• 仆人穿的,但是注意

    She had had servants, and food and clothes, but no one had taken any notice of her.


  • 穿合成布料将使用干洗服务吗?

    Do you wear synthetic clothing or have your clothes dry-cleaned?


  • 王进来观看宾客那里穿礼服的。

    But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.


  • 王进来观看宾客那里一个穿礼服的。

    And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment.


  • 观众穿各式各样衣服穿西装有穿甲克的。

    The audience are dressed in various kinds of clothes, some in suits and some in jackets.


  • 世界各地毕业传统五花八门,穿搞怪服装的,喷泉里的,真是无奇不

    From turning up in fancy dress to jumping in a fountain, graduation traditions around the world range from the weird to the wonderful.


  • 虽然穿背心短裤冲动,但是办公室穿保持职业化老板和同事们产生积极印象

    Dressing professionally in the office, despite the urge to wear a tank top and shorts, will help you project a motivated image to your boss and co-workers.


  • 虽然穿背心短裤冲动,但是办公室保持穿职业化老板同事们留下一个积极印象

    Dressing professionally in the office, despite the urge to wear a tank top and shorts, will help you project a motivated image to your boss and co-workers.


  • 是个梦幻般的世界,这里完美白天和宁静黑夜外来生物区域,穿高领长袍通过气味无声的传递信息艾莱丁生物。

    A dreamy world of perfect days and tranquil nights, of exotic biota and Eliding beings in high-collared robes whose silent speech was a gentle thought carried on the wind.


  • 巡回法庭穿各种衣服的人——穿扣常礼服的,有穿制服的,穿燕尾服的——律师人们都接受普通教育

    And in the circuit court there were frock-coats, and uniforms, and dress- coats, too, all lawyers, men who have received a general education;


  • 火鸡令人敬重,而且地道美国土种虽然虚荣蠢笨,但勇气穿红衣英国侍卫胆敢入侵农庄,他毫不犹豫地发起进攻。” 下边是富兰克林的原文。

    He is besides though a little vain &silly a Bird of Courage and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.


  • 穿侧边一条白色条纹的艳绿色慢跑服。

    She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides.


  • 看望病人的时候,他更喜欢穿衬衫而且试图他们

    He preferred to wear shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh.


  • 狐狸太太:“这位先生穿红色吗?他一张尖尖吗?”

    Mrs. Fox asked: "Has the gentleman red stockings on, and has he a pointed mouth?"


  • 穿衣服大堆,真的太太得厌烦了。

    Uses up a power of shirts, it does, till my missus is fair tired of washing of 'em.


  • 这些鞋子中间一双鞋,跟公主穿那双一模一样

    In the midst of the shoes stood a pair of red ones, just like those the princess had worn.


  • 尽管制服多种,但穿任何制服通常都会一直穿着同一套,从不改变直到他们退休

    Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement.


  • 吐温回忆邀请参加一个白宫正式晚宴在家中的妻子奥利维亚警告不许穿他的冬季套鞋

    Twain recalls being invited to an official White House dinner and being warned by his wife, Olivia, who stayed at home, not to wear his winter galoshes.


  • 了一会儿,附近学校的一个年轻人恭恭敬敬地对他说,东西连墙都打得开——那就是能把墙咬穿的老鼠。

    A little later, a young man from a nearby school respectfully said to the man that there was something which could beat even a wall—the mouse that bit a hole through it.


  • 告诉大家使用天花板下的救生索,那是一穿木质球果绳子类似游泳池内的浮标

    He said to use the lifeline running along the ceiling, a slender rope threaded through wooden cones, like floats in a swimming pool.


  • 不管网页浏览器一张海豚照片穿泳衣女孩还是暮光特色的风格,都无法提升你的生活而只会让你分心

    Whether your web browser has a photo of a dolphin, a girl in a swimsuit, or one of the Twilight characters, it's not going to improve your life. It's just a distraction.


  • 希望一系列关于跑步文章帮助。那你喜欢穿什么样跑步?

    I hope this series on running footwear has been helpful for you. What type of shoe do you prefer to wear for running?


  • 那么来到实验室穿白袍男人告诉他们检验维他命注射剂是否会产生幻觉

    So you turn up to the lab where a white-coated man tells you they are testing the effects of a vitamin injection on vision.


  • 一些跑步者更喜欢穿弹力自行车短裤防止腿部擦伤

    Some runners prefer to wear spandex bike shorts to prevent chafing between their legs.


  • 了解库姆斯的说,办公室工作时,库姆斯为人低调,穿卡其色裤子领尖纽扣的衬衫甚少领带和穿夹克

    Around the office, Mr. Combs is low-key, wearing khaki pants and a button-down shirt, rarely wearing a tie and jacket, say those who know him.


  • 尽管这样我们还是办法凉鞋穿舒适,让在旅途中不会累。

    Despite this, there are ways to make thongs and sandals more comfortable, so you can keep your feet feeling and looking cool.


  • 现在了,华美衣服穿,交了很多朋友。这些朋友说他的人物,一位豪侠之士。

    Now he was rich, had fine clothes, and many friends, who all declared he was a fine fellow and a real gentleman, and all this gratified him exceedingly.


  • 上海人并不只把睡衣当作睡觉穿衣服,他们当时认为,睡觉专门的衣服穿值得炫耀件事情。

    People here didn't relegate PJs to the sleepwear-only division. Having separate clothing for bed was a luxury people wanted to show off.


  • 训练时阿森纳球员可以穿一双的袜子。

    At training, no Arsenal player could go out wearing a sock with a hole in it.


  • 是说女孩穿毛皮迷你裙高跟长统来上班。

    I mean, one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots.


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