• 他们遵守他们所有的不成文规定不许说话。

    They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them allno talking.


  • 至关重要的是,由于政策界定何为遵守不扩散条约所以美国一个很大漏洞

    Crucially, since the new policy does not delineate what it means for states to be "in compliance" with the nonproliferation treaty, the United states has a major loophole.


  • 中国积极参加国际军控裁军领域活动,严格遵守全面履行国际军控条约义务

    Second, China has taken an active part in international arms and disarmament efforts, strictly abided by and comprehensively fulfilled the obligations of international arms control treaties.


  • IAEA工作确保各国遵守不扩散条约(NPT)。

    The IAEA's job is to ensure that countries abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).


  • 而言之,印度并未破坏不扩散体系相反NPT体系因其自身的缺陷削弱了,这些同意遵守条约的国家最后蔑视其规则

    In short, India is not undermining the non-proliferation system, rather, the NPT system has been undermined by its own flaws and the countries that agreed to abide by, but flouted, its rules.


  • 我们认为NPT缔约国享有和平利用核能权利应当得到尊重同时,相关的条约义务也须遵守

    It is our view that the right to peaceful USES of nuclear energy by NPT States Parties should be respected whereas their treaty obligations be observed.


  • 同时,如果不情愿让伊朗叙利亚以及以后跟风其他国家承担责任的话,《不扩散核武器条约成员国作出遵守条款的承诺同样毫无价值。

    Meanwhile the promises made by the NPT's members to stand by the treaty will likewise count for nothing without the will to hold to account Iran, Syria and the others that may follow them.


  • 核查确保军控裁军防扩散条约得到切实遵守重要手段

    Verification is an important means to ensure earnest compliance with arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties.


  • 美国作为致力于遵守不扩散核武器条约》的核国家履行自己义务会加强我们确保其他国家尽职尽责的全球努力

    When the United States fulfills our responsibilities as a nuclear power committed to the NPT, we strengthen our global efforts to ensure that other nations fulfill their responsibilities.


  • 德国希望能够达成一个新的契约必须修改欧盟条约从而布鲁塞尔审议各国的国家预算,布鲁塞尔有权对不遵守规则的国家施加自动处罚

    Germany also wants a new covenant: EU treaties must be changed so that national budgets are scrutinised by Brussels, with powers to impose "automatic" sanctions on countries that stray.


  • 一承诺这项条约核心,应为条约各方全面遵守

    That commitment is at the core of the treaty, and it must be kept for all who fully abide by it.


  • 这个义务条约核心所在,而且所有完全遵守条约的国家必须保持下去

    That commitment is at the core of the Treaty, and it must be kept for all who fully abide by it.


  • 德国人认为只有有了条约承诺法律权利才能确保遵守纪律誓约得以实践。

    The Germans think only a treaty commitment and the power of the judges will ensure that vows of discipline are honoured.


  • 文件关键第二条款把各国遵守关税时间表义务作为关贸总协定及其条约义务的必要组成部分

    The key to the document lies in article II, which makes national obligations with regard to tariff schedules an integral part of the GATT and its treaty obligations.


  • 强调伊朗官员继续遵守不扩散条约规定。

    He stressed that Iranian officials will continue to honor a nuclear non-proliferation treaty.


  • 这些运动员项目必须一个遵守反兴奋剂条约的国际联合组织管理

    An International Federation that abides by anti-doping rules must govern these sports.


  • 但是有助于作出评判的准则,即国家遵守诺言履行盟国签署的条约中的义务

    There is, however, one helpful guide, namely, for a nation to keep its word and to act in accordance with its treaty obligations to Allies.


  • 李鸿章国际法思想可以概括主权原则遵守条约原则、均势原则。

    At last li's thought of international law can be summed up as: the principle of sovereignty, compliance with the treaty, the balance of power.


  • 权力制衡检察职能检察权内容条约必须遵守国际义务决定的。

    This is determined by the power of checks and balances, prosecutorial functions, procuratorial powers and the content must comply with international treaty obligations decision.


  • 他们遵守着那他们所有人默认规则——要守口如瓶。

    They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all—no talking.


  • 我们需要遵守符合南共体协议条约,”

    We need to abide and comply with SADC protocols and treaties, "he said."


  • 基于上述理由引用条约条款美国严格遵守实施而不考虑是否是国家之义务。

    For these reasons, the treaty provisions quoted herein will be strictly observed and enforced by United States forces without regard to whether they are legally binding upon this country.


  • 这个措施规定通过市场运作提供保险计划团体保险公司须遵守2008年起实施联邦精神卫生均等条约

    The measure requires that group insurers that offer insurance plans through the exchange abide by federal mental health parity requirements enacted in 2008.


  • 欧美国家职业运动员俱乐部里签约服役除了丰厚年薪外,还遵守苛刻的限定条约

    The professional athlete are those who must observe the required rigorous treaty when they sign the contract and serve for the clubs, besides taking a generous sum of annual salary.


  • 欧美国家职业运动员俱乐部里签约服役除了丰厚年薪外,还遵守苛刻的限定条约

    The professional athlete are those who must observe the required rigorous treaty when they sign the contract and serve for the clubs, besides taking a generous sum of annual salary.


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