• 正是一个更加有益地浏览者提供信息的方法

    That is the most conducive way of informing your viewers.


  • 我们需要澄清阐明卫生系统如何有益地卫生干预规划相联系

    We need to clarify and demystify how health systems link usefully to health intervention programmes.


  • 发明主题室,尤其是疗养室,其具有半球形形状有益地包括滑动

    Subject of the invention is the enclosure, especially for SPA, having the shape of semispherical bowl, beneficially containing the sliding door.


  • 这种动机引导做出有益行动还是有害行动,取决于社会制度以及个人能力

    Whether you will be led by this motive to actions which are useful or to actions which are pernicious depends upon the social system and upon your capacities.


  • 积极生活方式能使孩子健康有益成长。这种良好的适应性能帮助孩子自己感觉良好能拥有很多乐趣

    An active lifestyle develops healthy and fit children. Fitness helps children feel great about themselves and is a lot of fun!


  • 伊利·诺伊的顾客会对这种说法表示吃惊甚至愤怒可能会有益提醒他们他们享受低价到底来自何处

    It is an idea that would startle, and maybe even anger, shoppers in Illinois, but it might be a healthy reminder of where the low prices they enjoy really come from.


  • 伴随日益增长人口有限的可利用资源饲料动物养殖业必须有益地增进,对于满足未来需求能力,我们决不妥协并全力以赴。

    With more people to feed and finite resources to depend on, the feed and animal production industry has to grow profitably without compromising the ability to meet future needs.


  • 关键可能在于处理一些问题; 挑战未知事物可能一遍又一遍相同拼图游戏更为有益

    The key may be tackling something new; the challenge of the unknown is likely more beneficial than putting together the same jigsaw puzzle over and over again.


  • 普尔指出我们都不喜欢失败不管硅谷企业家们多么经常赞扬那些失败想法崩溃毁掉的初创公司所传达有益影响

    Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns.


  • 们就可以快乐工作,对社会有益

    They can work happily and do good to the society.


  • 博士说,“体验遗憾的最佳办法好好感受,然后尽快其忘掉,继续前行,遗憾之事鞭策自己,把自己调整新的有益行为状态中

    Roese. “The most helpful way to experience regret is to feel it deeply, get over it quickly and move on and use it to push you to new behaviors that are going to be helpful.


  • 提高linkedFA价值公司一直不遗余力提供有益资源帮助人们利用社交媒体

    To enhance the value of linkedFA, the company has been aggressive in providing helpful resources on how to leverage social media.


  • 规则常常发生变化,但总是对男性有益就这样,一致遵循状况在经济上并不成立规则却完美存在从上到下,一层层的力量滥用女性儿童尤其是贫穷的,就这样处于底层,即使一无所有的男人有人被他凌虐,常常妇女或者儿童我再也受不了少数人操纵多数人通过性别,收入,种族和阶级的手段。

    Women and children, especially the poor, are at the bottom. Even the most destitute of men have someone they can abuse -- a woman or a child.


  • 目前为止可以清楚看到,创建自定义组件有益的事情,但是最佳创建方法什么呢?

    By now it should be clear that creating a custom component is a good thing, but what is the best way to create one?


  • 所有手术类型心灵治疗微妙混合声称有益健康

    In both types of surgery beauty and mental healing subtly mingle, he claims, and both benefit health.


  • 自然世界不同国家存在重大差别张图提供一个有益起始架构

    Naturally, there will be important differences between different countries and regions of the world, but this provides a useful starting framework.


  • 这场劫难过后在发酵奶产品中的细菌似乎有效恢复那些有益细菌的数量

    Bacteria contained in fermented-milk products appeared to be effective in restoring populations of the beneficial bacteria after such a catastrophe.


  • 不严格有点道理的:未来积极的想法大体上有益的。

    Loosely speaking there is some truth to this: positive thinking about the future is broadly beneficial.


  • 相信其中危险如果点子理论没有迅速研究社群所掌握,那么它们也许它们有益影响评估之前就会逐渐消失。

    The danger in this, he believes, is that if new productive ideas and theories aren't picked up quickly by the research community, they may fade before their useful impact is evaluated.


  • 早期教教育可以非常有益的,我见一个特别聪明男孩进入学校能流畅阅读了。

    Such schooling may be very beneficial: one extraordinarily talented little boy I met had learned to read fluently even before entering school.


  • 虽然不是喜欢经常做计划列表发现非常有益的,懈怠时,清楚显示出我没完成的任务。

    I'm not typically a list person, but I have found this to be very helpful, and when I'm slacking off it's clearly visible by the lack of things checked off.


  • 事实上贝克解释道医生并不知道含氧量达到多少才是过高或者病人另外吸入氧气是否真正对病人有益

    In fact, Becker explains, physicians do not know how much is too much or whether administering extra amounts actually benefits patients at all.


  • 2008年以来,科学会议上至少展示了五项人体试验表明白藜芦醇有益人体,包括改善心脏血液流动更好控制糖尿病等。

    Since 2008, at least five human studies have been presented at scientific meetings showing human benefits, ranging from improved blood flow to the heart to better control of diabetes.


  • 找出答案 :我们听说锻炼我们有益准确说,到底锻炼对身体产生什么样的作用呢

    WORK IT OUT: We've all heard it's good for us, but what exactly does exercise do for the body?


  • 相反如果工作赌注,自己的工作成果为据,为制定更为灵活日程表开启先例,大家来说颇

    On the flipside, if you put the work in and set a precedent for a more flexible view of scheduling based on your results, that’s good for everybody.


  • 这场劫难过后,发酵奶产品中的细菌似乎有效恢复那些有益细菌的数量

    Bacteria contained in fermented-milk products appeared to be effective in restoring populations of the beneficial bacteria after such a catastrophe.


  • 欧洲没有任何别的方,可以作为游客方便到达种族冲突如此鲜活,而从中得到的启示便是有益的奖品。

    Nowhere else in Europe can you go from such easy tourism to regions where ethnic struggles are so vivid — and learning about them is so rewarding.


  • 欧洲没有任何别的方,可以作为游客方便到达种族冲突如此鲜活,而从中得到的启示便是有益的奖品。

    Nowhere else in Europe can you go from such easy tourism to regions where ethnic struggles are so vivid — and learning about them is so rewarding.


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