• 是的也许会有原谅罪过把话说完

    Yes, it may be so. I hope Your Majesty will forgive my wrongdoings and allow me to finish what I have to say.


  • 结果是:银行业2007年崩溃之后收益增长幅反弹的投资者可能失所

    The upshot: Bank investors expecting a big rebound in earnings growth after the debacle of 2007 will likely be disappointed.


  • 那个孩子睁开眼睛眼睛,她母亲一样,着,什么呢?

    The child opened her eyes, great blue eyes like her mother's, and looked at--what?


  • 孩子舍不得天鹅,不住地回头直到梅花形排列树木在拐角处遮住的视线为止。

    The son, regretting the swans, turned his head back toward the basin until a corner of the quincunxes concealed it from him.


  • 卫星定位系统(英国佬儿管叫“手鼓‘tom - tom’”)中,水库在活点地图老是显示一个蓝色斑点,因此从车窗应该

    The GPS (or 'Tom-tom' for UK readers) shows the reservoirs as large blue splodges on the moving map which, it often indicates, I should be able to see out the window.


  • 真正危险阵营酣战正烈时,世界已变得更加四分五裂——一无际停滞包围着硕果仅存的生产率岛屿

    The big danger is that, while optimists and pessimists battle it out, the world becomes ever more divided between islands of high productivity surrounded by a vast ocean of stagnation.


  • 可以随时来到这里,把船泊沼泽地中央座位上放眼四只见无边无际的海洋。

    At times you could come out here and park your boat in the middle of the everglades stand up on the seat and look around and see nothing but grass... for miles and miles.


  • 新西兰到处都无际风景,浪漫的金色沙滩,宁静屏障经常出没野生动物

    It is full of its remote landscapes, golden beaches, Great Barrier Island, and frequent wildlife sightings.


  • 还有司祭亚纳斯盖法、若亚历山以及司祭家族人。

    And Annas the high priest, and Caiphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest.


  • 天空然后看到了——一团黑压压旋转乌云所有碰到的东西都了进去,并且骇人速度将各种物体直接甩到空中旁边

    She looked into the sky and then noticed it, a dark, swirling mass of black cloud sucking up everything it touched and hurling objects at horrific speeds straight up or straight to the side.


  • 就像出演》,为了演好一个商人,我研究了当时货币制度旧时商人的特点。

    Like when I did the "Great Ambition", I had studied about the currency and old merchants during that time in order to play a merchant.


  • 那个草坪有1700平方米那么站在里面感觉真是一眼不到置身一个绿色草原那么舒服畅快

    The mall is about 1700 square meters, standing inside feeling is really as the eye can see edge, like place oneself in a green prairie so comfortable, carefree.


  • 人们期待老师教育好那些令父母医生精神病专家或是社会工作者失所孩子

    A teacher is expected to deal with children that have defeated their parents, their doctor, a psychiatrist or two and a gaggle of social workers.


  • 看到穿裙子女人摇晃着生了痛风病拿着一个塑料袋,气息奄奄地走过去

    Again looked down and saw a black old woman wear dirty flower skirt, shaking had gout, fat legs, holding a big plastic bag, walked feebly.


  • 不禁想到这个家伙的斜视,从帽子的帽舌出来何等的令人毛骨悚然。

    He could not help thinking how uncanny the man's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor.


  • 停了一会儿回头街灯反光中,看见尾巴直竖在小船梢后边。

    He stopped for a moment and looked back and saw in the reflection from the street light the great tail of the fish standing up well behind the skiff's stern.


  • 叹息以法就是说了罢。

    He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, "Ephphatha!" (which means, "Be opened!").


  • 那条根挂帆横杠,地上不见末梢柱子,是一根桅杆。

    This colossal beam is a yard; that great column of wood which stretches out on the earth as far as the eye can reach is the main-mast.


  • 资本收益加入财富统计时,未被统计的储蓄当中经济繁荣相关的未统计资本投资总额,揭示出来有相当数量高手纠正!

    Associated with this boom in unmeasured investment is the huge amount of unmeasured savings that showed up in the wealth statistics as capital gains.


  • 渤海国号来源于唐朝柞荣为代表氏族的尊崇。

    The name of country-Bohai came from respect to ancient big racial mass Diwang that present as Dazuorong of the Tang dynasty.


  • 画家黄公善作题画、咏诗僧珙多隐居生活山水景致

    The great painter Huang Gongwang was good at syncretizing poems and paintings, while the poem monk Qing Gong mainly wrote about reclusion and landscape.


  • 俺长的那么还是第一那么尽头深深的蓝铃花,目睹那一刻仿如走进预备好的童话世界。

    It was my first time to see a bluebell field, the moment when I first saw it I was so excited and imagine myself walking in a fairy tale, it was blue everywhere, I couldn't see where it ended.


  • 趟旅程为了他们一睹苏尔(Big Sur)陡峭风采,海岸线的曲折蜿蜒,太平洋无垠的湛蓝,神国度原始广袤的

    It was a trip that was meant to show them the sheer magnitude of Big Sur, the jagged artistry of the coastline, the endless blue of the Pacific, the raw, wild beauty of God's country.


  • 可以随时来到这里,把船泊沼泽地中央座位上放眼四只见无边无际的海洋。

    At times you could come out here and park your boat in the middle of the Everglades, stand up on the seat and look around and see nothing but grass... for miles and miles.


  • 方向可以第十一个方向你可以看到自由女神像。

    You can turn one way and find yourself looking north up at 10th Avenue, but if you turn the other way you'll see the Statue of Liberty.


  • Suze抬头了一眼衣橱,橱顶上放着褐色皮箱,一只漆皮的皮箱三只手提箱包。

    Suze glances up at my wardrobe, on which are teetering a brown leather case, a lacquered trunk, and three vanity cases.


  • Suze抬头了一眼衣橱,橱顶上放着褐色皮箱,一只漆皮的皮箱三只手提箱包。

    Suze glances up at my wardrobe, on which are teetering a brown leather case, a lacquered trunk, and three vanity cases.


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