• 还没有来得及考虑我站到了旁边礼貌地接过东西——一张笔记一支贝壳钢笔

    Before I had time to think, I was standing next to him, politely taking what he offered, which turned out to be a piece of notebook paper and a mother-of-pearl fountain pen.


  • 坚定地位以色列存在权大声疾呼然而我们同样相信巴勒斯坦也应当获得独立国家地位。

    We abhor the creeping delegitimisation and demonisation of Israel. But we also believe that the Palestinians deserve a state of their own.


  • 打开皮夹,小心翼翼地取出张破损不堪笔记很明显两张用胶带补过、反复折叠

    Opening a billfold19, he carefully removed two worn and frazzled20 pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times.


  • 打开皮夹小心翼翼地拿出用旧笔记,它们明显地被用绳子捆扎过,并且反复折叠多次

    Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times.


  • 笔记页。

    He turned the pages of his notebook.


  • 先,买一至少有100页横格的笔记

    First, buy a notebook with at least 100 lined pages.


  • 出现像一样薄弹性屏幕,这种屏幕的设计就,你可以用电子墨水屏幕上写字。不过它像Kindle电子阅读器一样,是一款电子产品,而且可以无线下载

    Electronic ink on flexible, paper-thin screens that mimic a book -- but, like a Kindle, download wirelessly and electronic


  • 如果想在书里寻找答案或是你喜欢人物,那么电子版或几乎没有什么区别

    It makes little difference if the answers you seek or the characters you like are within the pages.


  • “要电子版还是”——办理借阅手续时,我们是不是等待管理员发出类似的询问

    "Electronic or paper" -are we waiting for the librarian to ask as we check out the books we want?


  • 笔记空页上写下了“”这两个字,然后进了信箱

    He scribbles the words "bird feed" on a piece of blank notebook paper and tosses it into his inbox.


  • 孩子提供教育实际上房间没有一张一根铅笔

    He said he provided an education to the children, but there was not a single book, piece of paper or pencil in the house.


  • 其他必备品一起放进装备袋,备用相机电池闪存卡瑞士军刀卫生笔记、格兰·诺拉麦片瓶装还有好运!

    It joined other essentials in my field pouch like extra camera batteries, flash CARDS, Swiss Army knife, toilet paper, notebook, granola bar, bottled water and luck.


  • 现代都市游牧民从来不他们要写的东西记录笔记电脑移动电话或者网络上

    Modern nomads carry almost no paper because they access their documents on their laptop computers, mobile phones or online.


  • 金库里藏着秘方肯德基爷爷亲手一张笔记内页上的,得知已经泛黄字迹已经模糊了

    Inside that vault, those spices are written on a piece of notebook paper, in pencil, in Sanders' own hand. I'm told that the paper is yellowing and the handwriting, by now, is faint.


  • 高中时代年册中有这样一句话:“一杯一张,一诗集就是布伦特最好伴侣了。”

    "A cup of tea, a piece of paper, a pencil and a poetry book are the most faithful friends of Bulent," read his entry in the high-school year-book.


  • 橘色黑色不可或缺装饰。” 这是我波士顿的一教学小册子上看来的。

    Orange and black crepe paper are indispensable in decorating," observes an instructional booklet from Boston.


  • 这些张做剪贴簿,贴上你们第一次约会照片或是用这些书写浪漫情书

    Use in a scrapbook to put your first date pictures in or write romantic loveletters on.


  • 她指出:“那位妇女每次上课每次拜访礼物刻品或是糖果令我尴尬。”

    Before each lesson, and on each and every visit, ” the American reported, “the Japanese lady brought me a gifta book, some paper sculpture, flowers, or candy. It was embarrassing.”


  • 我们姐妹俩小学时做出第一个粗糙的小子开始就非常喜欢小册子笔记这些玩意

    we blessing sisters have loved notepads, notebooks and all things paper since our first wide-rule pads we bought in gradeschool.


  • 今年一月份销售情况依然如此,售出100平装书,就115件电书售出。

    A similar pattern has continued during January 2011 with 115 ebooks being sold for every 100 paperbacks.


  • 市场调查公司Forrester预计,截止今年年底,将有1030万美国拥有书阅读器电子书销量将达1亿

    By the end of this year, 10.3 million people are expected to own e-readers in the United States, buying about 100 million e-books, the market research company Forrester predicts.


  • 这位广受欢迎推销员自身经历验证了上述研究结果:尽管工作漠不关心,但哈特却以聪明的“为人处事”Dunder Mifflin公司迅速窜升。

    The popular paper salesman proves the study's point, rising fast on the Dunder Mifflin organization chart with his smart "people skills," despite his indifference to his job.


  • 这位广受欢迎推销员自身经历验证了上述研究结果:尽管工作漠不关心,但哈特却以聪明的"为人处事"Dunder Mifflin公司迅速窜升。

    The popular paper salesman proves the study's point, rising fast on the Dunder Mifflin organization chart with his smart "people skills," despite his indifference to his job


  • 如果任何形式家庭办公室那么我们有可能在很大一块空间中堆满了各种各样的,像文件账单笔记或者便签

    If you maintain a home office of any kind, it is likely that a significant portion of that office is loaded with some form of paper, be it files, bills, notebooks, or stickies.


  • 某些档案管理文化中,这项点收过程通常没有用于档案系统

    The registration process is not commonly used for paper-based systems in some records management cultures.


  • 某些档案管理文化中,这项点收过程通常没有用于档案系统

    The registration process is not commonly used for paper-based systems in some records management cultures.


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