


  • 顶面的设计大面积铝制格栅吊顶基础上进行局部的装饰造型设计使展厅整体特色

    Top design in a large area of the aluminum grille ceiling based on a partial design decorative hanging plate so that the overall exhibition features more.


  • 三星全球第二大手机厂商。该公司6月份推出了第一款基于太阳能的手机,这款手机为造型传统键盘背部配备了太阳能电池。

    Samsung, the second-largest maker, in June introduced its first solar-based phone, a bar-shaped model with a normal keypad and solar cells on the back.


  • 电梯中的马赛克圆顶天花大厅以及客房悬挂造型优美用现代手法完美诠释拜占庭风格。

    Mosaic tile floors in the elevator bank, domed ceiling lobby, and hanging bronze lamps in the rooms evoke a sleek, modernist interpretation of Byzantium.


  • 他家中的办公室里只从地高至天花柜子里摆放着一堆高端音响设备——包括一台太空时代造型唱盘,几乎去一辆二手车的价钱。

    In his home office, a floor-to-ceiling cabinet houses a tower of high-end stereo components-including a Space age-looking turntable that cost as much as a used car.


  • 他们在混凝纸制成的动物造型里装满糖果玩具天花,接着再由蒙住眼睛的小寿星拿着棒子,使劲把纸制动物敲破开来。

    A papiermache animal is filled5 with candy and toys and hung from the ceiling. The blindfolded birthday child then tries to hit the animal with a stick until it bursts6 open.


  • 造型线用砂箱、台车(根据用户要求制作),设计制造机械化造型线;输送机制造。

    Flask for moulding lines and pallet car (manufacture according to the requirement of users) design and manufacture of mechanized moulding lines. BLT or JYB series apron conveyer.


  • 一楼领域中,核桃复合木材等一些造型元素天花之间穿梭流动,形成了丰富的流动室内空间

    Within the field of the first floor a number of walnut clad timber elements are slipped between floor and ceiling planes, defining the flow of the space and adding richness to the interior.


  • 注意泡沫出售待遇往往造型外观更好地吸收声音到达

    Note that foam panels sold as acoustic treatment are often sculpted for appearance, and to better absorb sound arriving at an angle .


  • 折线混凝土形成韵律感中间部位变化的几根细的折线造型打断,增加节奏感夜间灯光溢出显得趣味盎然

    Few polyline rhythm formed concrete slab in the middle of the site by changing a few thin interrupted line shape, increasing the sense of rhythm, streaks of light spill at night seem interesting.


  • 这座圆形建筑圆顶体育场看台上的一穿过计分萤幕的O字型,还有沿著这座体育场边缘的拱门造型当然马蹄形

    The dome of the rotunda, the Script Ohio looping across the scoreboard video screen, the archways lining the stadium that is shaped, of course, like a horseshoe.


  • 使用比较广泛龙骨石膏吊顶可以结合地平面设计制作各种造型

    More extensive use of light steel keel is gypsum board, ceiling design can be combined to produce various shapes of lamp pool.


  • 前言:介绍造型立浇”新工艺设计用于小型铸钢件生产

    This paper analyses the technics of collude casting and its design, it has been applied to the production of small types of board steel casting.


  • 施工中造型变化需要钻孔切割一般锋利的刀片墙纸刀就可以切割阳光

    C. during the construction of the shape change, so need to drilling, cutting, general sharp blade, such as empty plate wallpaper knife can cut sunlight plate;


  • 人们所熟悉悬挂天花造型奇特、随风飘荡的雕塑品。

    Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to every - body.


  • 根据熔化原理提供设计制造铸铁热风炉胆的工艺过程利用导程刮造型方法。

    The technical processing of designing and producing the cast iron recuperator for hot blast cupola is available.


  • 制作装饰自重易于安装造型古朴美观表面光滑强度结实,经久耐用。

    Furthermore, the decorative board has the advantages of light weight, easy installation, old-fashioned and beautiful appearance, smooth surface, high strength and toughness and long service life.


  • 空间呈现出巨大的光秃秃的“帆布造型,包含白色混凝土天花墙壁还有新造的内嵌式家具

    Creating a bare canvas, the spaces are then washed in 70% diluted white paint on the new oak floor, concrete ceilings and walls, and new built-in furniture.


  • 空间呈现出巨大的光秃秃的“帆布造型,包含白色混凝土天花墙壁还有新造的内嵌式家具

    Creating a bare canvas, the spaces are then washed in 70% diluted white paint on the new oak floor, concrete ceilings and walls, and new built-in furniture.


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