• 回来时候,他又煽起余火尽的木块,使自己暖和起来。

    When he came back he fanned the embers of his fire again and warmed himself.


  • 整个追逐场面大概长达15分钟可是会让人有意犹感觉

    The entire car chase scene was probably fifteen minutes long but somehow it just didn't feel long enough.


  • 客观上使唐人水墨山水画事业,在代发生戏剧性变化

    This objective has not tried to make Chinese ink painting career, in a dramatic change in the Five Dynasties.


  • 获得奖学金的学者继承他在非洲尽的事业将帝国扩展到更远的地方。

    The scholars would continue the work, there and farther afield.


  • 同志们朋友停止悲伤,我们化悲痛力量来完成李先生事业。

    Comrades and friends, weep no more, let's convert grief into strength and carry on the work Mr. Li left undone.


  • 意犹温格接着表示:“并不是不想,但训练之前实在没有时间

    It is not that I did not want to ask Ashley, I just had [time for] a minute's chat with him before training. I will ask him at some stage.


  • 虽然三月北京春回大地,人们感到和煦春风中夹带着几分尽的寒意

    Although the Beijing March spring answer the earth, but people still feels carry secretly is returned to wear a few minutes in vernal spring breeze unexhausted chill.


  • 星期天休息日有时候要用两个小时起床,享受分每秒意犹尽的睡意

    On Sunday, which is my one day of total leisure, I sometimes take two hours to wake up, luxuriating in every last moment of drowsiness.


  • 培训结束,参加培训老师们纷纷表示收获颇丰,受益匪浅每个人都意犹感觉

    After the training workshop, all the teachers said they had a productive session, and benefited a lot from it. Everyone had boundless feeling.


  • 为了帮助追踪直到事例完成时仍然工作量应该一天每一项任务重新记录剩余时间

    To help keep track of the amount of work still open until the story is completed, Time Remaining should be recorded for each task that people worked on each day.


  • 每天了,大家意犹尽的回家。回到家中滑板得干干净净,小心放在墙角

    Play every day to getting dark, we only get enough to go home. At home, I polished clean slide and carefully placed in a corner.


  • 三月里明亮寒冷一天晚上壁炉尽的余火散发出让人吃惊却昏昏沉沉的热气喜欢的余热。

    It was March, a bright cold day, and the ashy remains of her night's fire gave off a surprising sullen heat, for which she was not ungrateful.


  • 有长眠愿望不是一件好事,希望工作为止,明白有人继续事业,想到事情做了,也就坦然了。

    I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.


  • 海明威著名短篇小说《白象似的群山》则凸显了“零度写作”的风格,主要表现白描对话象征手法的运用以及意犹尽的零度结尾

    Hemingway's Hills like white elephants shows the style of degree zero writing in the following aspects: traditional line-drawing dialogue, symbolization and degree zero ending.


  • 他们的法国之行如人意

    Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations.


  • 小说结尾让人感到意犹未尽

    The end of the novel leaves you panting for more.


  • 不过觉得这么意犹未尽,我认为照片包含了另外信息希望,蕴含人们合作能力之中。

    However, I felt that was not all; I felt the photograph also contained the message that hope lies in the ability of humans to cooperate.


  • 那里设计美食它带给人的感受室内极具创造力产物那里的各色饮料可能待到打烊,还意犹未尽

    The design, the food and the feeling are all the product of in-house creatives, and the drinks are likely to keep you there until close.


  • 危险在于恰恰给了责任权力而且强迫他放弃无礼的立场

    The danger is that it just gives him power without responsibilityand without forcing him to recant outrageous positions.


  • 好好好》讲述的“散戏”之后的意犹未尽,四个演员片狼藉的舞台开始他们新的旅程

    Bon Bon Bon is a performance after another play.Four actors / actress have to start their new journey on a stage in chaos.


  • 位作者认为,一定程度上,妇女们全力扩大自身权益维护取得的成就,这一点她们难逃其咎。

    To some extent, the authors argue, women themselves are to blame for not doing enough to advance their own interests and stick up for their achievements.


  • 欧洲自由计划旨在扫除人员、货物服务资金自由流动障碍,仍有未尽之宜,在欧宝收购交易中便可见一斑

    Europe's liberal project-to dismantle barriers to the free movement of people, goods, services and capital-needs work, as the shabby tale of Opel shows.


  • 青涩成熟时期心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。

    A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.


  • 一种接纳并采用别处在行的创意利用起己处未尽所能人力资源

    One can take good ideas already in use elsewhere, adopt them, and make use of underused stocks of people and capital.


  • 希望人们读完这个出色故事之后还意犹未尽就是写这本书的目的。

    My hope is that people will finish reading a cracking story and just want more of them, and that's where I come in.


  • 日本一般民众到责任的日本相扑协会摔跤手的低劣行径感到失望。

    Yet ordinary Japanese appear as upset by the JSA’s lack ofaccountability as by wrestlers’ shabby behaviour.


  • 日本一般民众到责任的日本相扑协会摔跤手的低劣行径感到失望。

    Yet ordinary Japanese appear as upset by the JSA’s lack ofaccountability as by wrestlers’ shabby behaviour.


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