• 我们来到巴黎的第一天早上,我绕过街角去食品市场买些杂货。

    On our first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to pick up some groceries.


  • 并非萧条来到巴黎门口

    But I am not harboring a secret desire that the recession arrives on my Parisian doorstep.


  • 西听到这个消息来到巴黎莫耐特医生接英国

    When Lucie heard the news, she came to Paris and brought Dr Manette back to England.


  • 27岁的中国女子沈双(音)为了支持北京奥运会专程马赛来到巴黎

    Shen Shuang, a 27-year-old woman from China, said she traveled to Paris from Marseille to show her support for the Beijing Olympics.


  • 通过法国影人吕克·贝松努力,它们中的部分同样来到巴黎郊区贫民区进行播映。

    Thanks to the efforts of French filmmaker Luc Besson, some will also be shown in poor neighborhood in the Paris suburbs.


  • 一对来自上海公务员夫妇来到巴黎度蜜月,也路易·威登时装店排队购买。

    A couple of young government employees from Shanghai, on their honeymoon, waited in a line to enter the Louis Vuitton boutique.


  • 都知道每当春天来到巴黎卑微的活着的生灵也一定觉得他正居住天堂里

    And God knows, when spring comes to Paris the humblest mortal alive must feel that he dwells in paradise.


  • 洛珊斯坦来自哥本哈根艺术学院巴黎作画,完成不少出色风俗画人物肖像画。

    Rosenstand completed his study at the Academy in Copenhagen and later traveled to Paris where he produced numerous outstanding genre and portrait paintings.


  • 他们中的很多经历战争来到巴黎写作作曲或者一切想法付诸实践,巴黎赋予了他们所需要自由

    There were a lot of people of the same age who had been through the war, and they came to Paris to write or compose or do whatever they had in mind. Paris gave them the freedom they needed.


  • 1893年,顾拜旦邀请世界各地运动员来到巴黎宣布了将于1896年雅典恢复奥运会计划

    In 1893, Coubertin invited sportsmen from all over the world to Paris and announced his plan to resurrect the Olympics in 1896 in Athens.


  • 所以他们往往都是通过1015巴士往返旅游来到巴黎,路线一般都是从德国出发,途经瑞士意大利荷兰,最后到达巴黎

    So they come mostly on bus tours organized back home, usually for trips of 10 to 15 days that often start in Germany, with stops in Switzerland, Italy or the Netherlands.


  • 本周其中6,000名一起来到巴黎参加每年一度国会,会上,他们奚落首相francoisFillon演讲谴责他在剥夺地方权力上所做的努力

    This week some 6,000 of them descended on Paris for their annual congress, jeering a speech by francois Fillon, the prime minister, and denouncing an effort to emasculate local power.


  • 本周其中6,000名一起来到巴黎参加每年一度国会,会上,他们奚落首相francoisFillon演讲谴责他在剥夺地方权力上所做的努力

    This week some 6, 000 of them descended on Paris for their annual congress, jeering a speech by francois Fillon, the prime minister, and denouncing an effort to emasculate local power.


  • 如果登上蒙马特高地来到泰尔特尔广场,你找到海明威巴黎最流连之地

    If you go up to Montmartre Hill to Place de Tertre, you will find Hemingway's first Paris haunt.


  • 便是马吕斯第一离开巴黎来到地方。

    It was hither that Marius had come on the first occasion of his absenting himself from Paris.


  • 带着设计草图来到世界时装中心巴黎但是好像没有一个著名时装设计师兴趣购买

    I had come to Paris, the center of the world of fashion, with my sketches6. But none of the famous fashion designers seemed interested in buying them.


  • 1991年,18时候,作为洛桑巴黎国际芭蕾舞比赛冠军,他来到意大利钓鱼村Positano赢取另一项锦标。

    In 1991, when he was 18 and the winner of both the Lausanne and Paris international ballet competitions, he travelled to the Italian fishing village of Positano to collect yet another prize.


  • 弟弟西巴黎生活年后(了9封信没有图画),文森于1888年来到阿尔勒。

    After two years in Paris, living with Theo (only nine letters; no images), Vincent moved to Arles in 1888.


  • 紧接着,盖尔辆出租车奇迹般地送回了二十年代巴黎来到了一个昏暗朦胧午夜

    In short order Gil is transported in a magic cab to a smoky, underlit Paris where it is always just past midnight, some time in the 1920s.


  • 第二巴黎父亲可是总不见回来的时候,一个男子来到家里交给一封迪瓦尔先生的来信。

    The next day, while you were in Paris waiting for your father who never came back, a man came to the house and handed me a letter from Monsieur Duval.


  • 去年春天参加影视会演(MIPTV)时我们来到法国南部每次巴黎一次非常愉快体验

    We were in the south of France last spring for the television festival - (MIPTV) - and every time I come to Paris it's just a great experience.


  • 那位著名的科学家巴黎远道来到上海看望敬爱老师

    That famous scientist went all the way from Paris to Shanghai to visit his most respected teacher.


  • 但是现在喜欢巴黎人们将要来到这个城市感受她的风土人情。

    But now, Paris aficionados don't have to take a trip to the city to appreciate its scenery and people.


  • 16岁作为商人谋生一开始海牙后来途经巴黎来到伦敦。

    He set off at 16, a seemingly conventional young man, to make his way as a dealer first in The Hague and then, via Paris, in London.


  • 里克我们永远拥有巴黎。我们没有了……我们曾失去了直到来到卡萨布兰卡为止昨天晚上,我们又找回了它。

    Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have... We lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.


  • 里克我们永远拥有巴黎。我们没有了……我们曾失去了直到来到卡萨布兰卡为止昨天晚上,我们又找回了它。

    Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have... We lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.


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