• 有些商品包括许多农业产品,很容易腐烂

    Some goods, including many agricultural products, physically deteriorate quickly.


  • 有些商品价格出现急剧上升正像供应突然中断发生的那样。

    There was also a sharp rise in some prices, which tends to happen when supply is suddenly disrupted.


  • 展品商品目 录后,觉得有些商品大会销路

    I' ve seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues. 1 think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada.


  • 时间后有些商品就被认为满足人们生活需要使人感到幸福方面其他商品重要

    Some goods are now considered as more important than other goods in supporting people's lives and well-being.


  • 如果仓储式俱乐部并且能力储备大量杂货的话,你会发现有些商品便宜。

    If you also shop a warehouse club and have the ability to store large quantities, you'll find that some items are still cheaper that way.


  • 顺便说一句,有些商品使用按目前情况我们已经不能正常价格出售

    By the way, some of the items are usable, but because of their condition we cannot sell them at the normal price.


  • 他们发现有些商品不能指望沃尔玛找到最低价格如果沃尔玛把这种商品起来

    They discovered that Wal-Mart couldn't be counted on to have the lowest price on some items, if it stocked them at all.


  • 有些商品之所以摆在那儿显然有它的理由,像压瘪罐头边角压碎的盒子之类;另外一些就不得而知了。

    Some of the items are there for obvious reasons, like dented cans or corner-crushed boxes; others are a mystery.


  • 黑色星期五这一天流行购买圣诞礼物很多商店特别优惠有些商品会打折,比如玩具

    Shopping for Christmas presents is also popular on Black Friday. Many stores have special offers and lower their prices on some goods, such as toys.


  • 有些商品比如羊毛毛皮不能分等标准化所以世界市场通过买者亲自在场拍卖来经营

    In some commodities, such as wool and furs, it is impossible to grade and standardize, so world markets are operated by auction with buyers physically present.


  • 有些商品捐税差别很大,如烟衣服甚至汽车都是如此。有人为了便宜货从这跑到那州。

    There are wide variations in taxes on things like liquor, cigarettes, clothing or even automobiles, and some people even cross state lines to take advantage of better prices.


  • 即便有些商品无法经由船只通过以色列运往加沙,还是可以穿越隧道---通常更快省钱的途径----被运过去。

    But though certain goods cannot be brought in by boat or through Israel, they do still comeoften faster and cheaper, too—through the tunnels.


  • 网络订单免费至沃尔玛门店联邦快递(FedEx)的营业点,然后再送到顾客家中,还有些商品可以当天门店提货。

    Web orders can be shipped to a store or a FedEx location for free, shipped to a home, or, on eligible items, picked up that day from a store.


  • 幸好还有些让人感到欣慰事实虽然一些商品价格高于2008年水平,但商品通货膨胀当时之下

    Some comfort can be taken from the fact that, although some commodity prices are above 2008 levels, inflation rates of commodities are still below what they were then.


  • 当时相比,经济增长有些恢复重要地资产价格商品价格都大幅增长。

    Growth has picked up somewhat and more importantly both asset prices and commodity prices have risen quite sharply.


  • 当然得承认的确有些较大的改变,就是个人电脑电脑配套相关智能手机,然后就是越来越丰富各种商品服务,当然质量比较好了。

    Of course, the personal computer and its cousin, the smartphone, have brought about some big changes.And many goods and services are now more plentiful and of better quality.


  • 当然得承认的确有些较大改变就是个人电脑电脑配套相关智能手机,然后就是越来越丰富各种商品服务,当然质量也比较了。

    Of course, the personal computer and its cousin, the smartphone, have brought about some big changes. And many goods and services are now more plentiful and of better quality.


  • 有些主张货币刺激造成商品价格供应冲击可能会抵消量化宽松政策需求影响。

    Some people have argued that the high commodity prices resulting from monetary stimulus are a sort of supply shock, which might negate the impact of quantitative easing on aggregate demand.


  • 有些知道购买外国商品会产生相关问题却不知道这些问题的严重性以及长期后果

    Some people know some of the problems associated with buying foreign made goods, but fail to understand how serious it is, and the long term results.


  • 有些方面这个东西非常有用的尤其是对于消费者来说可以找到符合他们意向商品

    There are ways in which this stuff is very useful, in particular for consumers being able to find the products that fit their tastes.


  • 万立群有些迷茫,他解释说:“知道为什么会觉得罪恶感;好像在销售非法商品。”

    I don’t know why I felt so guilty; it was as if I was selling illegal goods, ” explains Wan confusedly.


  • 有些商店针对那些网上购买商品不想花费运费或者不想'在家里等待包裹的消费者提供"网上订购,店里" 的多种选择

    Some of these also offerpick-up in-storeoptions for people buying online but wanting to avoid shipping costs or having to stay at home to take deliveries.


  • 有些这份工作为了贴补圣诞礼物支出他们特定的商家求职,如果应聘成功,他们就可以享受员工待遇,按超低的折扣价心仪的商品,”波伊尔说道

    "Some people are only there to make extra money to spend on holiday gifts, and they will apply only to places where they want to shop, so they qualify for those great employee discounts," Boyer says.


  • 有些非常聪敏,不至是乔治·索罗斯相信我们已经处在商品泡沫之中(尽管索罗斯先生说这个泡泡增长阶段)。

    There are some very smart people - not least, George Soros - who believe that we're in a commodities bubble (although Mr. Soros says that the bubble is still in its "growth phase").


  • 那时快速提升的商品价格意味着美国实际付出了110亿美元的补贴他们的这种抱怨听起来实在有些不诚实。

    Their whining rings hollow when booming commodity prices meant America actually spent only $11 billion on subsidies last year.


  • 促销主要影响销售分布——由于一家商店推出的促销手段在坑了顾客的同时,还鼓动他们更多商品,于是现实中的这种情况导致了实行促销定价的公司,有些蒸蒸日上而有些(他们本来会提供更公道的价格)却每况愈下

    The main effect was on the distribution of sales. The first shop to lure shoppers sold many more goods, as consumers grabbed at poor deals.


  • 有些事情已经发生了。不可否认的我们思想观念的不同是一个相当挑战对于商品风险将会大大增加

    There's something happening there. There's no denying that. [But] our sense was differentiation could be a pretty big challenge. The risk for commoditization would increase dramatically.


  • 商品价格信贷容易获取的时候,包括塔塔汽车在内的某些公司就有些不自量力了。

    Some, including Tata Motors, overextended themselves when commodity prices were high and credit was easy to come by.


  • 商品价格信贷容易获取的时候,包括塔塔汽车在内的某些公司就有些不自量力了。

    Some, including Tata Motors, overextended themselves when commodity prices were high and credit was easy to come by.


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