• 投资人同一时间买进卖出同一期权,此两个期权到期日相同执行价格不同

    It is a kind of option strategy that the investor buy and sell the same type of two options which have the same expiry date but with the different strike price.


  • 看涨期权赋予买方权利不必负有义务期权到期日当天到期之前,按敲定价格买进相关期货合约

    A call is option that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase the underlying futures contract at the strike price on or before the expiration date.


  • 看跌期权赋予买方权利不必负有义务期权到期日当天或者到期之前,按照敲定价格卖出相关期货合约

    A put is an option that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying futures contract at the strike price on or before the expiration date.


  • 到期收益不仅期权到期日标的资产价格有关,而且依赖期权合同期内标的资产某段时间内整个合同期内的平均价格。

    Its terminal payoff is not only connected with the price of underlying asset on the expiration date, but also depends on average price over a part or the whole of the life of the options.


  • 期权失去价值速度时间衰减,越接近到期日,衰减越快。

    The speed with which an option loses value is called time decay, which becomes steeper as the expiration nears.


  • 这笔交易之所以看起来高明是因为这种所谓欧式期权只能到期日才能行使。

    The trade looks shrewd because these so-called European put options can only be exercised at maturity.


  • 证券期权到期日之前便行使权利例如美式期权,该期权到期日任何一天履行合约。

    It refers to exercise the right of securities and options before the maturity date. For example, American option can be exercised at any time before maturity date.


  • 本文研究标的资产价格过程服从跳扩散模型美式期权价格及其最佳实施边界到期日趋于无穷大时的渐近分析。

    The intent of this paper is to discuss the critical property of price and optimal exercise boundary of American option when the expiry date runs to infinite in a jump-diffusion model.


  • 期权存在最后一称为失效或者到期日

    The last date on which the option may be exercised is called the expiration date or the maturity date.


  • 一种允许持有者到期日行权期权权证

    A type of option or warrant which allows the holder to exercise only on the expiry date.


  • 对于期权到期日价值可能高于立即行使价值情况,给予期权卖方一种补偿

    This is the seller's compensation for the possibility that the option will be worth more at the end of its life than if exercised immediately.


  • 组合两份执行价格到期相同看涨期权和看跌期权组成。

    This kind of option strategy is comprised by one put and one call options with the same strike price and the same expiry date.


  • 期权期权金高于其内在价值部分。通常距离到期日时间有关

    The amount by which an option's premium exceeds the intrinsic value of the option. Usually relative to the time left to expiration.


  • 期货期权定义任何在到期日交割期货的期权

    The futures option is defined as option to deliver futures at maturity date.


  • 期权回报,是以标的证券到期日价值函数的。

    A graph of an option's payoff as a function of underlier value at expiration.


  • 售出期权所获得期权加入之中。6。 7届满时间将为到期日上午 9 时 30 分。

    The premium payable on the 2 options sold by you will be added to the interest. 6.7 The Expiration Time will be 9:30 a. m. on the Maturity Date.


  • 售出期权所获得期权加入之中。6。 7届满时间将为到期日上午 9 时 30 分。

    The premium payable on the 2 options sold by you will be added to the interest. 6.7 The Expiration Time will be 9:30 a. m. on the Maturity Date.


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