• 分析了影响汽轮发电机组正常运行原因介绍了清洗装置工作原理及其应用情况。

    The Causes that affect the normal operation of the steam turbogenerator set are analyzed, and the working principle and use of the rubber ball cleaning unit are described.


  • 燃煤电厂管道结垢问题影响发电机组正常运行

    The scaling problems of ash and slag conveyance pipes in coal-fired power plants affect the normal operation of generating sets.


  • 汽轮发电机基础设计达到保证整个机组正常运行目标一直人们关心的问题。

    It is always a major concern for the design of T-G foundations to approach to the target of T-G unit set in good operation.


  • 热电厂输灰管道结问题影响发电机组正常运行

    The problem of the heat power house pipe encrustation filthiness influences the normal running of dynamotors seriously.


  • 油田使用的潜油电机接电缆密封质量严重影响机组正常运行

    The under electrical machine and leading cable head used in oilfields were of poor quality, which has greatly influenced the operation of the unit.


  • 风力发电机组增速许多问题日益凸显其中齿轮系统振动噪声成为影响风机正常运行一个重要因素

    Many issues of wind power gear box are increasingly emerging, of which the vibration and noise of gear system becomes an important factor affecting the normal operation of the wind turbine.


  • 数字式电液调节系统(DEH)控制汽轮机运行核心,其负荷调节系统控制性能优劣直接影响整个机组正常运行

    Digital electro-hydraulic control system (DEH) is the core of turbine control system, then the performance of load control system determines whether the unit can run better.


  • 励旋硅式无刷同步励磁电机如果正常运行过程中出现硅整流管开路短路故障必将危及发电机组运行

    In the rotating-diode phase compound excitation Brushless synchronous machine, if one diode appears fault, such as opening or shorting during the normal operating, it will do harm to the generator.


  • 我国300MW机组100多台,汽轮机真正投入顺序正常运行机组很少,特别是国产国产引进机组

    There are more than 100 sets of 300MW turbosets with rear number operating with order valve, especially China made or imported type.


  • 振动影响水力机组正常运行危害机组寿命主要故障

    Vibration is the main fault which affects the regular run and endangers the life-span of hydropower unit.


  • 为增强直驱型变速恒频风电系统电压穿越能力,采取了变流器直流侧增加荷负载以在故障消耗掉直流侧多余的能量,使风电机组正常运行基本电压跌落影响的应对措施。

    By adding damp load at DC-side of the converter, redundant energy at DC-side during grid faults will be consumed, therefore the operating of wind turbine will not be influenced by grid voltage sags.


  • 机组爬坡(即机组的升、降负荷能力)火电机组正常运行一个重要参数因此编制火电系统发电计划必须充分考虑火电机组的爬坡率约束。

    Unit ramp rate is a very important parameter for unit running, so it must be seriously concerned when dis-patching unit schedule for thermal power system.


  • 通过机组技术管理加大设备治理改造力度,确保机组agc正常运行

    For existing units, technical management would intensify the renovation of equipment ensuring AGC in normal operation.


  • 器故障诊断系统凝汽器良好运行提供了保证同时发电机组正常运行,以及电厂的安全、经济运行提供了可靠保证。

    The condenser CBM system provides a guarantee for condenser's good operation as well as the security, the regular operation and the economic operation of power plants.


  • 为了保证机组正常运行励磁控制系统中的限制单元不仅要求投运,而且要正确整定

    In order to assure operating properly in phase lead, the low exciting limit unit in the exciter control system should not only be put into operation as equirement but also be adjusted correctly.


  • 运用该方法,通过编制程序实现复杂旋转机械系统的在线监测故障预测确保机组正常平稳地运行

    It also can program composition for implement on-line monitor and fault forecast on main driving shaft and then guarantee the complex rotary machinery even running.


  • 汽轮机组状态监测故障诊断技术保证汽轮机安全运行正常生产重要措施

    The state monitoring and trouble shooting technique for the steam turbine set are the very important measures to guarantee the steam turbine to be well operated.


  • 现在加速器系统中使用离心式热泵机组,既保证加速器正常运行,又使得热能利用降低了加速器运行成本

    We use centrifugal heat-pump that enhance the HIRFL's stability and reduce the operation cost by make use of the heat-energy.


  • ERW机组生产中,带钢大小直接影响焊管机组正常运行焊接钢管质量

    During the production of ERW steel pipe mill, the size of steel of strip hard bent influences the running of pipe welder and the quality of the pipe.


  • 清洗系统能否正常运行对冷凝器真空度机组运行经济性影响很大

    The operation of the rubber ball cleaning system has a great effect on the vacuum of the condenser and the economic operation of the unit.


  • 火力发电机组凝结水精处理系统中常出现树脂泄漏现象使水汽的品质恶化,造成凝结水中杂质水冷壁等设备上沉积,引起设备管路的腐蚀影响发电设备正常运行

    Recently, resin leakage often occurs in condensate polishing system of fossil power unit, which has deteriorated the water vapour, corroded the pipeline and affected the operation of the equipment.


  • 后经多次试验分析查清问题根源采取多种处理措施,使机组恢复正常投入运行

    After testing and analysis many times, the failure cause is found. Apply to a variety of appropriate method, the problem is solved and the units are normal operating.


  • 大型钢铁企业产生冲击性负荷不仅会附近电厂机组正常运行造成影响,而且会对整个电网尤其网架结构较为薄弱的地区电网的安全稳定运行产生不利影响

    The impact loads of grand steel plant have influence on the stability of power system, especially the transient stability of the regional power system with weak power grid structure.


  • 对冲管道进行在线酸洗,影响机组正常运行

    The flushing ash pipeline can be cleaned on-line without affecting the normal operation of the thermal power plant.


  • 这种设计可以保证机塔顶端的晃动范围足够并不会影响 发电机组正常运行

    The motions at the top of the tower are sufficiently small to allow the wind turbine to function efficiently.


  • 气压机组是催化裂化重要生产核心设备之一,为了保证机组正常运行防止气压飞动故障现象的发生,文章针对产生的原因进行全面完整的分析。

    In order to make sure the machine set can run properly, and to prevent a breakdown of pneumatic machine flying, the article analyses its causes completely.


  • 模拟了风力发电机组从启动,正常运行安全停机等各工作状态之间转变全过程

    The transformation among operational state of wind turbine is simulated, which included star process, stop process, parked state, idling state, and etc.


  • 齐鲁石化LDPE装置机组停车原因分析密封失效导致压缩机停车次数占到80%以上,直接影响了生产的正常运行

    According to our cause analysis, the shutdown times caused by the seal failure account for more than 80% in all malfunctions of the compressor in Qilu Petrochemical LDPE plant.


  • 齐鲁石化LDPE装置机组停车原因分析密封失效导致压缩机停车次数占到80%以上,直接影响了生产的正常运行

    According to our cause analysis, the shutdown times caused by the seal failure account for more than 80% in all malfunctions of the compressor in Qilu Petrochemical LDPE plant.


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