• 这个手势表明:“知道不在乎圣诞节快乐没关系。”

    "I know you don't care how merry my Christmas is, and that's fine," the gesture said.


  • 强壮的肌肉时可以任何做的事情!根据篇文章人们什么时候自己身体感觉快乐

    When you have strong muscles, you can do whatever you want to do! When do people often feel happier about their bodies according to the passage?


  • 快乐基于多么享受现在正在做的事情不是基于完成了多少任务

    Your happiness is based on how much you enjoy what you’re doing, rather than completing X number of tasks.


  • 任何一件热情做的,任何一件重要的事,任何一件认为值得时间精力去做一件事的时候,记得快乐

    When you’re doing whatever you’re passionate about, whatever matters most, whatever you decide is worthy of your time and heart and focusbe happy!


  • 橡皮擦致力于搞破坏时,剧情了波折,但是作为儿童读物应该对从很久很久以前...” 到“...永远快乐的生活下去”信心。

    There are plot twists in the form of an eraser bent on destruction, but this being a kids' book, you can count on once upon a time ending with happily ever after.


  • 能理解虽然可以很多途径让自己快乐,但是感到孤单时候,节日庆祝的一些东西,会沮丧

    While there are many ways to be happy by yourself, I think there's something about the holidays and the festiveness of it all that gets people down if they feel alone.


  • 追寻热情方向即使是很小改变都可以自由感觉,对生命掌控,还快乐非常不同的感受。

    But even small changes in the direction of your passion can make a huge difference in your sense of freedom, control of your life, and happiness.


  • 个不深奥值得思考问题——是否一个希望他感到快乐

    This isn’t an in-depth post, but more of a thought for the day — is there someone you’d like to make happy today?


  • 孩子奔跑蹦蹦跳跳自行车你的身旁快乐着时,很难自己为人父母不好感觉

    It's hard to feel bad about your parenting when your children are running, skipping, jumping, riding bikes, and laughing with joy at your side.


  • 很多事情可能要消耗一天时间如果学会了执行一个比较宽松的时间计划的话,会感觉执行起来比较的快乐

    There are a lot of things that can throw your whole day off and if you can learn to work with a loose schedule you’ll be much happier for it.


  • 对于这个说法专业术语叫”终身评估“,很简单人生看作整体来评估的快乐程度。

    The technical term for this one is “life assessment”, and it simply means how satisfied with your life you are overall.


  • 以上这些不是快乐工作者根据抱怨做一不想的事情会工作感觉怒气冲冲

    That's not to say unhappy workers don't have valid complaints. One thing you don't want to do, however, is let your feelings boil over at work.


  • 如果为输入快乐放松的情绪,将大大增加度过健康收获的一天的机会。

    Enter your day happy and relaxed, and you greatly increase your chances of a healthy, productive day.


  • 大多数顶级GPU都是由顶级GPU屏蔽某些功能而来,看到人们破解了那些屏蔽之后快乐心情,就会明白这种市场行为到底多么强劲了。

    Most non-top SKU GPUs are simply top SKU die with features turned off, and if you look at the success of people unlocking that, you will see that it is far more than salvage.


  • 然后灵魂,灵魂哪,许多财物积存多年的费用。只管安安逸逸的吃喝快乐吧。

    And I will say to my soul, soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, [and] be merry.


  • 然后灵魂,灵魂哪,许多财物积存多年的费用。只管安安逸逸的吃喝快乐吧。

    And I will say to my soul, soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.


  • 足够幸福使感到甜蜜足够的考验,使坚强足够的悲伤使人性足够的希望,使快乐

    May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy.


  • 即使他们抱怨不在他们身边,你的家人因为一个精力充沛爽快妈妈快乐

    Your family will enjoy having an energetic and refreshed mom, even if they complain about your absence.


  • 知道那种感觉渴望漂亮的小麦肌肤。相信,我非常渴望那种肌肤,日光浴人们看起来更健康,苗条快乐吧?

    I know how it feels to want to get that beautiful tan. Trust me, I do. People look much healthier, thinner, happier when their tan, right?


  • 自己平衡客观看法接纳自己作为价值能够觉得快乐自信

    Achieving a balanced, accurate view of yourself and accepting your value as a human being may help you feel happier and more confident.


  • 颗浪漫渴望承诺,期待着生一宝宝心上人幸福快乐的日子。

    You crave commitment, heaps of babies and to live happily ever after — you're a romantic at heart.


  • 一首好歌感到快乐,当看到美丽日出会感到开心很多方式能让感到快乐,它们与金钱无关。

    You can feel happy listening to a good song, you can feel happy witnessing a beautiful sunrise, you can feel happy in any number of ways that don’t require any possessions at all.


  • 新年之际夫人家人致以节日的问候,们新年快乐、事业

    On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours.


  • 分享对方快乐悲伤.他们对方困难帮助他们,并在他们悲伤时鼓励对方.重要朋友能理解.

    sorrows.They help each other when they are in trouble,and cheer each other up whenthey are sad.The most important thing is that a friend always understands you.


  • 然而如果他们足够的自制,当然可以从中获得真正的快乐受益匪浅

    Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.


  • 迈克本周福去休假了,所以得以聊天快乐

    Mike is blessedly on vacation this week, so I get the pleasure of chatting with you.


  • 许多精力喜欢去冒险一直快乐带给朋友

    You have a lot of energy. You love adventures. You always bring happiness to your friends.


  • 许多精力喜欢去冒险一直快乐带给朋友

    You have a lot of energy. You love adventures. You always bring happiness to your friends.


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